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Jupiter and Venus


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Well in tonighs sky saw both Jupiter and Venus. From what I understand they will eclipse or have done so. And next time we will see it is 2023 then after that. Long long time. Anyways 11:10 pm right now they be low to the herizon. Also saw Venus with m 6 inch telescope to. Nice Cresent light off it. Kind of like they refer to the huntress bow for the Moon. Wish I had a camra attachment for my tele. I would be posting pictures here.

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From what I understand they will eclipse or have done so

Eclipse? Each other? ... prppably not. ;)

However, Jupiter was in opposition some time ago. That mean that he reflected the sunlight in a specific way (just like a road sign "glowing" in the headlights). It was really bright. I didn't see it myself, but it should have been visible during daytime, next to the sun.

Wish I had a camra attachment for my tele

Those are not expensive at all. If your telescope has the standard threads, you can just go to the photo shop with it. You do need a camera with dettachable optics though.

Take a look at this Scott Manley vid:

He shows how you can do cool photos of planets without any kind of telescope.

Edited by Chaos_Klaus
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I did see them pretty close together before the sun went down completely, but they were starting to hide behind a tree. No Time to get the telescope or the camera out, sadly. What I did see though was good :)

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An actual transit of Venus across Jupiter is something that nobody alive has seen, and that most of us won't live to see. The last time Venus passed directly in front of Jupiter was on January 3, 1818. It won't happen again until November 22, 2065, then again on September 14, 2123.

Venus is much smaller, but much closer and more reflective. A transit would look something like:


The combined light of Venus and the part of Jupiter that Venus isn't obscuring would shine at about magnitude -6, give or take.

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