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King of the Hill


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I give the nuclear reactor (and, unfortunately, the whole mountain) a 4 Dimensional slap, sending it hurdling and disintegrating into 4D space (not my problem). I then build a Kerbal Space Center there and live on the roof of the VAB. My Roof.

Edited by mikeman7918
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I put you both on a rocket and maroon you on the mun.

My mountain.

I fill the mine with Technetium, Promethium, Radon, Radium, Thorium, Protactinium, Uranium, Plutonium, anything that are radioactive into the center of the hill. Mikeman7918's ore deposit in a mountain.

WARNING: They are pretty radioactive, so handle with care.

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Timewarp! A few billion years later, the stuff isn't radioactive anymore and mikeman7918 has died.

My mountain with nuclear waste.

Actually, many of them eventually decayed into Lead (not radioactive but poisonous), niobium (not radioactive, and safe), praseodymium (not radioactive, and safe), bismuth (slightly radioactive), and thorium (thorium is nearly stable). So the hill is poisonous and radioactive.

I released lots of bismuth and thorium (check isotopes of bismuth and thorium because a few billion years won't do it) and tantalum-180m (check isotopes of tantalum).

So... mikeman7918's radioactive hill.

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I build an Evil (the capital E is for dramatic effect) hill with an Evil Bond villain's lair on top. The Evil lair definitely does NOT contain an Evil self-destruct device which can only be activated by an Evil shiny red button, which will give the Evil Villain/James Bond/whoever pushed the button just enough time to get away before blowing up. (Every good Evil Villain's Evil lair should have one.)

My Evil hill-top lair.

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I drilled onto the bunker, then drilled the path out, and then returned to press the Self-Destruct button (If that button isn't there, don't tell the detail!), and then went into my spacecraft and escaped just as the asteroid exploded.

As that asteroid explodes, it just missed the hill with the mine when it impacted. No one's mining hill. Nearby the crater.

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That last me who was killed was actually my evil twin who things I am his evil twin (I wonder why) and the person we all thought was me was actually my genetically engineered clone. I walk in, put on a radiation-proof suit, and build a Space Center with an in-penetrable force field.

My force-fielded Space Center on a radioactive hill

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Little did you know, the hill also contain a ridiculously large deposit of iron. The magnetic field that forms disrupts the force field (for at least 1 hour per 6 hours).

I entered the space center and assassinate the real you, and then blew up the space center (including the generator) and escaped just as it blew up.

Once again, waste lay on the radioactive (and surprisingly magnetic) hill.

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