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More rocket flipping discussion


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Like everyone else I'm trying to relearn how to get into orbit while going through the early career mode. I've read all the posts on the new gravity turns and watched a few videos (thanks Manley) and here's where I've got to. I've created some simple early sub orbital rockets to take the tourists up and can pretty much nail a sub orbital flight taking 2-3 of the hardcore kerbals up with Val, easy right. Gravity turn works well, no flipping, up to around 80-90k gets a bit hot coming down and a little unstable but nothing major an early parachute wont sort out. So I think I'm ready to go to orbit, upgrade the pad and hanger to use more parts.

From there I build a much more powerful rocket (2 to 3 stages depending on the particular test) but basically the same rough design as my sub orbital Kerbal Galactic using the same new gravity turn, drop the solids off. Flips every time. Every time. I can just about cartwheel it into orbit with a little flip control but its anything but controlled. Then I went to bed.

So now I'm thinking perhaps I'm going about this wrong. I think my first stage may be too powerful and is getting up too much speed so when i drop the solid rockets it causes a flip. So perhaps i try limiting the thrust of the solid rockets on the pad? It could be this along with being too top heavy with the full fuel tanks on top. But I need those tanks and engines in the 2nd and maybe 3rd stages to get to orbit and certainly if I'm going to go to the Mun. So i can't skimp on them.

But overall I'm loving it. Great fun and a real challenge. Frustrating yes, but fun...

More generally I've experienced a few bugs and crashes with 1.0 but all in all not bad. I like the new features and contracts but understand the furstation with some of the new air effects and deadly reentry withg parachutes being a little off balance for preventing flipping on reentry. I don't use steam so hopefully future updates will allow me to retain my career mode, was kind of expcting some kind of installer to upgrade for me rather than just launches an exe.

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Yeah, much less TWR is need than before and 2.0 is starting to be excessive now. That plus turning off SAS and using the throttle to control the fallover during the gravity turn is helping me, but I'm definitely not an expert yet. Another thing to watch is your center of lift and your center of mass as you stage and use fuel. You want the CoL to be solidly below the CoM at all times. Yeah, center of lift is important for rockets now instead of just planes, which is crazy :P

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Once you start seeing vapor trails coming off your craft, you're getting close to a speed where you might lose control. I always back the throttle down at that point so my speed doesn't increase too much beyond that point. Also keep mind that if you're using SRBs, that you can tweak them in the VAB so they burn longer with less thrust. I typically tweak mine such that I have barely enough TWR on the pad and put my main engine in the same stage so I can adjust the throttle during my ascent so I don't start going too fast.

I have found that once you turn to 5 degrees after reaching 50m/s, you don't even need to steer your rocket until you're in the upper atmosphere because the gravity turn will do it for you.

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