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Everything posted by JeffreyCor

  1. Not YET, sitting for the Bar in July and IP was an elective when obtaining my JD and also maintain a blog explaining general legal concepts. There is no set time for abandonment, it is taking as a totality of circumstances as one is not permitted to horde IP. Given the length of time, no action in any way on the part of the holder, stating looking for a maintainer and requesting those interested to contact but not checking back since 1 month after such statement, and specific statement of abandoning another. Anyone that is interested I strongly recommend TO consult an active attorney, which would most likely be free especially from all that I know, as the license does not allow for work to be retained without activity to maintain or defend such property.
  2. Intellectual property law, abandonment of the property terminates the rights of the license holder.
  3. Given the totality of circumstances there is a strong case for abandonment to apply.
  4. This was discussed before. -MM- does not want to apply changes to specific mods such as RT but said he would consider the new stock antennas. He has has a lot on his plate so doubt he's had time to look into that even.
  5. Small addendum, going into TweakScale and removing the Patches folder will prevent TS from applying to nearly everything under the sun and only to parts in mods that require it.
  6. Yes absolutely! I love this mod!
  7. astonishing, at quick first check 1.4 does not seem to have blown up KCT Almost every other mod seem to have including RealChutes so once that is updated who knows what may happen with SR
  8. You don't seem to understand what a different save it. You seem to be confusing them with quicksaves. Different saves are different "games" and upgrades in one DO NOT effect any other. Bottom line, no there is no way to roll back an upgrade because there is no need to roll back upgrades.
  9. It gives only benefits without any penalty, thus there is no reason for reverting to a pre upgraded part the way the mod is implemented. This has been discussed at length in this forum previously. Upgrades part are applied only per save. It does NOT effect any other save you have. If you encountered such you have a problem with your game which is not part of the mod.
  10. No, as there is no need to. There is no down side to an upgraded part.
  11. With ClickThroughBlocker now a requirement a link to that should probably be added to the OP.
  12. You were likely missing MagiCore. That is a requirement for KCT and SY, but SY is not a requirement for KCT. Important thing is you have it working.
  13. Yes. Been using it for quite a while in 1.3.1 and working great
  14. Ditto, AmpYear looks like is being the problem. I can't even think of any inputs AmpYear uses so never would have guessed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4spluon3qsw9t2c/screenshot1.png?dl=0 UPDATE: AmpYear is not the only conflict. I removed AmpYear to test and redid the procedure. Now current input lock is AGExtControlLock. So there are at least 2 that are not playing well with AirlockPlus. https://www.dropbox.com/s/runo9f2grj877en/screenshot0.png?dl=0
  15. The warnings are because of crybabies that freak out is something doesn't go right. Very few times have I ever encountered a save breaking bug over the years and usually only after a major update. I believe KCT is stable enough for a regular release and SR as bugs there seem to be minor. The only one that has issues is SY.
  16. What problem are you having with KCT? I have not found any problems, and if it's not broke don't "fix" it. If you have encountered a problem please do post what it is and the log.
  17. I see several we both have. I've been able to determine there is no conflict with Filter Extensions, Toolbar, EVA Enhancements Continues, KAS, KIS, Inferal Robotics (MagicSmoteIndustries), KerbalKonstructs, Kerbenside, KRnD, Nav Utilities. There are several others in common but those I thought might most likely cause the boarding issue. As those are ruled out it looks like it is something obscure.
  18. I tired with a clean install and boarding does work, so something is conflicting from the Ctrl-B / Shift-B input being captured. Behavior I'm having is identical to that eberkain described.
  19. With I believe, but I am double checking right now as I cannot remember with certainty. Just check, I remembered correctly CTI icons do show with stock window as well.
  20. Clarifying I can do right away. Alt-Click works every time, I only reconfirmed it once when getting all occurrences in a log. I did not bring anyone out on EVA just confirmed the window showed correctly. Click by itself brings stock window, Alt-Click brings Airlock window with all crew listed. CTI icons showed up fine as well without issue with Airlock window. When grabbing onto the outside of the airlock (F) the green text shows as would expect B to board, Ctrl-B to select where to board to, Shift-B to automatically board available area. While Bill was outside the airlock, pressed Ctrl-B and it boarded the ship, just as if B was pressed by itself without Airlock. When intentionally putting him outside the second airlock that was full, used Shift-B and got message it was full. Same as if pressing B on a fully pod without Airlock. Both time holding Ctrl / Shift first, and action took place immediately when B was pressed.
  21. Have found a problem is the mod that seems to only show up sometimes. The EC amount locks in what the batteries see resulting in them never providing power during this. Recent finding launched a ship to Mun that used batteries on the transfer ship and lander. Undocked the lander and during the entire landing mission the EC showed 100% even when actual EC dropped to about 20%. After redocking with the transfer ship though, the batteries EC started correctly reflecting actual EC status. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxdhsxpr1d4o98n/output_log.txt?dl=0
  22. Have seem a similar problem to one mentioned above. Ctrl-B and Shift-B do not give the listed functions and only work is stock B, though they do show up in the text. The Alt-Click on the airlock does give the stated menu options for EVA though. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kxdhsxpr1d4o98n/output_log.txt?dl=0
  23. Not having drops either. AMD Ryzen 7 1700x, 32GB DDR3, GTX 960 4GB
  24. Considering that has happened to me exactly ZERO times and in fact every impact at that speed as resulted in the complete destruction of the pod it seems the problem is not indicative of the mod itself. You have certainly got something messed up going on with your install of it. Even though I have found none of the problems you list has ever happened I too would very much like to see this picked up with a more active modder if the author does not have time to work on it himself.
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