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[1.0.2][May20] WasdEditorCamera: FPS editor controls

FW Industries

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Re. # 3, I've tested this both in the VAB and SPH, by creating a long rocket (pod + two SRBS stacked together), moved in close to the pod with the normal mode, switched to WASD mode, moved to the bottom of the lower booser and selected it. In both cases, the camera did not jump. Can you do a video to show me what's happening so I can reproduce it?

Re. # 4, go into the Settings and change the "Sensitivity" setting to something like 6 or 8 and see if that helps.

Ok, I'll make a video today or tomorrow :)

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OK, thanks. And let me know about the icon and settings window.


I've been able to reproduce the bug, so no need for a video right now.

Do the following test with the May release: While the WASD is active, select a part, then hit the "5" key to toggle. I think that when you hit the 5, the camera will change position. This is the cause of what you are seeing in my version, because I am doing that automatically. I need to think about this, because I still want to have the mouse wheel active when a part is selected.

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I just released an update which fixes two bugs:

1. The automatic switch to normal mode was moving the camera, so I disabled that for now

2. The save function wasn't saving the file in the correct filename.

If you aren't using CKAN, delete the entire directory before installing the new version

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Here is the video of misbehaviour when switching to normal cam. WASD Cam v0.4.1

But actually I don't care - WASD Cam works perfectly fine now and, anyway, who needs stock camera when we have THIS mod ? :D

Thx for your great work, linuxgurugamer! :)

Edited by ZobrAA
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Here is the video of misbehaviour when switching to normal cam. WASD Cam v0.4.1


But actually I don't care - WASD Cam works perfectly fine now and, anyway, who needs stock camera when we have THIS mod ? :D

Thx for your great work, linuxgurugamer! :)


Be sure you are running 0.4.1, or, if you are running 0.4.0, then delete the file config.cfg from the WasdEditorCamera directory (that's the only difference between the two)

What was that mod which was on the toolbar which allowed you to select which scene to go to?


I found the mod, QuickGoto

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wondering, is it possible to add camera rotation to this?

I just got back from a tour of my space station with FreeIVA and the Q/E rotation made sense so I was sad to realise that the camera didn't behave the same way in the editors. To clarify, it's rotation along the forward axis i.e. straight in front of you, rotate around that, similar to how planes roll in KSP (Q/E make them bank to the left/right, as should they also make the IVA camera rotate clockwise/anticlockwise).

Of course, that would mean that up/down, (current Q/E), would be remapped to Alt/Space or something.. or have one speed as the default, the slowest, and just have Space speed it up.. I dunno.. just a suggestion, to have similar FPS controls to another FPS mod.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

There's some serious problem in KSP 1.0.5 with this mod - it doesn't properly disable itself upon exiting VAB. Once you hit the flight button or exit to Space Center it starts to throw out nullref exceptions and then proceeds to s slowly degrade physics, causing phantom forces to be applied to your craft. If you disable it manually with the 5 key before exiting the SPH/VAB the problems disappear but when you come to the SPH/VAB again the WASD camera is enabled and cannot be disabled anymore.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Doesn't seem to be working at all for me in 1.1.2 version.

I'm super bummed out about this, how does anyone even build anything at all with the default camera? It's so gosh darn clunky!

Any chance of an update? Anyone out there having better luck using it in the latest patch? Can anyone confirm it's not working for them as well? Please? Someone...anyone... ;.;

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