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Everything posted by Magion

  1. Added to ToDo list. At this time it is compatibile with all parts, that uses stock PartModules and RealChute mod. I will add .cfg file, where you will be able to set, what modules to check for, as many of you requests. Oops... I will fix it today. And thanks for all positive feedbacks
  2. Dámy a pánové, představuji vám WernherChecker.
  3. !!! WernherChecker Continued by linuxgurugamer !!! I wanted to say STOP to the constant forgetting of solar panels or other important parts, so I decided to make this plugin. It is simple, but it can save a lot of time. Finally it is the end of those times, when you arrived at Duna and noticed, that all your ElectricCharge is gone. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you WernherChecker! WernherChecker checks your ship during the construction in the VAB or SPH and tells you what should concern you in a small window in form of checklist. Do you like it? So what are you waiting for? Download it now! (SpaceDock, CurseForge, GitHub) Notes and Links Source code Issue Tracker - Feedback is greatly appreciated Toolbar plugin and KSP-AVC supported Planned Features (Green items will most likely be in the next release) Custom GUISkin Warning before launch, when important part is missing Warning before launch, if the ship is not orbit capable Known Issues None known! Changelog ------------- Version v0.4.1 (May 18) ------------- * KSP 1.1.2 support * Added new default checklists (thanks linuxgurugamer!) ------------- Version v0.4 (Nov. 18) ------------- * KSP 1.0.5 support * Added checking for resource capacity, current resource amount, crew's skills and part presence * Added criterion's parameters in-game editing * Added tooltips * Preformance increase - checking only if necessary * Changed color of the indicator lights * CrewCheck test is PASS, if EditorPanel.Crew is dipslayed * Improved window's heigh calculations * Toolbar setting label shows the current state * Added "Try again" button to look for checklists again when no valid ones are found * Fixed the launch button tooltip not displaying * Many small tweaks ------------ Version v0.3.4 (Jan. 5) ------------ * Added in-game settings * Fixed an issue causing the game to go crazy after launching an unmanned ship * Crew-assignment-checking feature rewritten * Under-the-hood tweaks ------------ Version v0.3.3 (Dec. 31) ------------ * Fixed the stock toolbar button duplication issue * KCT compatibility ------------ Version v0.3.2 (Dec. 27) ------------ * KSP 0.90 support * Added saving of the window's position * Improved launch button hook for the crew-checking feature * Default AntennaRange support ------------ Version v0.3.1 (Oct. 13) ------------ * KSP 0.25 support * Added button to reload the config file * Main window automaticly hides, when switched to the Action Groups or Crew Assignment panel * Editor locks, when the CrewCheck window is displayed * Minor visual changes * Added some new PartModule definitions ------------- Version v0.3 (Aug. 25) ------------- * Fixed issue, where crewed vessel could be launched, even though it was blocked by editor * Improved locking mechanism of editor * Fixed issue, where the stock AppButton wasn't destroyed, when blizzy78's toolbar was not available, but it was set in settings * Rewritten code ensuring loading and handling of checklists => changed cfg structure * Better look of the main window * Support of KSP-AVC * Added indicator of the current checklist * Option to select only certain parts for checking * Various tweaks -------------- Version v0.2 (Aug. 4)-------------- * Ensured 0.24.2 compatibility * Multiple checklists support * Option to change checklist during construction * Various tweaks and minor improvements * [internal] Rewrite of the code ensuring checklist loading and managing * [other] Source code is accesible at GitHub * [other] Available for download at KerbalStuff, GitHub and CurseForge ------------ Version v0.1.6.1 (Apr. 10)------------ * Recompiled for 0.23.5 * Checking for ModuleEnginesFX by default ------------- Version v0.1.6 (Mar. 17)------------- * Checking of the crew assignment before launch ------------- Version v0.1.5 (Mar. 13)------------- * Added availability in SPH * Hovering over the window will lock the editor * Renamed config file * Small code optimisation ------------ Version v0.1.4.1 (Feb. 24)------------ * Jeb's suggestion can be disabled via config -------------- Version v0.1.4 (Feb. 3)------------- * Rewritten code ensuring checking for PartModules, so number of a PartModules linked to one item is no longer limited ------------- Version v0.1.3 (Jan. 27)------------- * Window uses button in blizzy78's Toolbar for minimizing * Error message, if modules.cfg is missing ------------- Version v0.1.2 (Jan. 13)------------- * Checklist is now configurable by the .cfg file * Protection of the window before dragging out of the screen is smoother ------------- Version v0.1.1 (Dec. 30)------------- * Window is now minimizable by button in lower left corner * Window will come back when it will be draged out of the screen ------------ Version v0.1.0.1 (Dec. 26)------------ * Fixed issue, where External Command Seat was not recognized as Control Source * RT2 compatibile -------------- Version v0.1 (Dec. 26)-------------- * Initial release License This add-on is licensed under MIT license, which is available for reading in the download file.
  4. Weird. Is the game running fine? Because without this folder KSP should not run. Maybe you are looking in the wrong directory. Try to open properities of KSP in Steam, then go to tab "Local Files" and click "Browse Local Files". If there is still not KSP_Data folder, then click "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" - Steam will download all missing or corrupted files. Hopefuly this will work. ;-)
  5. Lots of documentation you can find at http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Community_API_Documentation or at https://github.com/Anatid/XML-Documentation-for-the-KSP-API. You don't need Unity for making plugins (maybe for GUI testing - launching KSP five times per minute after small tweaks is really annoying). But you will need Visual Studio or MonoDevelop for writing a code.
  6. MÄ› se zdá, že se to Ã…â„¢adí celkem logicky. Možná, že u nÄ›jakých složitÄ›jších raket se to může trochu pÃ…â„¢eházet, ale jinak jsem s tím spokojen. To už by bylo složitÄ›jší. Musela by se asi udÄ›lat simulace a tolik práce na tak malou vÄ›c se mi vynaložit nechce. Navíc motory jsou vesmÄ›s naspod rakety, takže se moc ÄÂasto nestává, že by se ÄÂást rakety odlomila jen tak, protože by byla moc těžká. Možná pÃ…â„¢i nÄ›jakém velkém namáhání. Jinak jsem jeÅ¡tÄ› jsem doladil malé detaily a myslím, že zítra bych už to mohl vydat.
  7. There is that possibiltiy. Currently there are two mods, that adds / modify the planets in KSP. Krags PlanetFactory and Alternis Kerbol (from former developer - NovaSilisko), that is still WIP, not released and no source code published yet. But Krags PlanetFactory has public source code, so I reccomend to view it. It is rather duplicating current planets and changing its properities, than creating a new one, but never minds.
  8. And GAIA is on the way to L2
  9. Zdravím vÅ¡echny! Taky jsem se rozhodl udÄ›lat nÄ›jaký Addon a napadlo mÄ›, že bych mohl udÄ›lat "Check list plugin". Je to jen stořádkový plugin, ale myslím, že by mohl hodnÄ› lidem ulehÄÂit práci v editoru. JeÅ¡tÄ› pÃ…â„¢emýšlím nad jménem. Napadlo mÄ› "CheckJeb". ale to je až moc podobné Mechjebu. Možná "WerhnerCheck (-er)". Máte nÄ›jaké návrhy? Tu je screenshot z alpha verze: Tak co myslíte? A teÄ to nejdůležitÄ›jší - Zítra vyjde UPDATE 0.23. Já jsem moc rád, protože ten princip vysílání ve verzi 0.22 jsem opravdu nemÄ›l rád. PÃ…â„¢iÅ¡lo mi, že ÄÂlovÄ›k nedÄ›lá nic jiného, než že kliká na "Observe Material bay / Mystery Goo" a pak na "Transmit data". Díky tomuto "Science spamu" jsem ani Career mode moc nehrál. Jsem rád, že to teÄ opraví. Jsem zvÄ›davý jak bude vypadat 0.24. Víme že už tam budou peníze, reputace, kontrakty... prostÄ› ekonomika.
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