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Posts posted by bullettMAGNETT

  1. First time seeing this mod, it sounds amazing - but confirmed not working for v1.0

    Best of Luck! :)

    Do let us know of any developments!

    Haven't had much time to keep messing around with the config but so far making the sounds work without replacing the originals is not working well :S If anyone have any ideas how to implement them with a .dll or mm let me know ^_^

  2. Very colourful OP, very nice sounds. But how to use it? I don't see a version compatible with 1.0 anywhere. The information and files aren't there. I also am not keen on any "low-tech" mods that replace stock files. Hooking and differential loading was invented for a reason.

    Howdy BmB, currently i have not been able to finish updating due because i have a horrible flu. I ended up deciding not to do it the old "low-tech" way. A friend of mine is more code savy than me and he is helping with the workings on if. In the meantime i guess you have to be patient or use the low tech version when i finish it. :(

    if you can suggest me to some alternatives to hooking files and differential loading it would be amazing. Like i mentioned a friend is working on something for his mod that might help my mod on the way. But i believe hes been busy with other stuff too, so in that regard i depend on him for more advanced stuff.

    I'm on my own way planing to figure out how to do some low enough tech lol without replacing stock files.

  3. You just need a MM patch for the sounds ?

    EDIT- See you haven't updated to .90

    hey there MeCripp, yeah i was trying to make a mm file to replace the standard sounds, but i never managed to get it working. :(, no i haven't tried 0.90 i think i should update the game too, its been a while since i played ksp because of me failing with the sounds lol

    ill implement the sounds when or if its possible. but so far i'm at a roadblock :S

  4. Hello, just wanted to share my space program Kerbal suit. I decided to make a complete personal suit for them, more immersion :)

    I present to you:

    The Kragon Suit Mk3

    Inspired by the Mythological Kragon, that ate roasted kerbals, say the legends. (probably the kraken's cousin) the suit is composed of durable and flexible skin, offering maximum protection to the kerbals inside. -Developed by BullettAerospace





  5. Hey nli2work, the mod is a Sound Replacement, started before HotRockets, but the aim of A.R.P is only on Sounds for Engines and other Parts. Originally is with no plugin (since i've got like 0 knowledge on coding) It works for now replacing the original .cfg file for the engines. Haven't figured out how to actually use them with MM without having no bugs (ie: missing exhaust flames, no sound ) and HotRockets mess with A.R.P files. The guys above have posted some possible fixes so ill be exploring them to see if i can finally get it to work with MM and not conflict with hotrockets.

  6. Hello guys! im not dead! the mod is not dead! and i'm not given up :D sorry for my "disappearing" i posted a small update on the main page. Im very sorry for the ghost town here. I had trouble with hotrockets messing up my configs and i couldn't figure it out. I continued working on new sounds, but life threw me a curb ball so i had to pause working on the mod since my last update. I'll try to get back into it ASAP and implement if possible the new info you guys have brought!

  7. Hey Technogeeky!

    Thanks for the tip, i'll be trying it ASAP! :) i was starting to get frustrated :/

    From the module manager thread:

    2. @PART[myPart]:Final {...} is for "tweakers", who want to release a set of reconfigurations of other peoples' parts that changes gameplay, or personal patch. The change with :Final are applied after all others are done.

    Try just putting :Final at the end of your part MM declerations, to make sure they're loaded last.

  8. Hello everyone, thanks for reading.

    Im the creator of the Audio Replacement Project Mod ( A.R.P ) in Version 1.0 i used a simple method to change the sounds for the rockets. Then i started working on a way to used ModuleManager to implement the new way audio works.

    It was working in a way, sound was being played BUT! a new problem Arrived :(

    Since the release of Nazari's HOT ROCKETS, i noticed my sound stopped working with that mod. check the cfg and found that it overrides the default ksp sounds, and it overrides my cfg for ModuleManager.

    i got no ideas on how to make it work.

    I have a simple request, i need help to fix my mod. Ive got no programming experience to make a plugin.

    Here is an example of how my sound CFG looks like for the lv-909




    @PART[liquidEngine3] // lv-909








    channel = Ship

    clip = BARP/Sounds/sound_eng_bullettarp_v0100

    !clip = sound_vent_medium

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 1.0







    channel = Ship

    clip = BARP/Sounds/sound_lv909_bullettarp_v0100

    !clip = sound_rocket_hard

    volume = 0.0 0.0

    volume = 1.0 1.0

    pitch = 0.0 0.5

    pitch = 1.0 1.0

    loop = true







    channel = Ship

    clip = BARP/Sounds/sound_dis_bullettarp_v0100

    !clip = sound_sound_vent_soft

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 1.0







    channel = Ship

    clip = BARP/Sounds/sound_flo_bullettarp_v0100

    !clip = sound_explosion_low

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 1.0





    And this is Hot Rockets part for the same Engine (notice it's addressing the ksp sounds too, and will override my configuration )

    @PART[liquidEngine3] //LV-909
















    name = flamethrust

    modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/flamestandard

    transformName = thrustTransform

    emission = 0.0 0.0

    emission = 0.05 0.99

    emission = 0.75 1.21

    emission = 1.0 1.25

    speed = 0.0 1.70

    speed = 1.0 1.65

    energy = 0.0 0.33 // Same for energy

    energy = 1.0 0.99 // Same for energy

    fixedEmissions = false




    channel = Ship

    clip = sound_rocket_hard

    volume = 0.0 0.0

    volume = 1.0 1.0

    pitch = 0.0 0.2

    pitch = 1.0 1.0

    loop = true







    name = smokethrust

    modelName = MP_Nazari/FX/smokejet

    transformName = thrustTransform

    emission = 0.0 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 0.07 0.0 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 0.2 0.4 // Curve for emission like stock

    emission = 1.0 1.1 // Curve for emission like stock

    energy = 0.0 0.2 // Same for energy

    energy = 1.0 3.2 // Same for energy

    speed = 0.0 1.0 // And speed

    speed = 1.0 0.8 // And speed

    grow = 0.0 0.0 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

    grow = 1.0 0.15 // Grow the particles at 0% per seconds ( 0.02 would be 2% )

    scale = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

    scale = 1.0 1.0 // Rescale the emitters to +0%

    offset = 0.0 0.0 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

    offset = 1.0 0.5 // Move the particle emitter away from its default position by x meters

    size = 0.0 1.0 // Rescale the particles to +0%

    size = 1.0 1.1 // Rescale the particles to +0%

    renderMode = "Billboard" // Render mode : Billboard / SortedBillboard / HorizontalBillboard / VerticalBillboard / Stretch

    collide = false // Collision active or not

    collideRatio = 0 // how the particles react on collision. 1 is a mirror bounce, 0 is go parallel to the hit surface

    fixedScale = 1.0 // Fixed rescale of the particle emitter (for when you rescale the model)

    sizeClamp = 50 // Limits particle size. Default to 50

    // ***************

    // From here the value are not the default anymore.

    // ***************

    angle = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the angle between the emitter transform and camera is lower than 45°

    angle = 45.0 1.0

    angle = 50.0 1.0

    distance = 0.0 1.0 // Display if the distance to camera is higher than 110

    distance = 100.0 1.0

    distance = 110.0 1.0

    emission // Modulate emission from mach and density curve. You can add other section for size, energy, speed, grow, offset and scale


    mach = 0.0 1.0

    mach = 0.8 1.0 // don't display until mach .8

    mach = 1.0 1.0

    density = 1.0 1.0

    density = 0.4 1.0 // don't display over .4 atmo

    density = 0.3 1.0

    density = 0.002 1.0

    density = 0.001 0.0 // and stop under .001








    channel = Ship

    clip = sound_vent_medium

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 2.0

    loop = false







    channel = Ship

    clip = sound_vent_soft

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 2.0

    loop = false







    channel = Ship

    clip = sound_explosion_low

    volume = 1.0

    pitch = 2.0

    loop = false






    @name = ModuleEnginesFX

    //engineID = rocketengine

    runningEffectName = powersmoke

    directThrottleEffectName = powerflame





    %type = ModuleEnginesFX






  9. Hey Gaiiden , is that using module manager? btw part of not sounding meaty is because the jet uses 2 sounds while runing, sound_jet_low_bullettarp_v0100 / / sound_jet_hard_bullettarp_v0100

    I did manage to get it to produce some sound while ARP is installed. I've only use the basic jet engine but the thrust audio is definitely there and modulates with throttle input. It doesn't sound as meaty as the regular ARP version but it'll do if you want the sweet afterburner


    @clip,0 = Squad\Parts\Engine\JetEngine\part\Sounds\sound_jet_low_bullettarp_v0100
    @clip,1 = Squad\Parts\Engine\JetEngine\part\Sounds\sound_jet_engage_bullettarp_v0100
    @clip,2 = Squad\Parts\Engine\JetEngine\part\Sounds\sound_jet_disengage_bullettarp_v0100
    @clip,3 = Squad\Parts\Engine\JetEngine\part\Sounds\sound_jet_flameout_bullettarp_v0100

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