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Everything posted by allista

  1. Don't know; but if you could recreate the issue with stock/expansion parts and share the save, I'd work on it.
  2. Something very weird is going on there. A lot of WARNINGS from TweakScale upon launch, some NullReferenceExceptions from MKS. And a lot of exceptions while in editor loading the rover mk2. And right after each launch the rover is destroyed: [F: 3821073]: Vessel rover mk3 crashed through terrain on Mun.
  3. Found the problem. @TJen, thanks again for the log! @Brimarx and everyone else affected While I'll be fixing it and releasing the fix, there's a simple workaround: Add the GameData/ConfigurableContainers/VolumeConfigs.user file with at least one valid tank config, like this: UPD: issue to track https://github.com/allista/ConfigurableContainers/issues/38
  4. If you would be so kind as to explain what exactly in the new UI doesn't allow you to work with other mods? The main difference (aside the fact that it has much less impact on game performance) is that it places the controls in two rows, making the window not as wide as it used to be, but taller. Not a very drastic change, if I may say so myself. All the controls remain where they were and act as before. There are some new features, though: the ability to define tank volume in units or tonnage, for one; or the confirmation dialogs; or the tank part highlighting... But that is not the final version of the UI; the main work for this version was to reimplement everything with uGUI. Now I have much more freedom to make it look and feel different.
  5. Thanks, will check this out. Meanwhile, if you enable AutoThrottle, you can change desired altitude with x/z/shift/Ctrl - the usual key bindings for main throttle, that is. UPD: issue to track https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/issues/101
  6. I'm currently running automated tests of the deorbit autopilot that I hope I've fixed; using the save game you provided. Everyone can watch it live in twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/allitau
  7. As discussed here not long ago, TCA cannot work with rotors due to completely different physics model. Sorry, only ModuleEngines are supported.
  8. Well, it's a sturdy box; you can drop it from orbit on chutes for that matter. The Rover Lander differs in that it can take the payload back. And it has integrated fuel tanks, reaction wheel and such.
  9. Check if the GameData/ConfigurableContainers contains cc_ui.bundle file. If not, copy it over from 000_AT_Utils And, anyone, Player.log, please Didn't see this. Thanks!
  10. You'll see it when you "launch" it from the hangar (not necessarily landed, you may do it in orbit). It is spawned inside; then you can activate the hangar again to "dock" it inside again (at this moment it'll disappear again). Alas, no: since the resize is actually a coordinate transformation, it'll mess the door opening animation -- the doors will start to stretch and shrink while rotating. Nothing physically wrong with this, but extremely not pretty to the eye But you may use the box fairings which does have anisotropic rescaling.
  11. Ah, a pity. Hangar doesn't support TweakScale since it has its own rescaler built in; the reason being that hangars need the ability to change aspect ratio (inline hangars, for example), which TweakScale does not provide. Next time use hangar's own rescale slider in part menu (don't know how to distinguish them; never played with TweakScale actually). And if you want that Rover Lander fixed, you may manually edit the .sfs file; you share it here, I'll set the scale myself, since I know where to do it.
  12. @Brimarx no, cannot confirm you bug: loaded 1.9.1 and everything works as expected. Need full Player.log file to know more...
  13. Somehow you don't have the required dlls in GameData/000_AT_Utils/Plugins: What's you install method? CKAN or manual? In any case, you may just download the latest AT_Utils here: https://github.com/allista/AT_Utils/releases/download/v1.9.5/AT_Utils- And install it manually, overwriting what you have in GameData/000_AT_Utils
  14. Then you've provided an old log file. The needed one is called Player.log and is located elsewhere: https://docs.unity3d.com/2019.2/Documentation/Manual/LogFiles.html
  15. The first is irrelevant, it's just the stock AssetLoader tries to load this bundle after it is already loaded by Unity. I will rename it so that it won't be recognised by the AssetLoader. The second is the real thing. I admit, I didn't test it on KSP-1.9.1; with KSP-1.10 everything works. I'll check things out, thanks.
  16. You have KSP-1.7.3, which is not compatible with any of the latest version of my mods. My suggestion is to either use CKAN or go to the SpaceDock and manually install the versions that are explicitly marked as made for 1.7.3: https://spacedock.info/profile/allista Each mod page has the ChangeLog section that lists all mod versions along with the supported KSP version.
  17. Started to work on the issue. Here's the tracker: https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/issues/100
  18. Version 3.7.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-22 Using new uGUI dialogs from AT_Utils Adapted to changes in AT_Utils Download (578.93 KiB)
  19. Version 3.6.1 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-22 Squad cargo bays can store a vessel in flight now Asteroid Hatch features new UI from Configurable Containers Fixed ship loading into hangars in editor Fixed HangarWindow not showing/hiding in Editor Using new uGUI dialogs for warnings Download (30.26 MiB)
  20. Version 2.6.0 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-22 New UI Reimplemented tank manager UI from scratch with uGUI framework Fixed counterparts rescaling with TweakScale Improved tank types/configs tooltips by emphasizing with bold font Minor performance improvements Download (341.86 KiB)
  21. Version 2.6.4 for Kerbal Space Program 1.10.0 Released on 2020-07-22 Fixed ship loading into kits Fixed the same vessel collision if deployed check Using new uGUI dialogs from AT_Utils Adapted to changes in AT_Utils Download (15.87 MiB)
  22. v0.2.1 allista released this now Separating messages in InfoPane with additional empty line Moved InfoPane to its own prefab in AT_Utils.UI Adapted to changes in AT_Utils Assets3 CargoAccelerators- 835 KB Source code(zip) Source code(tar.gz)
  23. What I don't understand is why doesn't it work as is? Whatever one does in Editor is saved in the ShipConstruct and then is retained by the Vessel that is created from the construct. There's not much difference between launching from Editor to the launchpad and launching later from a hangar in flight. So if your configuration is saved in some part module it should work after launching from hangar.
  24. In that case, here's how it is sent and what is passed in the data object: https://github.com/allista/hangar/blob/master/Source/HangarMachinery.cs#L588 and https://github.com/allista/hangar/blob/master/Source/HangarFairings.cs#L665 And here's how TCA uses it, while also checking if the launch was performed from fairings: https://github.com/allista/ThrottleControlledAvionics/blob/master/ModuleTCA.cs#L341
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