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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. but when is the release date for 1.0? thanks
  2. science and money boosts are the only thing that should increase. the rest is awful...
  3. yeah i agree with the idea that it's broken... i had gotten away from ksp, came back for 0.25. tried the rep-->money strategy, thought it was lame cause a) i didn't make any money and was slowing down the introduction of new contracts then later on i tried the money-->science strategy, forgot about it, and after doing 3/4 missions i checked my science tab and i was at like 2.5k or something... i wasn't even doing science on those missions, just stupid little contracts. only been to the moon once in this save. science is broken by that strategy. admin building is kinda stupid imho.
  4. Well, thanks again for all the great response. Was really excited to play 0.24 today. Downloaded it, played for a decent chunk of time, and wow, was i disappointed. Missions don't really drive anything, just seem kind of goofy. Not really any punishment concerning funds imho, most missions are easy and pay out heavily. i'm sorry, but i got sick of mining science again. not interested in pursuing that all again, when there's not some like supercool thing waiting at the end. maybe if you could colonize other planets (and have incentive to do so other than personal goals)...something.... well, i'm out. i think the game has peaked for me. still just feels like a sandbox considering how easy it is to have huge amounts of extra money if you play smart. later all
  5. wow sorry for going afk...thanks for all the great responses. yes i think KSP is a fantastic game, but maybe i just don't have the time it deserves anymore. the "wonder" is gone for me, but that is just me. the new video makes the next update look great, but i get the vibe it will get very old very fast unless there is someone (or multiple) factions in game to compete against (a legitimate space race is what would truly make the new contracts mechanics interesting) i will wait and see but again i think i have moved past ksp
  6. end game, will it be worth it? not price, but the wait. i was obsessed for a good 6 months or so. but it got boring. i don't look forward to the updates. mods get tiresome. i'm sorry, im not trying to be a downer. maybe i've just "gotten over" ksp...? not sure if i should keep checking back to see when it will update / be complete. i'm not sure the final game will have enough to make the game "worth it" by that i mean, the wait, etc. i envy the players who will find out about it after completion. ksp is awesome now, but i feel like i've gotten over it. also, tons of interesting space games coming out, with combat. maybe i'm just over the sim-nature of ksp. thank you
  7. my first trip to laythe, i had 3 kerbals taking off and rendevouszing back with their return-to-kerbin ship that was in orbit at 70km or something. i ran out of fuel right as a made the relative speed come to 0 when they were about 300m from the ship, and then used almost all of the remaining rcs (i hadnt stocked that much to begin with) to complete the maneuver i think i finished with like 1.5 rcs or something left
  8. i wanted to fall into modworld, but my computer keeps me in check sadly youll be fine
  9. logged onto ksp forums hoping for someone working on dragon v2 mod... was NOT disappointed thanks for all the hard work
  10. ooo nice, didn't know that! i wonder where else they have been used
  11. not trying to start anything about religion or anything so hope it's ok to post this..,. was watching this funny video and had to check like 3 times i didnt have ksp running in the background. soooo hard to focus haha
  12. i like rovers for roleplaying but tbh i think a good hopper is more fun if you could set waypoints for rovers (combined with timewarp) it would be a really nice feature. yeah sure i know "well what if your rover can't go over the terrain" yeah but idk i hate sitting there and driving and driving only to realize i haven't really gone anywhere bu that's just me...definitely not knocking on anyone that enjoys that.
  13. my heavy lifters are called Gibraltar each version has a new number
  14. you don't have to be that gentle. i think it's more important that the claw itself is going to hit perpendicular to a flatish surface on the asteroid... i went straight into a flat side of one with the arm at 1.5-2.0 m/s and it worked flawlessly. however another time i was a bit sideways going at 0.2 m/s and my craft just went out of control. ymmv
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