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Everything posted by technion

  1. Well done.. I've never been able to make a lander of that style before.
  2. That's become a fairly normal standard these days for SEO reasons. Protip: it doesn't actually matter. This will still land you on this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/126581-wreughuryegfqgwyuke
  3. Thanks a tonne, but could I ask for specifics? I've spent half an hour searching that menu :p
  4. Duna's air is thin enough that it doesn't practically matter. My Duna lander is still a FLT-200, with three radially mounted FLT-200's. It cares not for the heat, although drogue chutes are definitely needed.
  5. Hi, I'm sure for a lot of people this new right click view is a feature, but for someone trying to repeatedly right click on precisenode, it's a huge pain.
  6. Self replicating bots taking out planets. That's basically how the universe ended in the series Lexx. [IMG]http://www.sadgeezer.com/Legacy/lexx/lex-20g.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Thanks for all this. The concept is quite obvious, I guess I just didn't expect it to be accurate. You're shooting at Pluto from a long way away. 0.1degrees means a lot, yet you're just looking at the position of a star and declaring you know where you are.
  8. [quote name='EdFred']I never worry about cost! [/QUOTE] I only play career, and cost of rockets still isn't a huge factor. In early games, building upgrades needed for manoeuvre nodes and surface samples cost way more than any launch I would put together, and later, you find yourself with so much cash it stops being relevant.
  9. [quote name='LostOblivion']Did Squad remove reaction wheels from the Mk1 Lander Can in 1.0.5?[/QUOTE] I dropped one on Duna ten minutes ago. Other than the fact I fitted it with a scientist and thus couldn't use SAS, it was completely usable. That is to say, it could definitely turn itself. Including upside down, because apparently I put the chutes on the bottom.
  10. How the heck does a guidance computer work in space? Navigating my car only works because there are GPS's that know where they are above me. In particular, early rockets and moon landers had no such thing. It's not like a computer can "focus view" on pluto and then fiddle with precisenode until it sees New Horizons getting just as closed as it's meant to.
  11. [quote name='GoSlash27']Technion, [U][B]You definitely want that tech node! [/B][/U]Run, do not walk to click on that node.Best, -Slashy[/QUOTE] Wow.. now that is awesome. I think I'll be all over that.
  12. If I ran KSP development.. I would spend so much time running through a QA process that the much less buggy 0.1 alpha release would be due "any year now".
  13. This could play into a terrier top stage being less effective.
  14. I've noticed it's much more difficult to slow down to a safe speed for parachutes, and I've found myself opening them at <4km. It's going to be interesting trying to directly insert from Eeloo like I used to.
  15. I can deal with waiting if I can hit 2,3 of those targets in one flight
  16. Hi, I'm looking at some of these new jet parts, and I'm wondering if they make it feasible to build a small jet early on in career mode, suitable for clearing a bunch of those early Kerbin contracts? If I grab that node with the Juno, will I regret it? I know someone's always been able to show me an entry tier jet, but I never felt you had enough parts to actually make practical use of in early career in pre-1.0.5.
  17. https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=kerbalspaceprogram.com&latest The SSL chain isn't configured properly on their web server. This isn't something you'll be able to resolve - they'll need to get someone to fix the website.
  18. It was annoying that landing here was one of the hardest things in the game for me, so I'm pretty excited they've brought a reward into it.
  19. At some point this is down to how you like to play the game. Fixes like "drive slowly" and "have engines" don't appeal to me - so I basically only use rovers on Eve, where I find them fun. I've been meaning to try Tylo at some point.
  20. The thing about Duna is you tend to be well and truly done with it by the time you actually unlock the aerospike (assuming career mode).
  21. Did something drastically change in 1.0.5? Because I had a near identical inner section on a rocket, and another stage of aerospikes outside that, and it really struggled. I seemed to be more effective at dealing with Eve in pre-1.0 when I had these massive contraptions.
  22. Having recently had a similar issue.. you should also be able to right click the xenon tank and disable it. This further breaks the realism for me, given that you can do that, but can't shut down the engine. Any way, do that, the ion will die, and you will gain control.
  23. This is exactly what Deadly Reentry does. Are you sure you don't have at least the part file from that?
  24. Coming down in a lander with a heat shield is nothing to particularly fear. It's coming down with a vehicle big enough to return that it's a problem.
  25. Check C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\Screenshots.
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