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[1.11.x] AmpYear Main & Reserve Power Manager (v1.5.9.0) 22nd Feb 2021


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23 hours ago, ctbram said:

@JPLRepo - communitron 32 is a longer range communitron 16 that comes with remotetech.  


I think the only mods that can be causing this are scansat or remotetech.  I believe RT is the most likely cause.  I believe RT modifies all the stock antennas and dishes and adds a couple new ones.  I am guessing that they messed up the way EC usage is reported.  I have left a link to this post in the RT forum in the hopes it can be resolved as I do not want to scrap RT or AMPYEAR and I find RT useless of I cannot compute EC usage.

I saw a bug report of this exact problem saying that there was an issue where RT was causing antennas not to report ec usage in the vab.  There was another one saying that antennas do not appear in the ampyear parts list and the comment saying the "ampyear developer needs to fix his code" (

I am trying to find the links.  They were dated Dec 8 2016 for ksp 1.2.2.

I'll try to get logs for you.  

It's easy to replicate just intall ksp 1.2.2 + remotetech + scansat + ampyear and stick some antennas on a ship in the vab and then check ec and parts in ampyear.  EC and parts do not show up.


Here is my log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5501128/KSP.log

As you can see no communitron part in ampyear so I cannot workout the proper amount of battery for dark side operation or the correct amount of panels.. It's making me nutz because this makes ampyear useless!





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14 minutes ago, Voodoo8648 said:

Awesome! can't wait for the new download!!! THANKS SOOO MUCH!! :)

Wish granted. V1.4.5.0 has been published.
See OP for changelog.
If you were using previous version with KSP 1.2+ I suggest you upgrade to this version as I found a rather large bug which was reporting the wrong amounts for EC consumption values due to misinterpreting how the new KSP 1.2+ stock resource calcs worked.
Edit: Also fixed Remote Tech integration.

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I'm getting really bad log spam from AY on the Bigby Orbital Workshop part from @Angel-125's MOLE in VAB/SPH (in flight seems to be okay):



[LOG 08:30:56.866] 1/12/2017 8:30:56 AM,AmpYear,Failure in Part Processing
[LOG 08:30:56.866] 1/12/2017 8:30:56 AM,AmpYear,Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseConverter.HasSpecialist (System.String effect) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseConverter.GetCrewBonus () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseConverter.GetEfficiencyMultiplier () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.ProcessModuleResourceConverter (System.String prtName, .Part currentPart, .PartModule module, Single KPBS) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.ProcessStockPartModule (.Part currentPart, .PartModule module, Boolean inhasAlternator, Boolean incurrentEngActive, Double inaltRate, System.Boolean& hasAlternator, System.Boolean& currentEngActive, System.Double& altRate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
[LOG 08:30:56.874] 1/12/2017 8:30:56 AM,AmpYear,Failure in Part Processing
[LOG 08:30:56.874] 1/12/2017 8:30:56 AM,AmpYear,Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at BaseConverter.HasSpecialist (System.String effect) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseConverter.GetCrewBonus () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at BaseConverter.GetEfficiencyMultiplier () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.ProcessModuleResourceConverter (System.String prtName, .Part currentPart, .PartModule module, Single KPBS) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.ProcessStockPartModule (.Part currentPart, .PartModule module, Boolean inhasAlternator, Boolean incurrentEngActive, Double inaltRate, System.Boolean& hasAlternator, System.Boolean& currentEngActive, System.Double& altRate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at AY.AYController.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0




Looking at it again more closely, I think this is probably due to how MOLE does things as opposed to being a bug in AY. Should I take this there instead?

Edited by MaxRebo
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On 1/12/2017 at 7:05 PM, FreeThinker said:

@JPLRepo Hey, the OP mentions that is supports KSP Interstellar ability to read EC production, but I don't see anything in the game, is the support suspended or broken? Perhaps we can fix it. Exactly how do did you readout the amount of EC produced by KSPI parts?

Along the same lines, I would like to help add compatibility with USI parts. Give me a bit of direction and I'll collect the info from the latest versions of the parts and arrange it however you need.

I'm guessing AmpYear has a list of modules it knows to check for, or maybe a list of specific parts to check, and the USI stuff just isn't included.

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48 minutes ago, revolioclockbergjr said:

Along the same lines, I would like to help add compatibility with USI parts. Give me a bit of direction and I'll collect the info from the latest versions of the parts and arrange it however you need.

I'm guessing AmpYear has a list of modules it knows to check for, or maybe a list of specific parts to check, and the USI stuff just isn't included.

The USI stuff is because it keeps chopping and changing and last I looked still had a lot of bugs. So while it's in so much flux I'm reluctant to make any changes as I may have to just re-do them again.
Another user has already submitted a pull request to support it. But because of the reasons above I have not looked at it yet.

Hopefully USI's latest set of changes will settle down in a while and I'll sit down and do the changes.

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On 1/13/2017 at 11:05 AM, FreeThinker said:

@JPLRepo Hey, the OP mentions that is supports KSP Interstellar ability to read EC production, but I don't see anything in the game, is the support suspended or broken? Perhaps we can fix it. Exactly how do did you readout the amount of EC produced by KSPI parts?

It's never really fully supported it because of the unique resources KSPIE uses.
So to fully support it I'd have to make changes to support the KSPIE specific resource and then do the SI conversions for display as everything is in EC units in AmpYear. The SI display is converting those.
Having said that. It 'should' support anything using FNModuleCryostat and FNGenerator, but if they aren't working either it's probably because of changes you've made to those and I haven't looked since 1.2.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There seems to be an issue where some components will not respect the emergency shutdown and continue to draw power which prevents regeneration of reserves the biggest culprit seem to be certain modded items. I had a bit of an edge case earlier where 4 modified antennas were continuously drawing power and the manager would not shut down any of them regardless of priority just killing the three extra ones of them would have restored enough power for RCS and allowed me to reorient the solar panels to a better angle.

I think the solution to this is in the managers ability to actually manipulate power flows or lack thereof I would suggest some minor improvements on handling low power situations.

  • make sure that the recharging the reserve batteries has the highest possible power priority this is an isolated reserve and ensuring that this gets the highest recharge rate durring emergancy shutdown will provide a buffer for manuvers.
  • Position the manager's logic between power input and output if possible so that the mod can than lie to components about power availability and throttle / cut power to the misbehaving device in the event that it cannot be turned off normally. why trying to support modded components when you just pull the plug? if this is not possible or too involved to implement than the first solution will at least provide a small buffer.  (personally I would like the option to turn any device on or off at any time you would be surprised at the number of components out there that have no off switch >.> )
Edited by Mikeloeven
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Does this mod do anything to address the incredibly annoying stock bug where you have enough power production but if you time compress to a certain speed it magically drops to zero and screws everything up, then going back to 1x makes the ship remember it has plenty of power?

Main reason I'm looking for a power management mod to fix that, but not clear if this is an included feature here.

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Sorry for my bad english, but there was a problem.
KSP 1.2.2 x64 + Kebalism 1.2.4 + AmpYear - all ok
KSP 1.2.2 x64 + Kebalism 1.2.5 + AmpYear - NOT ok
You can see that the value of "Power Prod" is zero, but RTG is set. It will remain zero with any energy source



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i encountered a problem, where adding ampyear to my mods will result in my command units not showing up in the VAB and SPH. Trying to run RO, RSS, RP-0, the latter fixed with a patched tree.cfg.

Might this cause problems? the missing parts are missing in the RnD building aswell.


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On 4/12/2017 at 8:34 PM, Russos said:


Sorry for my bad english, but there was a problem.
KSP 1.2.2 x64 + Kebalism 1.2.4 + AmpYear - all ok
KSP 1.2.2 x64 + Kebalism 1.2.5 + AmpYear - NOT ok
You can see that the value of "Power Prod" is zero, but RTG is set. It will remain zero with any energy source



1 hour ago, -MadMan- said:

I have the same problem...

No logs. No bug report. See OP.

On 4/19/2017 at 1:54 AM, angrybold said:

i encountered a problem, where adding ampyear to my mods will result in my command units not showing up in the VAB and SPH. Trying to run RO, RSS, RP-0, the latter fixed with a patched tree.cfg.

Might this cause problems? the missing parts are missing in the RnD building aswell.


No logs. See OP.

On 4/6/2017 at 4:08 AM, Crimeo said:

Does this mod do anything to address the incredibly annoying stock bug where you have enough power production but if you time compress to a certain speed it magically drops to zero and screws everything up, then going back to 1x makes the ship remember it has plenty of power?

Main reason I'm looking for a power management mod to fix that, but not clear if this is an included feature here.

Nope. There's a reason for it in stock. and no it does not address it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Could you add the feature that when hovering the mouse over the part list the part is highlighted?

When I have a dozen of solar panels with the same name in 3 probes and also the structure that holds the probes it's really frustrating not to know which entry belongs to which part ...


And please integrate SC (StoredCharge) because many mods use it nowadays...

Edited by Gordon Dry
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On 5/13/2017 at 0:25 AM, Gordon Dry said:

Could you add the feature that when hovering the mouse over the part list the part is highlighted?

When I have a dozen of solar panels with the same name in 3 probes and also the structure that holds the probes it's really frustrating not to know which entry belongs to which part ...


And please integrate SC (StoredCharge) because many mods use it nowadays...

From the OP:


Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

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On 14.12.2016 at 9:38 AM, danielboro said:

on emergency shutdown ampyear closed my panels

A little bit old to reply but for real, why should AmpYear close the panels when the electric charge is near to zero?

That does not make any sense to me neither.


btw (oh no, it's more like that, it's major):

For three days now I fiddle around finding the mod that is triggering this bad issue:

PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartResourceDefinitionList.get_Item (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartResourceLibrary.GetDefinition (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.GetPartCostsAndMass (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost, System.Single& dryMass, System.Single& fuelMass) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.SanitizePartCosts (.AvailablePart aP, .ConfigNode partNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator62.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

on many parts - mostly pods or cockpits or reentry modules of any kind.

These parts are NOT available in game then.

I removed many mods to get rid off it, then I moved mods back in one after the other until the issue reappeared.

To quickly test if the issue is back or not I just had to load the game until the main menu and then open the file PartDatabase.cfg and search for the phrase "mk1pod" inside of it.
If it's there, everything is okay.

If it's not there, the bug is back.

So I did two runs - one with AmpYear still in GameData and one without it.

I placed the logs and cache files of both runs into a .zip and here it is:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uj5s0ev54px291u/2017-05-19-2 KSP (AmpYear - PartCompiler_Cannot compile part).log.zip?dl=1

So, AmpYear is the culprit.

I have to do further tests if IONRCS and DeepFreeze trigger the same issues, because I removed them first - hoping that I can have AmpYear stay in at least...

Edited by Gordon Dry
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24 minutes ago, Gordon Dry said:

A little bit old to reply but for real, why should AmpYear close the panels when the electric charge is near to zero?

That does not make any sense to me neither.


btw (oh no, it's more like that, it's major):

For three days now I fiddle around finding the mod that is triggering this bad issue:

PartLoader: Encountered exception during compilation. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at PartResourceDefinitionList.get_Item (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartResourceLibrary.GetDefinition (System.String name) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.GetPartCostsAndMass (.ConfigNode partNode, .AvailablePart aP, System.Single& dryCost, System.Single& fuelCost, System.Single& dryMass, System.Single& fuelMass) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at ShipConstruction.SanitizePartCosts (.AvailablePart aP, .ConfigNode partNode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at PartLoader+<CompileParts>c__Iterator62.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

on many parts - mostly pods or cockpits or reentry modules of any kind.

These parts are NOT available in game then.

I removed many mods to get rid off it, then I moved mods back in one after the other until the issue reappeared.

To quickly test if the issue is back or not I just had to load the game until the main menu and then open the file PartDatabase.cfg and search for the phrase "mk1pod" inside of it.
If it's there, everything is okay.

If it's not there, the bug is back.

So I did two runs - one with AmpYear still in GameData and one without it.

I placed the logs and cache files of both runs into a .zip and here it is:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/uj5s0ev54px291u/2017-05-19-2 KSP (AmpYear - PartCompiler_Cannot compile part).log.zip?dl=1

So, AmpYear is the culprit.

I have to do further tests if IONRCS and DeepFreeze trigger the same issues, because I removed them first - hoping that I can have AmpYear stay in at least...

I don't respond to well to bold large coloured text.

From the OP:


Be a :cool:COOL :cool:PERSON and help me by raising bugs and feature requests on GitHub here.

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