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[V1.04] Chaos Star Series - 1500, 1200 and 500 tons to LKO launcher - maximum fairing diameter.

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Hello, here's My Chaos Star Series :) -

edit : tested in 1.04, still working :)

The Chaos star 500 and 1200 share the same simplified booster layout (more reliable booster separation than the MK2, and lower part count), and have almost the same ascent profile. both rockets use the maximum fairing diameter, to allow you to launch all kind of large payloads :)

Chaos Star 500 : 500 tons to LKO.

Part count : 278 without payload - doesn't need launch clamps :).

price without payload : 805074 Kr (the included refuelling tanker was 517,819 tons in the album's flight - giving us a 1555 Kr / ton price :)

launch pad weight with payload : 2733,41 tons - 18.9% payload fraction.

Album :

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Ascent profile : turn the rocket 5 - 6° from vertical as soon as you hit 35m/s, then follow the prograde marker. the Chaos Star 500 boosters and core stage are hot, but can last long enough to complete the mission before overheating :)

usual altitudes / attitudes : 45° from horizontal at 20000m, 30° from horizontal at 30000m - and when you fire the upper stage, you can directly start burning towards the horizon (push your apoapsis up to 80km to LKO, then wait for apoapsis to circularize)

.craft file :


be careful of the strutting between the lower stages and the upper stage. (you may have to replace the struts)

Chaos Star 1200 : 1200 tons to LKO.

Part count : 356 without payload

Price without payload : 1959128 Kr (the included payload (initially meant to be a huge transfer stage :P) is 1205,18 tons, giving us a 1625 Kr / ton price.

launch pad weight with payload : 5900,36 tons - 20.4% payload fraction.

Album :

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Ascent profile : turn the rocket 5 - 6° from vertical as soon as you hit 40m/s, then follow the prograde marker.

usual altitudes / attitudes : 45° from horizontal at 20000m, 30° from horizontal at 30000m - and when you fire the upper stage, you can gently start turning towards the horizon (push your apoapsis up to 80km to LKO, then wait for apoapsis to circularize)

.Craft file :


Chaos Star MK2 : 1500 tons to LKO (the first 1.02 revamp of the launcher, built for the Aero modification, this rebuild of the Chaos star is now capable of putting 1500 tons of payload to LKO ! :) - and all that fitted inside the largest Payload fairing possible :)

(also switched back from MK3 tanks to kerbodyne tanks - as the balancing made the MK3 tanks take on some dry weight :P)

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Some infos on the rocket :

part count (without payload) : 460

Wet weight (without payload) : 5728 tons

when i tested my mockup 1530 ton payload, that gave me a whopping 21% payload fractions :)

price : 2430501 Kr (so 1620 Kr / ton with a 1500 ton payload)

staging : Onion staging with upper stage, with the outer boosters (two tank assemblies) feeds the intermediate booster, which in turn feeds the core outer fuel tanks. the core central engine is only activated after the boosters have been dropped.

the upper stage is contained into the payload fairing - when the core stage runs out of fuel, jetisson the fairing, decouple the upper stage then ignite it :)

still has fuel (and some vernors) to deorbit itself after the payload is put into orbit :)

booster chaos ! :P after the decoupling, the boosters tend to drift into the rocket's exhaust, creating some havoc ^^

two versions of the .craft : 1 version with a 1530 tons assembly (as a mock up payload :P) and 1 without payload, with the root part set as the central decoupler - so you can directly add it into your subassemblies :)


Payload integration - the fairing used is a 3.75m fairing base, extended as wide as possible. so you can use that to determine if your payload would fit into the Chaos star's fairings :)

once you added the launcher to your payload, simply strut your payload to the upper stage's fuel tanks once you added it :) the wide base of the upper stage allows for a good mass repartition :)

You can redraw the fairings too, rightclick onto the fairing base (visible in the gap between the core stage and the upper stage) and click 'edit fairing' - then readjust the fairing to your liking :)

Ascent profile : the rocket has plenty of TWR, you might even want to slightly lower the throttle at some times :) - try to start your pitchover to 5° from vertical when the rocket is between 60 and 100 m/s - then basically follow the prograde marker :) (i usually try to reach between 20000m and 25000m by the time my rocket is 45° above the horizon - and above 30000m when i'm 30° above the horizon.

.Craft files :

Chaos Star MK2 without payload :


Chaos Star MK2 with a mockup payload (the one in the album)


i'll try to make a version with less boosters, but the same wide upper stage, to allow sending oversized 'lightweight' payloads :)

Have fun ! :)

(and don't hesitate to tell me if you encounter some problems :P the new aero has brought havok onto the decoupling of the original 0.90 version :P)

----------------- Old 0.90 version ------------------

well, wanted to try to create something simpler than my usual replicas for a change - here's a rocket capable of putting 1000 tons to LKO :) (and not too big for the VAB / launch pad :P)

the result ended up as the Chaos Star rocket -

around 550 parts (if you don't count the additionnal kerbodyne decouplers used for this payload) i included KER values in the screenshots, if you want to get more infos about the rocket :) - the amount of smoke still create some slowdowns :P

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the rocket is extremely stable during ascent :) simply stage as boosters burn out :) start your gravity turn after the 1st stage burn out :) (i reached 45° at 25000m, and between 25 and 30° at 35000m)

the upper stage has vernors for attitude control for the coasting phase. (it has enough fuel left to deorbit after releasing the payload - if you make a nice turn :P)

the name comes from two things : )

1st : the 8 point cross shape the staged boosters create :)

2nd : an earlier version of this monster used KS-25x4 rocket engines for boosters, instead of the KR-2L - the KS-25x4 broke free each time i tried to stage the boosters resulting in a full RUD each time - the cloud of debris it created was enough to level half of KSC each time :P (and when a debris is a MK-3 tank, you don't want to stay below it :P)

here's the .craft file, if you ever need to launch a 1000 ton payload in one go :)


edit :

/!\ Warning ! Read before using - and only use if you want to bring Chaos to KSC :P /!\

here's the prototype version of the rocket, which used KS-25x4 in the side boosters.

This version does not work to carry your payloads to LKO ! it will RUD each time you try to jetisson the 1st stage - creating a big rain of MK-3 sized debris :)


Edited by sgt_flyer
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if people are curious, here's what happened when i tried to stage the Chaos Star when it was equipped with KS-25x4 engines for the side boosters instead of the KR-2L on the functionnal version :) - and why the rocket is named Chaos Star :P

0pw9BdDl.jpg pwA7Msql.jpg

pJMAfD2l.jpg RXs3Biul.jpg

yes - half KSC leveled to the ground :P

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If you have a lot of wing panels, be sure to limit your ascent speed while under 15000 / 20000m, to prevent the wings from creating too much lift for the control authority :)

Afterwards, i don't know how your spacecraft is structured, so you'll have to strut the heaviest parts of your spacecraft to several parts of the upper stage (so the weight is evened onto the upper stage structure). (Don't forget to remove the dummy payload :P)

Other than that, 600 tons should not be a problem for this rocket :)

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I have a ship.

978 tons...

Jool package/supplies for expeditions.

Could this thing do it?

I think this would depend on the structural integrity of your ship :) if it can be put above or around the upper stage without collapsing itself when the rocket start to thrust, it should be fine :) else, you're going to need a support cage (made of girders for example) extending from the upper stage to even your spacecraft's weight onto the various tanks that compose the upper stage :) (on the version with the mockup payload, the payload is only strutted to the upper stage)

Now, Can't tell without seeing your mothership :)

Afterwards, given the weight, should be feasible :) the launcher has around 5000 m/s of delta-v with the mockup payload, which weights slightly more than 1000 tons :)

If you wish, i can try to do the integration :)

Pm me with your .craft, or post in my thread :)


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if people are curious, here's what happened when i tried to stage the Chaos Star when it was equipped with KS-25x4 engines for the side boosters instead of the KR-2L on the functionnal version :) - and why the rocket is named Chaos Star :P

http://i.imgur.com/0pw9BdDl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/pwA7Msql.jpg

http://i.imgur.com/pJMAfD2l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/RXs3Biul.jpg

yes - half KSC leveled to the ground :P

Danny2462 would love this. :D

(PS: Is there a craft file for this version? I'm a bit curious..)

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Well, i can put this version :) if there is demand :)

edit :

here's the prototype version which used KS-25x4 engines in the side boosters (note, this one don't work, only use it if you want to create mayhem over KSC :P - the rocket will RUD as soon as you stage the exterior boosters - and 500+ parts of kerbodyne sized parts raining on KSC - well :P let's say it can create some damage) :)http://www./download/umsqxnftqcxicyk/Chaos_Star_-_KSC_buster_prototype.craft

but basically,it seems that the KS-25x4 don't like to be clipped like this when used into side boosters :P (though strangely, they behave correctly into the core stage :P)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yup., this has just become my new launcher for everything from 100-1000 tons. Its also rather low part count (surprisingly) given the sheer insanty its payload is.

Sadly the .35m fairing is too small to accommodate my new carrier...... And there is no way the carrier will work with a pusher rocket if exposed.

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updated the Chaos Star line of rockets with the simplified, lower part count and a more reliable booster separation, with the Chaos Star 1200 and Chaos Star 500 :) (both 1200 and 500 tons to LKO rockets) - both version still use the maximum diameter payload fairing possible :)

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updated the Chaos Star line of rockets with the simplified, lower part count and a more reliable booster separation, with the Chaos Star 1200 and Chaos Star 500 :) (both 1200 and 500 tons to LKO rockets) - both version still use the maximum diameter payload fairing possible :)

Duuude this can soo compete with the Cira VIII :D

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As cool as these are, the fairings are WAY too small to\ be of any use. I have a refinery thats about the diameter of the VAB, i mod the fairing to allow buigger diameter, and then it gets all flippy, gotta figure out how to fix dat.

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