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Everything posted by lrd.Helmet

  1. extract the contents of "cormorant Aeronology 1.5.1" into gamedata. The game data folder should contain (at least): - Squad - Squadexpansion (if you have the dlc) - Cormorant Aeronology - Modulemanager 3.0.7.dll - Firespitter
  2. Yeah it is. Though I found that it works pretty well as an fly-by-wire system. Might need to turn moderation on or off though during launch. Reentry with the autopilot is amazing, as long as you switch off moderation.
  3. KSP SAS isn't great with asymmetric rockets. There is no real way around this, though something like atmospheric autopilot helps a lot. So it is not your fault. try this mod, as far as I know it still works:
  4. B1 and B2 would probably be the left and right engine respectively. However, then the question would be what is the left or right on a rocket?
  5. Theoretically speaking an aerospike has an infinitely long nozzle. Which would be perfectly optimised for the vacuum of space.
  6. How did I miss this one?!! I've been looking for razorback style cockpits for so long. They look great! Going to install this mod asap.
  7. Uncharted, Bioshock 2, Mass Effect & Elder Scrolls online come to mind. I'm not saying the multiplayer is poorly executed mind you, but regarding active player base and actually being relevant these additions were totally worthless. And in my opinion a waste of resources. I think it just boils down to what KSP; must have, should have, could have or won't have. The question is where multiplayer is and more specifically (to stay ontopic) where activities without timewarp are on that list. And where development currently is (I think the "must have" stage is complete, as the devs have said that ksp is feature complete. And that we are right now in the "should have" stage, seeing as all the visual design elements are getting a makeover and it looks like there is an actual art-direction.) I don't really agree with that, I think most people are not really irrationally hating on changing or adding things. It's just that people feel differently about what is important and having to add mp (for example) would take time away from developing other things. And the devs don't really need to say anything, because for the simple fact that there are loads and loads of suggestions and it would be a day job just to keep track and respond and discuss everything that is talked about. Not saying I wouldn't want to hear from them, but just that it isn't really practical. In my line of work clients/customers who want to be kept in the loop and take a disproportional amount of time to please don't really make my life easier (and most are dumped as soon as the project is finished, lol ).
  8. No, it wouldn't. There are numerous examples (of games) out there where a multiplayer mode is tacked on to a single player game, where it is completely useless and any time spent by the developers on the mp would be better spent on the core game. So far all your arguments about why there should be a multiplayer are better suited for different games. I would suggest you try Garry's mod, you can build stuff, race stuff, shoot stuff, fly stuff, anything really. I think it is pretty clear what the core of KSP is about and what it should be. And all the other things are not part of that, but if you really want something that is outside of its scope you can mod it in.
  9. Great! I was looking for something like this. I don't want to be annoying, but how is this patch coming along? Thanks for the great mod btw. Seeing the shuttle reenter is glorious.
  10. I have this same problem. Although since last update I can't play ksp anymore on my Macbook. Still I'd like to see this adressed and be able to appreciate retina in all its glory
  11. ^this I love the russian space technology, but the Nasa flag became available when they added the Ksp version of the SLS. Not sure about the ESA flags though (I remember it was some publicity thingy). So unless Roscosmos does something similar, I wouldn't expect to see those flags anytime soon. Then again, I would love to have some genuine russian/soviet parts ingame.
  12. Should be fine. I'm playing on a Macbook pro 2013. Just turn down some settings and you're good to go.
  13. This sounds a lot like "I'm just going to do what people don't want me to do whether they like it or not. Because in the end they will get used to it any way.". Sorry, but I honestly don't get what you're saying.
  14. And where would be the challenge in that? If you put it that way it wouldn't matter wether or not I add that extra dv or not. edit: whether it is a non-argument? what? The entire discussion is about what specific people want or don't want. None of this is factual...
  15. Definitely not. Resupply missions would become very tedious after a while. And when it would be optional, I'm one of those guys who feel like missing out because I selected 'no life support' in the pre-game settings. And then I would select 'life support active', which would probably end in me never ever playing the game again and also not recommending it to somebody else. Simply because Life support made the game too tedious, boring and repetitive. I see KSP as a sandbox in which I can do whatever I want as long as it conforms to physics. Which is a lot of fun, but when I have to start managing my kerbals like they are dumb sims people I'd get bored after 2-3 hours.
  16. regarding life support, Honestly it would make me quit the game and probably ask for a refund. KSP is about orbital mechanics and getting somewhere (and engineering challenges), it ain't about managing the kerbals on board. You could say life support modules add engineering challenges, but it would only end up in some parts that you would add or you'd have to fly up to your craft to resupply. I don't see the "fun" in that, if you do then I suggest you take a look at the mod section. Atleast that's what I do, I have a boatload of mods running, but although I love all of them. Probably none of them are fit for vanilla. It is just the way it is. Some things are fit for stock and some aren't, Life support is one of those things. Ps: I also have doubts about the comm system. I'd love to have a more fleshed out career first. And the planets should be more interesting...
  17. ehm, that's not what that article says. They're going to use test flights as possible launch platforms for payloads. Earning some money while still being in the atmospheric test phase.
  18. I probably messed it up somewhere. I'll reinstall and check it again in the near future. EDIT: It is working just fine now. I don't know what happened.
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