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wait, someone just started with mobius 1, then responded to mobius 1 with something that can possibly be him in the past (GALM 1), and responded to Galm team with everyone they shot down, then finally responded with yellow team, which mobius 1 shot down. What? I don\'t even... what the... I should have called restart long ago!

Off Topic, but It was confirmed the Galm 1 shot down Mobius 1 in the Belkan war. He can\'t be the same person. (This dogfight probably took place after Operation Katina or before the Eursian Invasion) He then responded with Arkbird which is in a different time period, and such i responded with Razgriz. Etc Etc. I\'ve done my research.

Back on topic.


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Guest doughbred

Off Topic, but It was confirmed the Galm 1 shot down Mobius 1 in the Belkan war. He can\'t be the same person. (This dogfight probably took place after Operation Katina or before the Eursian Invasion) He then responded with Arkbird which is in a different time period, and such i responded with Razgriz. Etc Etc. I\'ve done my research.

Spoilered for space saving.

The Gauntlet is a non-canon level in the game, Galm never shot down Mobius 1, he/she might not even fly planes yet. Although I do love the Gauntlet level, it does not make any sense to use a level that was never part of the plot.

However there is a belief that Mobius 1 is Galm 1, some years later, that it was a nightmare Galm 1 had... it\'s something for the viewers imagination, there is no set thought, and some people (like me) don\'t really care.

And yes this is off topic.

The point is that the gauntlet, it\'s not used to confirm anything, it\'s a bonus level and if it\'s used for the plot, it\'s up to the viewers thoughts like a cliffhanger.

But I worship Mobius 1. Even more than Jebediah Kerman. Excuse my exaggeration.

I predicted someone would of brought Ace Combat into the subject, and I also predicted that that is the exact moment I would get pissed (though this is my fault) off because someone said I didn\'t do my research on a plot. I hate it when someone does that to me, because if I cared, I\'d read everything on it. And to say it is confirmed that Mobius One would be flying in an F-22 after operation Katina and finish it, and all of a sudden get\'s owned by Galm 1 and die like a dog, but with burning jet fuel, who\'s idea is that? No offense, but did you really have to say that? I mean that\'s not really good to think about, because that\'s just bad, just flat out bad. You can believe it, but out of guessing that is something you should really keep to yourself, I\'m very sorry for saying this but you have wrecked Ace Combat for me so much I can\'t even look at an airplane anymore.

Someone say that the above is not true, because of it is, that just pants sh*tingly sucks for Mobius One to die like that, by another person we played as. Two nameless and speechless characters who are meant for war, and characters we control in two video games (zero and 4) almost all of us love because of there silence, and then have Galm 1 shoot down Mobius One, let alone having them encounter each other as part of the main plot is not good for my brain. To me it\'s like a lesser version of Rule34. It ain\'t porn of the two characters, but it is something along the line of that.

Sorry if I pissed you off, but for the love of Jebediah Kerman. I mean, if Galm is better than Mobius, fine but people still debate about who\'s better, and it\'s very kind for them to shut up about it and I don\'t mind if Galm is better. But being told that Mobius just died while flying home from the last level in operation katina? At the hands of Galm? Then saying this non-canon level is part of the plot?

That\'s just not right. I\'m terribly sorry, but Ace Combat is my Star Wars. And thinking about the above just makes me feel terrible.

I mean if you look at the fifth trivial part in this wiki page, it makes for a far better plot:


Sorry, but please don\'t mention that again. I don\'t read many book, I read more technical stuff like documentaries like all my aerospace pal\'s in this forum. But you just mind raped me. If you were trolling, I would have a stiff drink with you, and I\'d pay for the drinks because you have more victory over me than what victory a magnifying glass has over ants under the sun.

Again, sorry. But that\'s just not a good history. If we say Galm 1 shooting down Mobius 1 and it\'s part of the plot, you better have a good reason. But As a cold person myself, what you said is nearing absolute Zero.

I mean, look what you did to me!

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