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"Duna, Ore Bust!" -- a KSP Graphic Novel (COMPLETE)

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Is it just me or does it look like Kenlie might have a crush on Val?

Interesting. I thought he was just starstruck in general, meeting all these famous and heroic kerbonauts.

Thanks Kuzzter. And thanks for the tip about Parkaboy's new mission report.

Happy landings!

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Also, wasn't one of the wings glitched (it didn't produce lift)? (Bob mode, activate!) I have concerns about their survival during reentry, because having a plane spinning wildly in blazing hot plasma isn't really healthy.

I think that they should've stayed at the station or something, so that KSC sends a "rescue mission" and bring them down safely.

Unless, of course, this is all planned.

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Nice one! I like that craft that Kenzin Enlie is flying.

Thanks! I do plan to dress it up a bit and share it in the Exchange.

So does "Kenzin Enlie" get a mission patch? After all, he was technically part of the Humblebee and crew there for a while ;).

That poor guy. He can never get promoted to Looty now, can he?

Excellent question! I guess my 'out' is that when I docked them, Kranefly was the active ship, and on map view the combined ship was called Kranefly not Hummlebee. So technically he was not part of their crew, they were part of HIS crew. I suppose he's like a kid who got to jump on stage for five secconds with One Direction or whoever the mulch the kids listen to these days.

Also, wasn't one of the wings glitched (it didn't produce lift)? (Bob mode, activate!) I have concerns about their survival during reentry, because having a plane spinning wildly in blazing hot plasma isn't really healthy.

True, I did consider this--and if I wasn't planning on decommissioning Hummlebee I would want to leave it parked at Micarooni Station for future missions and bring them all down in a Pogo. But I really want to try landing this sucker--it would be anticlimactic not to. Anyway Val won't have forgotten what happened on Duna, hopefully she'll have a good contingency plan.

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Great as always, Kuzzter.

Just a humble pointer because I haven't seen anyone mention it (I think Kuzzter is too polite to say), but you might want to check how he spells the name "Hummlebee" and compare it with how you think it's written ;)

Interestingly, "Humla" means bumblebee in Swedish. Something tells me this isn't a coincidence but that Kuzzter puts a lot of thought into naming his craft :)

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Excellent question! I guess my 'out' is that when I docked them, Kranefly was the active ship, and on map view the combined ship was called Kranefly not Hummlebee. So technically he was not part of their crew, they were part of HIS crew. I suppose he's like a kid who got to jump on stage for five secconds with One Direction or whoever the mulch the kids listen to these days.

Yeah, but he did play an important part in the mission. Of course, no doubt they'd already done the crew publicity photos years ago and also ordered the embroidered patches with the names on them, so they'd have to go to some trouble and expense to add the noob. OTOH, you could go the other way and have a "Hublebee Rescue Mission" patch....

I am curious as to why you didn't aerocapture, though. Coming back from Duna is only a hair faster than coming home from Minmus and the heat really isn't that bad.

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Interestingly, "Humla" means bumblebee in Swedish. Something tells me this isn't a coincidence but that Kuzzter puts a lot of thought into naming his craft :)
You give me too much credit. Hummlebee is just a portmanteau of hummingbird and bumblebee... I understand exactly enough Swedish to get through a set of Ikea instructions :)

- - - Updated - - -

I am curious as to why you didn't aerocapture, though. Coming back from Duna is only a hair faster than coming home from Minmus and the heat really isn't that bad.
I probably should have. Really I thought I had enough in the tank to make Micarooni without capture, so I set for 400km so I could intercept easily in one orbit... and ran out of fuel.

ETA: Also I might have been coming in a little bit faster than optimal, because remember I took a "short cut" home.

Edited by Kuzzter
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I was trying to remember what the Micarooni Station reminded me of (other than a certain fully operational battle station).

Took me a while to find it, but here it is.


I did it back in .24, but never finished. The plan was to build a base all around the asteroid, like a net of tunnels. I used the claw in place of docking ports in a few places, since it let me pivot and gave the tunnels more flexibility.

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I see you're letting the anticipation build.

Will we see all our heroes burn up horribly in the atmo as one wing loses all lift at a critical moment?

Will Jeb's fearlessness, Val's cool head, Bill's cleverness, or Lisa's brilliance be enough to save them all?

Does the Hummlebee have what it takes after drastic changes to the very laws of physics themselves?!

Stay tuned subscribed to this station thread to find out!

Once again, I'm so hoping for...

Happy landings!

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Will we see all our heroes burn up horribly in the atmo as one wing loses all lift at a critical moment?

Will Jeb's fearlessness, Val's cool head, Bill's cleverness, or Lisa's brilliance be enough to save them all?

Does the Hummlebee have what it takes after drastic changes to the very laws of physics themselves?!




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Kuzzter : You are a... a... a teaser!

It's saturday (for me), you left us with such a "potential disaster" in act. :huh:

I hope you'll use some week-end free time to AT LEAST GIVE US MORE of your comic panels!!!!!!!! :cool:

... I NEED them, now I saw a potential tragedy (again) in act... <addicted>


Side node to your KSP's mission planning crew and engineering team: spaceplane's operations need a BIG review!!! LOL :sticktongue::wink::sticktongue: LOL

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Oh God, they've run out of koffee!!!! ;)

Seriously, I think you have enough fuel and control authority to keep this bird flying controlled ( if the nozzles don't burn out, that is ... but they shouldn't in a non hyperbolic orbit with the Pe above surface ). In fact I think the lack of coordination between the two pilots is a bigger danger ;) Right in this moment both Jeb and Val are assuming control of the ship ( better said, Val has not still passed it out, but clearly she is not the one in control ;) ) and that is HUGE non-no ...

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