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  1. After playing modded KSP with RP-1 and watching For all Kerbalkind i thought there should be more RP-1 related videos. So i came up with an idea a KSP RP-1 project that is based on For all Kerbalkind Each player takes part as their own organization/nation together or against each other Trading vehicles/kOS for money/honor/science, other services, to help noob advantage: functioning vehicles of others (grab and go), help and experience of others, own difficulty if necessary Pro advantage: "sale" of vehicles, kOS scripts and information, play with/against each other (BD Armory? ), own difficulty if necessary My thoughts so far: How is this supposed to work as “multiplayer”? Everyone plays their game with the others or "in the dark" and at a certain interval the players share their intermediate results What kind of interval? an in-game period that we discuss together (e.g. 1 year) What kind of intermediate results ? At least rough information about what you send into orbit and above, as an overview/information for the others would be nice (or to sow envy and resentment ) What do I need to participate? RP-1 Express, at least 1 intermediate results per interval, joy of playing How should trading work? Send craft files to others via file sharing (discord? or at least you know email?) How should I get/lose money/honor/science from others? alt + F12, you know? That should be a fair play with/against each other? Like many things, it's just based on believing in others. E.g. that your boss pays you or that your partner really doesn't cheat Do I have to upload videos? Nope, it's ok if you're just a part of the project Do I have to share my vehicles/kOS? Nope, if someone wants to include your vehicles in their game (e.g. what's going on in orbit) they can also use placeholders (e.g. a probe) Do I have to play as much as the others? Nope, it doesn't have to be a head-to-head race at all times. How many events/secrets from the past are only coming to light today after all this time? Darn it, do I have to wait for the others now? Nope, hand in your intermediate result and if you don't care about the others then carry on playing, totally ok you pioneer But I want to upload a lot of videos/make money with all of this? Welcome to the free world, no one is stopping you I want to play as nation/organization XYZ! Whoever comes first... but talk to the other player, maybe you can move forward as a partner/rival/alliance. we were divided once too (BRD & DDR) I want to play with additional mods! gladly, it doesn't influence the others (except possibly traded vehicles) I want to integrate other people's vehicles, how? Either take a placeholder (probe) or ask the others about their crafts and cheat into orbit (Alt + F12) I don't understand anything but I still want to participate ... breathe deeply, very calmly. one step at a time, Rome didn't fall in a day (Wiki and Installguide) I'll never be able to keep up with the others! totally ok, since space travel began only 4 nations have made it safely to the moon, maybe someone is interested in cooperating? But I'm much better than those suckers! hand in your intermediate result and go ahead and lead our world to new shores, for Shine and Glory! I've only just seen all of this, am I too late O.o?! Nope, e.g. early German space travel: V-2, 1942 (first object to cross the Kármán line); first German satellite, at the end of 1969 by a US rocket ... Do we include all of each other's vehicles in the game? we can, but we don't have to. Yes, we can say we are not interested in other nations, it's up to you Did you drink paint? only if there is one standing around Either way, I'll give it a try in the future, even on my own if I have to would you be interested? your opinion on this? let me know in the comments ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nachdem Ich RP-1 gespielt und For all Kerbalkind gesehen hatte, dachte Ich es sollte mehr RP-1 bezogene Videos geben. Also hab Ich mir da was überlegt Ein KSP RP-1 Projekt das an For all Kerbalkind angelehnt ist jeder Mitspieler nimmt als eigene Organisation/Nation teil zusammen oder gegeneinander Handel von Fahrzeugen/kOS gegen Geld/Ehre/Wissenschafft , andere Dienstleistungen , zur Hilfe noob-Vorteil: funktionierende Fahrzeuge der anderen (übernehmen/orientieren und go), Hilfe und Erfahrung der anderen , bei Bedarf eigene Schwierigkeit pro-Vorteil: "Verkauf" von Fahrzeugen, kOS-Scripten und infos , mit- / gegeneinander spielen (BD Armory? ), bei Bedarf eigene Schwierigkeit Meine Gedanken dazu bis jetzt: Wie soll das als "Multiplayer" funktionieren? jeder spielt mit den anderen oder "im dunkeln" sein Spiel und in einem bestimmten Intervall teilen sich die Mitspieler über ihren Spielstand aus Was für ein Intervall? eine ingame-Zeitspanne die wir gemeinsam beraten (zb 1 Jahr) Was für ein Zwischenstand? zumindest grobe Angaben was man in den Orbit und drüber schickt, als Übersicht/Info für die anderen wäre doch ganz nett (oder um Neid und Missgunst zu säen ) Was brauch ich zum mitmachen? RP-1 Express, zumindest 1 Zwischenstand pro Intervall, Spass an der Sache Wie soll der Handel funktionieren? Craft-Files an die anderen per File-sharing schicken (Discord? oder kennst doch zumindest eMail?) Wie soll ich Geld/Ehre/Science, bekommen/verlieren? alt + F12, kennste? Und das soll ein faires Mit-/Gegeneinander werden? Beruht wie vieles nur auf dem Glauben an die Anderen. zb dass dich dein Cheff auch bezahlt oder dein Partner wirklich nicht fremdgeht Muss ich Videos hochladen? nö, reicht doch auch so wenn Du teil des Projekts bist Muss ich meine Fahrzeuge/kOS teilen? nö, wenn jemand deine Fahrzeuge in sein Spiel einbinden will (bsp was im Orbit los ist) kann man ja auch Platzhalter (zb Sonde) nehmen Muss ich so viel spielen wie die anderen? nö, es muss ja nicht zu jeder zeit ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen sein. Wie viele Geschehnisse/Geheimnisse von Früher kommen nach all der Zeit erst Heute ans Licht? boar, muss ich jetzt auf die anderen warten? nö, gib dein Zwischenstand ab und wenn dich die Anderen nicht jucken dann spiel weiter, vollkommen ok du Pionier Ich will Videos hochladen/mit dem ganzen Geld verdienen? Willkommen in der freien Welt, es hält dich niemand auf Ich will als Nation/Organisation XY spielen! Wer zuerst kommt ... aber rede mal mit dem Anderen, vielleicht könnt ihr als Partner/Rivalen/Allianz voranschreiten. Wir waren auch einmal Entzweit (BRD & DDR) Ich will mit zusätzlichen Mod´s spielen! gerne, beeinflusst die Anderen ja nicht (ausser evtl gehandelte Fahrzeuge) Ich will die Fahrzeuge der Anderen einbinden, wie? entweder ein Platzhalter (Sonde) nehmen oder die anderen nach ihren Craft´s fragen und in den orbit Cheaten (alt + F12) Ich peil garnichts aber will trotzdem mitmachen ... durchatmen, ganz ruhig. Ein Schritt nach dem anderen, Rom ist auch nicht an einem Tag gefallen (Wiki und Installguide) Ich kann nie im Leben mithalten! vollkommen ok, seit Beginn der Raumfahrt haben es nur 4 nationen sicher zum Mond geschafft, vielleicht ist ja Jemand an einer Kooperation interessiert? Ich bin aber viel besser als die anderen Nieten! gib dein Zwischenstand ab und go ahead und führe unseren Welt zu neuen Ufern. Für Glanz und Gloria! Ich hab das alles jetzt erst gesehen, bin Ich zu spät dran O.o?! nö. zb frühe deutsche Raumfahrt: V-2, 1942 (erstes Objekt über der Kármán Linie); erster deutscher Sattelit, Ende 1969 per US-Rakete ... Binden wir alle Fahrzeuge der Anderen ins Spielgeschehen ein? können, müssen Wir aber nicht. Wir können ja sagen Wir interessieren uns nicht für die anderen Nationen, Dir überlassen Hast du lack gesoffen? nur wenn welcher rümsteht so oder so werde ich das in der Zukunft, auch alleine wenns sein muss, einmal probieren hättet ihr Interesse? eure Meinung dazu? lasst es mich in den Kommentaren wissen
  2. Hey there, I'm not familiar with this official forum of KSP, but I am well known by the french community and I think my contribution could interrest some of you, so... Here I am ! To briefly introduce myself, I'm a an addict to KSP, fully Stock Player (I even give up Kerbcam to find back the typical static view of the game). Not that I'm anti-mod, I find them really interresting and incredibly well made regarding KSP, but I would spend even more time if I had the possibilty to use hinges, ressources, advanced mechanism... No no, keep them far from me ! Moreover it is for me a challenge to innovate further than even SQUAD could have think about, to create and design things in other way that there were meant to be done. Yeah, innovation should be the best word to describe my goal in KSP I already have a hundred pages full of pics with all my creations, that you can find here : http://www.kerbalspaceprogram.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=523&start=1060 You can navigate through the pages, it is in French so not really interresting but I always use to illustrate my words with clean screenshot Enough blablabla, let's present some of my last creation and I'll start by a few videos : Stock Aerial refuelling : Using TT-70 Decouplers as homemade suspensions : A full single launch modular station (3 épisodes, here is the second) : An aesthetic and modular bomber with advanced nuke rocketry : One of my favourite launcher, fully made to be aesthetic while massive and functionnal : These are a few of them, please consider checking my Youtube Channel to see more. I'm not here just to make an add, but to receive feedback and try to integrate the large english-speaking community ! Hope you'll enjoy, see ya soon
  3. Hello there! I want to make a KSP-focused youtube channel (which currently doesn't exist yet, will make it this weekend), but I want to know: 1. What do KSP players (All of you guys, I assume ) want to see? Rockets? Space Stations? Ludicrously sized behemoths? (I can't built ludicrously sized behemoths by the way). I want to create unique content, so yeah! 2. What are some things you guys expect from a KSP youtuber? Consistency? Quality videos? Thanks!
  4. What are the best recording and editing softwares for making KSP videos?
  5. This is the idea (I have not found a page like this) : to list the video (and playlist if it exists) gameplay series on youtube made by ksp players all at the same place : Title / Author / KSP ver + major mods / #episodes (avg lenght) / Date / Comments -------------------------------- In progress Series : KSP 1.7 Carrière [FR] / Kerbal Panda / 1.7.2 + USI/NF / 15 (~30m) / 22 May 2019 / No cut Carreer in 1.7.2 (French) RealismOverhaul RP-1 (Official Release) / grayduster / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 1.0 / 07 (~30m) / 5 April 2019 / Second Career Video Serie in Official RP-1 ! =) Glorious Soviet Space Program / NathanKell / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 11 (~1h) / 14 March 2019 / Soviet Space Program ! KSP 1.6 with Kerbalism / Raiz Space / 1.6 + Kerbalism / 23 (~35m) / 3 January 2019 / Kerbalism quick adventure KSP 1.3.1 with Realism Overhaul RP-1 / Raiz Space / 1.3.1+ RO/RSS/RP-1 1.0 / 30 (~35m) / 11 December 2018 / First Career Video Serie in Official RP-1 ! =) KSP RP-0 / Cosmonaut Crash / 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 543 (~25m) / 16 July 2016 / What a huge number of episodes ! (no persistent rotation) -------------------------------- Finished Series : RealismOverhaul RP-1 / grayduster / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 20 (~40m) / 12 February 2018 / RP-1 ! =) Rusty RP-1 / NathanKell / 1.3.1 + RO/RSS/RP-1 / 25 (~1h) / 30 January 2018 / Testing RP-1 Let's play KSP RSS / Hardcore Edward / 1.2.2+ RO/RSS/RP-0/MKS-USI/KBPS.... / 176 (~45m) / 27 December 2017 / Alternate history recreations Beyond History / Raiz Space / 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 48 (~40m) / 28 November 2017 / Continuation of his previous realism overhaul series. R3 / HedgeDog / 1.2.2 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 9 (~20m) / 7 June 2017 / quick, entertaining episodes showcasing how real the struggle really is. KSP Multiplanetary Species / Justin Bright / 1.2 to 1.3.1 + MKS/USI Collection / 103 (~30m) / 18 October 2016 / Comments RP-0 Tutorial Campain / NathanKell / 1.2.2 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 80 (~1h30m, no cuts) / 11 June 2016 / Long but cool to learn RO ! RO in 1.1.2 / Raiz Space / 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 80 (~40m) / 18 May 2016 / Realism overhaul series, prequel of Beyond History. Beginners Guide to KSP / NerdySpaceMan / 1.0.4 / 20 (~20m) / 21 September 2015 / Beginners Guide to KSP Serious Business / Scott Manley / 1.0.4 + RO/RSS/RP-0 / 35 (~20m) / 24 August 2015 / Scott Manley live comments and humor Project Alexandria / Bob Fitch / 0.25 to 1.0.4 + RSS / 16 (~35m) / 22 November 2014 / History of spacefligh from 1957 to 1969 -------------------------------- I've done my best to make the presentation clear. Help me to make this catalogue bigger =) Feel free to reply and suggest your series !
  6. Post Any Fan Work But Missions Here In The Comment Section Post: Fanart, videos, or show off your work! Rules: Here's a photo for you Or More Photos
  7. Hello fellow Nauts! A few members of the Community and I are working within a SAP currently. More information will definitely be made available when possible. What can be said of it now is the following: - There are individuals who have some ideas for making content for entertainment using Kerbal. - Content can include, but is not limited to: - Comedy mini series - Streamed competitions (both regulated and anything goes) - Creation of new characters within the KSPverse. - Streamed behind the scenes of content capture/creation. - Access for Community involvement both directly and indirectly. - This new proposed idea would be comprised of a team and not just 1 content creator to do everything. - Success of this idea would allow for an ever increasing roll of the Community's involvement with content creation! I welcome any opinions to this topic. I want this to be a living/breathing discussion as those who are already involved are passionate about this! Thanks, Chad 'Vox' Dickson Vox
  8. This is basically my thread for posting my videos on, hoping that someone sees them, views them and likes them (Not like button like but like as in it's good content) My channel on YouTube is HojozVideos, and amongst other stuff I post random KSP videos and Cedara Fighting Competition ones, which is oriented at fighters made using BD Armoury continued. Please excuse me for any mistakes, I'm new to the KSP forums.
  9. Title explains it all!! All my YouTube videos are posted here!! enjoy and subscribe!! Conquer OPM: Title explains it all! Here, we go exploring every nook and cranny of the Outer planets mod. (Not really but just deal with it) episode 1: Episode 2 Episode 3: Coming in 2 Mun Base Alpha: Here, I go launching modules for a large scale base on the mun, but with a twist. TAC Life support is added so these kerbals are not the forever living beasts that they are, and they need food (and supplies) Episode 1:(Bad Commentary, hehe) Episode 2: Celestial Stations!: Once again, another pretty obvious title. (Maybe) I go around building space stations around every celestial body... Maybe... Episode 1: Coming in 3 RemoteTech Playthrough Just playing RemoteTech, and having fun. Episode 1:Next Others: I really think that we don't need a discription here. :-) KSP: Eeloo, A short film Preview #1 Thanks! Hope you enjoy! Be sure to Subscribe! --> https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC27GMBkYVwQ0qZ4J3AdJggg
  10. I've been seeing a lot of nice Video's of Craft on the forums and haven't noticed a thread for them, I've only found where Cinematic Videos are showcased so I am starting this one. SeaDog & Jet Ski 105 My video got blocked I will update soon
  11. KSP Fan Works II: This is a place to share your: drawings, computer art, paintings, models, videos, cinematics, screenshots & more. So get on your KSP caps and start drawing! I will be putting my pictures, videos, etc. on here, and you can put yours. I am working on this cinematic called "Atom".
  12. All my videos in one place: Career Mode Pirate Tech Star Wars Featured JR
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