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HSTW Cart's Mun rover


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How do y\'all put your rovers on the mun if you use the mod, and also how do you get the propane tanks to propel you upwards and not spin you as normal RCS thrusters do?

By pressing H

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Propane thrusters don\'t spin; they have just one direction -- \'forward\' (<H> key).

I usually put a rover with 2 tanks/thrusters under the command pod, then a stack decoupler, and then a landing stage (usually ASAS + small tank + small engine). I land it vertically; then I

- deploy wheels with <G>,

- decouple rover from the landing stage,

- turn on RCS with <R>,

- turn on pod\'s SAS with <T> (it\'s well enough to stabilize such a light vessel),

- turn on precision controls with <CapsLock> key (otherwise the rover\'s extremely hard to control in flight),

- and press <H> to lift the rover from the landing stage.

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That works fine with normal RCS thrusters as well, and with those you also have I,J,K and L for up, left, down and right.

Have fun on the Mun but be careful not to tip over, those tanks are delicate and they are your only way home, also If you find you struggle to get back with them you can easily fit more so you have enough fuel in case things go wrong.

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I added 3 radial engine pylons to my (tri-symmetric) General-Purpose Lander: each one had a rover+small MechJeb pod attached.

Once I had landed on Minimus pressing <space> \'staged\' the rovers gently down to the surface!

Joe 8)

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My rovers land atop a HH-series tank (the small 1m one) and medium engine from NovaPunch, then I literally either tip the entire lander over or hop off the top and pray the command pod doesn\'t explode. No explosions yet!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It might not have been the easiest but I used the cart rover as the lander and didn\'t have to worry about separating stages on the surface. I burned to kill most of my horizontal and vertical velocity near the surface, then used RCS to bring it down nice and easy like a hammer...damaging my parachute and stranding yet another crew on the mun.

Here\'s what mine looked like, I haven\'t been on here in a while so not sure if anyone has made something similar or not.

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I added 3 radial engine pylons to my (tri-symmetric) General-Purpose Lander: each one had a rover+small MechJeb pod attached.

Once I had landed on Minimus pressing <space> \'staged\' the rovers gently down to the surface!

Did you steal my design Joe?



Capt\'n Skunky

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Keeping in mind that it\'s not nice to make fun of the slow-witted, can somebody tell a newbie:

Is the cart.dae the thing I need to unpack?

How can I unpack if Windows says it doesn\'t know? When I have Windows look for help, it only finds commercial services that want me to download and register their products to 'fix' my computer, and I don\'t trust them.

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BSOM180, a server glitch locked me out of the site for a week, so I haven\'t been able to thank you for your instructions. They worked, and I\'ve been having a blast driving carts around Mun for the last couple of days. Thank you!

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  • 1 month later...

I put my command module and cart under the center of a tri-engine ship, it sits just high enough that after I land I decouple the command cart and it just drops off the bottom and drives out from under the lander. Works well!

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Same here. I use a quad or tri-engined lander with a center tank. Add a decoupler to the bottom of the center tank and the rover under that. Just deploy the wheels, decouple, and drive away. I've also used NovaPunch inline tricoupler to deploy two rovers from a single central-engined lander. There's probably as many ways to deploy a rover as there are rocket designs.

As long as your having fun, there's no bad design. :)

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