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Everything posted by Cdodders

  1. Always remember to add solar panels. And make sure fuel tanks are connected properly. And remember to add parachutes of some description. Thats a biggie.
  2. The ability to make/connect struts while in space, for example modular space stations/craft are only connected by docking ports, I would like to strengthen that connection and make it more permament
  3. Another solar system. With planets supporting another advanced civilisation. To get along with, or conquer
  4. Plus is it possible to add modules in a linear fashion until it creates a ring around the planet?
  5. Does adding mass to an orbiting craft (eg adding modules to space station) affect its orbit?
  6. Remote soil sample collector. Life support. Graphics optomization, lower end comps run better etc. Space monkeys. Space dogs. Space hotels.
  7. Ejector seats would make the Gemini and Vostok mods more realistic, and back-up/replace Launch Escape Towers
  8. It does have docking ports, I am leaving this one in Munar orbit though. I am more asking, as I have this amount of fuel left after going for the Mun, could I use another one to go to planets and how far?
  9. Hi I built this space station core, and launched it into Munar Orbit using a N-1 booster from the Soviet Pack mod. I am wondering, could it go to other planets such as Eve, given I still have 2 stages attached, one of which has 1/4 fuel left and the other is full. For thos of you that have used the N-1, Block G is 1/4 full and Block D is full.
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