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1.1.2 Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics 2.0.2


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So, here we go.


It is best to do a clean install and then add parts afterwards (Zodius parts and/or Legacy parts from 0.21.4). Just remember that wheels from Rework pack are broken and will not be fixed anytime soon unfortunately, but you can use stock wheels + rotatron to mimic the functionality.

In my limited tests all pure IR parts behaved properly, but I had like 30 minutes to play with them, so if you do encounter something new - feel free to post the logs ans screenshots here.

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Nice to see this is beeing worked on. I love this mod. And stock wheels are a problem in 1.1 too. For me it's impossible to start a plane without drifting into the hangar, so might as well use this and walk my plane over the runway..

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Hey Ziw, is your updated UI stuff close to ready for testing?

I'm thinking of sticking this mod in and firing up KSP for the first time in so, so long soon, so if a new version of IR will be ready in the next couple days or whatever, I'll wait so there's no potential for compatibility problems. But if it's still a fair ways off I'll just jump in. (I've no idea how much work is involved in rewriting a mod UI)

Thanks for your hard work on this incredible mod. :)

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There is some nice progress on the UI, but we're only about half-way through. I do want to push for a first beta on Friday, but it really depends on how smoothly everything goes from here

Will tease you with bits of new UI soon (tm).

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Do not attach docking ports directly (or indirectly) to IR parts.

So what exactly does this mean. I can't have any IR parts between a docking port and the root node? Lets say I had a rotatron, which then had a whole fuel tank attached, with a docking port on the end of the fuel tank. That would be bad?

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5 hours ago, Kerbonaut257 said:

So what exactly does this mean. I can't have any IR parts between a docking port and the root node? Lets say I had a rotatron, which then had a whole fuel tank attached, with a docking port on the end of the fuel tank. That would be bad?

Essentially, yes. Basically IR does not like it's parts being placed backward relative to the root node. When you dock two craft together one of those two root nodes gets selected as the new root for the combined craft. If this is the one on the other side of the docking port relative to the IR part then bad things will happen when you try and rotate that part.

Some players have had success following the rules in this thread to ensure that the root node remains the one on the correct side of the IR part, but it's a bit long winded, hence us just advising not to use docking ports at all: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/72037-docking-and-vessel-type-rules-0235/

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On 4/20/2015 at 5:18 PM, sirkut said:



Magic Smoke Industries presents:


For all your actuation needs!

This mod introduces robotics parts to the game, letting you create moving or spinning contraptions that just aren't possible under stock KSP.

How do I use Infernal Robotics parts?



What does Infernal Robotics let me do?



(robotics parts in this video came from the Model Rework & Expansion)



Do not attach docking ports directly (or indirectly) to IR parts. It will make your life miserable. You have been warned!

It is recommended that you delete any previous version of Infernal Robotics that you may have previously installed before upgrading to this version.



Release v0.21.3 GNU GPL version 3, 29 July 2007

Download from Curse

Download from KerbalStuff

This download contains the main Infernal Robotics plugin as well as a collection of Legacy robotics parts to let you experience how robotics works. You may remove the Legacy parts (located in GameData/MagicSmokeIndustries/Parts) if you are installing IR for use with another mod and only need it for the plugin.




[*] Recompile for 1.0.5

[*] Recompile for 1.0.4
[*] Fixes for tweakscale interaction for transalting IR parts
[*] Better handling of symmetry for presets and other settings.
[*] FAR compatibility: FAR is notified when the IR parts have changed their position so it can recalculate voxel model accordingly.
[*] Better input handling for all textfields, makes typing in desired values much easier.
[*] Proper handling of New button in editor.
[*] Fixes for KIS/KAS attached IR parts to function properly.
[*] Minor changes to API implementation of UID field.

[*] Made our AppLauncher icon follow the same behaviour as when blizzy's toolbar installed and only show when there are robotic parts on the craft in flight. Editor button is still always visible.
[*] Fixed .version file
[*] Updated KSPAPIExtensions.dll dependency
[*] Converted Legacy parts textures to DDS
[*] Rearranged Legacy parts position in tech tree.
[*] Added support for CTT for Legacy parts.

[*] Fixed a bug with the stock toolbar

[*] Recompiled for KSP 1.0
[*] Updated stock toolbar support
[*] Updated custom parts filter. Now with custom icon!

[*]BREAKING: Field "Coarse Speed" has been renamed in the UI to just "Speed". Will affect all KOS scripts that read or change that field. Field name in part.cfg has not changed, so all existing crafts should load successfully.
[*]BREAKING: Some Events and Actions has been renamed in the UI, check your IR related kOS scripts.
[*]BREAKING: Part config fields "maxRange" and "minRange" are now obsolete. There are no reworked or legacy parts that use those two fields.
[*]NEW: All controllable servos now have Acceleration parameter. As the name suggest it is the rate at which servos speed up or slow down. Default value for legacy parts is 4x.
[*]Acceleration and Speed are only applied in-flight, in editor parts move at their default speed.
Tip: Lower acceleration allows for smoother movements leading to less wobble, but at the cost of lower speed.
[*]NEW: You can create preset positions for all controllable servos and switch between them in flight and in editor.
[*]Presets are automatically sorted from lowest to highest
[*]In editor you can switch between presets either on main Servo Configurator GUI or via Preset Editor
[*]In flight you can move servo from current position to next or previous preset position via main Servo Controller GUI or using ActionGroups
[*]You can move servo to arbitrary preset position via Preset Editor window both in flight and in editor.
[*]For examples on using presets refer to the video overview linked below.
[*]NEW: Integration into other mods through API
[*]GUI Redesign
[*]Redesigned Editor UI to fit most of the relevant fields and actions in one window.
[*]You can now move individual servos and change their main parameters from single IR window without the need to right-click every servo.
[*]Redesigned in-flight controls to accommodate all new changes and for better readability.
[*]All IR in-flight windows now obey F2 command (hide/show UI) and should not get in the way of your awesome screenshots.
[*]Custom category in editor listing all robotic parts.
[*]Editor and Flight window width is scaled dynamically.
[*]Editor window now has an option to revert servo to default position (usually 0).
[*]You can move servos to precise positions in editor by creating presets and snapping servos to them.
[*]Position and ranges for inverted axis parts are now shown in different style.
[*]All buttons now have basic tooltips.
[*]Whole set of new icons for a polished looks.
[*]TweakScale configs on Legacy parts have been fixed to work with the latest version of TweakScale.
[*]Servo sound's pitch now scales with servo's movement speed


Recommended Downloads



- Lets you increase and decrease the size of all robotics parts, without having to resort to multiple scaled copies cluttering up your part list


- A large collection of robotics and structural parts that really take advantage of what can be done with Infernal Robotics (these will eventually replace the current parts bundled with IR)


Source Code



Available on Github:


My free time is quite sparse these days but I make the best of what I can do to keep this plugin going. If you think I deserve anything (mostly beer!), feel free to donate.



How To Install










Current Contributors


  • sirkut
  • ziw
  • erendrake
  • pellinor
  • ZodiusInfuser






How do I use the gantry and it's variant?






Scaling up parts by ~200% with Tweakscale causes them to stop working


This is a known issue. For now create a copy of a parts cfg and change the rescale factor if there's a specific part you need at this size


Part seem very weak


The joints between the two halves of robotics parts only have a limited strength so can often flex if placed under excessive load. This is continuing to be looked into but for now try using Active or Quantum Struts to hold parts in place under these excessive loads.


How do I make my own robotics parts?


I wrote a simple tutorial on how to do so:


Other Mods that use Infernal Robotics



how do i get the foldatron part

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Ok, I need test subjects ahem volunteers to test out the new UI for IR 2.0. I don't want to make it public yet, but I could use some help testing.

PM me if you have time this week to test out new IR rigorously.

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2 hours ago, Ziw said:

Ok, I need test subjects ahem volunteers to test out the new UI for IR 2.0. I don't want to make it public yet, but I could use some help testing.

PM me if you have time this week to test out new IR rigorously.

I'm still one of those "uncool" 1.0.5 users (didn't buy it on steam) But I wanted to say thank you for everything you've been doing to get IR working again!

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Infernal Robotics 2.0 release, built for KSP 1.1 build 1230

REQUIRES CLEAN INSTALL (Delete old MagicSmokeIndustries Folder in your GameData folder)

New Features:

  • Redesigned UI to Unity5 UI
  • IR Build Aid - turn on visual aid in VAB/SPH to see servo range overlay
  • Drag and Move servos in editor by holding Left-Ctrl while clicking on a servo and dragging.
  • Settings window to control UI scale and transparency.

Minor changes:

  • Uncontrolled servos can be moved to position (VAB/SPH only)
  • Servo movement in VAB/SPH now obeys speed settings for servo.
  • Module renamed to ModuleIRServo, but has an alias for MuMechToggle for backwards compatibility. We encourage all part makers to change the name in part.cfg at their earliest convenience.

Changes from beta4:

  • A bit less log spam
  • Different approach to loading a bundle
  • Added HostPart to the API for Servo
  • Fix inverted Servo movement with Ctrl-Grab

Important notice!

Legacy Parts are now a separate download. Core of the mod is distributed partless.

This is a beta version for a pre-release version 1.1 of KSP, so there WILL be bugs. Please report bugs and ask questions in this thread.


Download (release):  https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/2.0.0

Legacy Parts download: https://github.com/MagicSmokeIndustries/InfernalRobotics/releases/download/2.0.0-beta/IR-LegacyParts.zip


A huge shoutout to @ZodiusInfuser for his help in building and perfecting new UI. Also mad props to @larkvi, @kujuman and @Btsimmons2 for helping out with testing the new UI and IR overall.


Edited by Ziw
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In addition to comments on how the new IR works, feel free to give feedback on the UI style I went for. I'm more of an engineer than an artist, but tried my best to come up with a style that fit what we needed but was not too far away from that of KSP.

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24 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

In addition to comments on how the new IR works, feel free to give feedback on the UI style I went for. I'm more of an engineer than an artist, but tried my best to come up with a style that fit what we needed but was not too far away from that of KSP.

Still drooling in a Corning waiting for 1.1 :(

but looking at the gifs Ziw posted, it really looks great. Fits much more inline with the overal style of your rework parts and really brings the whole package together. Nice work Zodius

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Question- it's a feature I've always wanted.. were you ever planning on adding the ability to set your various joints and servos to behave like control surfaces, like responding to wasdqe imputs just as a control surface would and automatically resetting afterwards like a control surface? Sorry if I made that sound confusing, but it would be amazing if you could add it, then this mod would have truly limitless potential!

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This is possible already via relatively simple kOS script, so it is not hard to implement. I think we will make an addon to IR, like Sequencer, that will allow assigning servos to be control surfaces and let the users control them in flight with WASD and/or joystick.

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24 minutes ago, Ziw said:

This is possible already via relatively simple kOS script, so it is not hard to implement. I think we will make an addon to IR, like Sequencer, that will allow assigning servos to be control surfaces and let the users control them in flight with WASD and/or joystick.

Thank you so much! It's a dream I've always had, now I can properly fly my bird jet via quick manipulation of the wings and tail rather than with tiny flaps on the wings and tail ^v^!

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22 minutes ago, mrflybykid said:

Thank you so much! It's a dream I've always had, now I can properly fly my bird jet via quick manipulation of the wings and tail rather than with tiny flaps on the wings and tail ^v^!

It might be in while, we still need to release IR and Sequencer first for finale KSP 1.1. 

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3 hours ago, Ziw said:

This is possible already via relatively simple kOS script, so it is not hard to implement. I think we will make an addon to IR, like Sequencer, that will allow assigning servos to be control surfaces and let the users control them in flight with WASD and/or joystick.

Actually, it should also be implemented as a "Module Mocking". Meaning IR cargo bays will act as one when assigned. Or even a landing leg. This helps with automated mods like BDArmory to open a cargo bay made from IR. It does sound technically advance and complex however to implement.

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53 minutes ago, victor tan said:

Actually, it should also be implemented as a "Module Mocking". Meaning IR cargo bays will act as one when assigned. Or even a landing leg. This helps with automated mods like BDArmory to open a cargo bay made from IR. It does sound technically advance and complex however to implement.

This is an interesting and challenging idea, although I doubt it could be solved for ANY module. But it can be solved for a fixed number of stock modules, like Control Surfaces, Brakes, Landing Gear, Cargo Bay and Science Bay. Actually you can do it with ActionGroups (and ActionGroupsExtended) already, though it requires some setup.


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1 hour ago, Ziw said:

This is an interesting and challenging idea, although I doubt it could be solved for ANY module. But it can be solved for a fixed number of stock modules, like Control Surfaces, Brakes, Landing Gear, Cargo Bay and Science Bay. Actually you can do it with ActionGroups (and ActionGroupsExtended) already, though it requires some setup.


Actually I've been doing some research on how to get an IR Cargo Bay to work BD Armory. I'm still not sure if ModActions and AGX can do something similar to this. Since BD Armory would identify a cargo bay and open it automatically to release payload, I'm not sure if it toggles an 'action' or only cargo bay modules.

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The UI seems to run pretty fine so far. The drag & drop functions are superb. Only bug I ran into is that groups are not saved. To reproduce simply create or edit a group, then change a property (speed, acceleration, ...) on a robotic part. All parts will be moved to the first default group and all created groups are deleted. Same happens when going from VAB to launch.

A minor bug (that doesn't have any influence on gameplay) is the texture of the buttons 'Toggle Positive Movement' and 'Toggle Negative Movement' on the 'Servo Controls'-Panel during flight. When clicking either button the parts in the group start to move and the button's texture changes. When clicking either of the other movement buttons (eg. 'Hold to move to default position')  the original toggle movement action is stopped. However the button will keep it's toggled texture.
This doesn't happen when clicking 'Stop' or the other toggle movement button, as the button's texture is reset in those cases.

The parts themself seem to work fine, as far as I tested.

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