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[WIP][1.2.2] Keridian Dynamics - Dev Thread [Last Update: 2017-01-21]

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Getting a weird compatibility error in CKAN with simple construction instead of EPL picked, not sure if it still thinks EPL is a depndancy or what, but I'm going to install it manually as there shouldn't be any problem, and having your mod selected in CKAN seems to cause it to crash after irreversibly marking all three mods as incompatible with each other.

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1 hour ago, Liarra Sniffles said:

Getting a weird compatibility error in CKAN with simple construction instead of EPL picked, not sure if it still thinks EPL is a depndancy or what, but I'm going to install it manually as there shouldn't be any problem, and having your mod selected in CKAN seems to cause it to crash after irreversibly marking all three mods as incompatible with each other.

Unfortunately I can't help with CKAN because I personally prefere to manage my mods with a manual modmanager (JSGME in particular). I'm very glad that I just have to check a box and someone applies magic to make it available on CKAN :wink:

A manual install should fix the problems.

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  • 1 month later...

Eleusis, again thank you for this mod. I just built a base on Minmus using Extraplanetary Launchpads and your side pad. Totally awesome.

I was going to build a base section that has your 3d printer in it and then I remembered that it can make material kits but not specialized parts (using MKS Lite). Have you had a chance to take a second look at how to make specialized parts?


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15 hours ago, Dr Farnsworth said:

Eleusis, again thank you for this mod. I just built a base on Minmus using Extraplanetary Launchpads and your side pad. Totally awesome.

I was going to build a base section that has your 3d printer in it and then I remembered that it can make material kits but not specialized parts (using MKS Lite). Have you had a chance to take a second look at how to make specialized parts?

I'm happy that you can put all the work to good use :)

I've uploaded a litte patch to GitHub ( direct download ) that allows the 3D-Printer to produce SpecializedParts from Metal + Ore (you need both). I've made sure that it does not exceed MKSLites productivity and that the mass is conserved. Otherwise I've not balanced anything, so if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for balancing, let me know.

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3 hours ago, Eleusis La Arwall said:

I'm happy that you can put all the work to good use :)

I've uploaded a litte patch to GitHub ( direct download ) that allows the 3D-Printer to produce SpecializedParts from Metal + Ore (you need both). I've made sure that it does not exceed MKSLites productivity and that the mass is conserved. Otherwise I've not balanced anything, so if you encounter any problems or have suggestions for balancing, let me know.

Have you made any progress towards the 3d printer's production rate being comparable to the MKS/ MKS Lite workshop? You mentioned previously that your 3d printer would have a much lower production rate of material kits when compared to the MKS workshop or the MKS Lite scout workshop.

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16 hours ago, Dr Farnsworth said:

Have you made any progress towards the 3d printer's production rate being comparable to the MKS/ MKS Lite workshop? You mentioned previously that your 3d printer would have a much lower production rate of material kits when compared to the MKS workshop or the MKS Lite scout workshop.

The lower production rate is meant as a trade-off for the fact, that the 3D-Printer works completly autonomous. I don't know if MKSL actually requires kerbals inside the workshops but I think the work is meant to be done by kerbals.
None the less I see your point, atm it would need 20 Printers to match the MKSL workshop outcome of MaterialKits and 5 Printers to match the SpecializedParts outcome. MaterialKits should be produced faster than SpecializedParts. So I'd boost the productivity of MaterialKits by the factor 10. This way 2 Printers would match 1 MKSL workshop and 1.5 Printers would match 1 OSE Converter. The rate of SpecializedParts will remain the same. What do you think?

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Eleusis, the MKS Lite scout workshop does not require an engineer to be inside of it for it to function. I will have to check tonight to see if a Kerbal needs to be in the base or if it will run sans green guys. I suspect it needs a Kerbal, and probably an engineer for higher efficiency.

Now, concerning your production rates on the 3d printer. I should probably explain my methodology. 

I like to build remote bases that can become self sufficent but my goal is to start the building process with a single drop pod/genesis pod and build the rest using extraplanetary launchpads. The initial drop pod will contain one or two kerbals, life support, and enough material kits to build the first base structure. The first building is usually focused on ore mining so that I can start feeding my workshop. The Scout workshop is light and inflatable and it makes for a great starter material kits producer. Since it is so light I can usually bring one with me and not build it on site.  Once the base is developed fully my goal would be to build a more permanent material kits manufacturer. This is where your models come in. They are beauties to behold!

So the transition if from the temporary buildings and then to the permanent structures.

It would be great to only have to build two 3d printers to match the material kit production of the scout workshop. But remember the way I am looking at it. The refinery and printer are permanent structures and as such you would assume they are more efficient, not less.

The MKS Lite scout workshop weighs in at .75 tons. The Keridan Dynamics furnace and 3d printer weigh a total of 17.65 tons and is a permanent structure instead of being inflatable. It takes a substantial amount of material kits and time to construct the furnace and the printer vs the workshop. This could lead a person to argue that the furnace and printer should be much more powerful and effective devices, not less.


Just my two cents.


Edited by Dr Farnsworth
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I would be happy to test things for you. I just happen to have a base set up on Minmus that I could plug your parts into.

Actually... I actually designed the base to use your manufacturing parts from the beginning, so it will be an easy fit. 

I am using Kerbal Planetary Base systems for the permanent structures. The furnace and printer look great mingled in with the base parts. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/6/2016 at 4:48 PM, Eleusis La Arwall said:

Unfortunately I can't help with CKAN because I personally prefere to manage my mods with a manual modmanager (JSGME in particular). I'm very glad that I just have to check a box and someone applies magic to make it available on CKAN :wink:

A manual install should fix the problems.

@Eleusis La Arwall

This mod is currently not available in CKAN, among other things, the netkan is referencing kerbalstuff.

 Would you mind if I write a working .netkan file for CKAN

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On 28/08/2016 at 4:58 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

@Eleusis La Arwall

This mod is currently not available in CKAN, among other things, the netkan is referencing kerbalstuff.

 Would you mind if I write a working .netkan file for CKAN

Sure, I'm glad for any help! :) If you could send me the file too, I'll integrate it in the next release.

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4 minutes ago, Eleusis La Arwall said:

Sure, I'm glad for any help! :) If you could send me the file too, I'll integrate it in the next release.

You don't need the .netkan file, that is a one time thing.  I would strongly recommend, that you update the .version file (it still references kerbalstuff)

I'll get to the netkan tomorrow, I think.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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1 hour ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You don't need the .netkan file, that is a one time thing.  I would strongly recommend, that you update the .version file (it still references kerbalstuff)

I'll get to the netkan tomorrow, I think.

I actually thought the netkan and version file are the same thing. :blush: I'll make a new version file for the next update.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there a requisite number of engineers required in the orbital VAB? I'm attempting to build a ship in orbit with one engineer in the orbital VAB using the Orbital pad as the spawn point, but both modules are "locked" and I can't build anything (despite having sufficient building materials).

/edit: 2 engineers....nevermind


Edited by pheenix99
I'm a dumbass
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Good Day,

I am new to this mod but I can't seem to get this to work. Can anyone guide me on how to build an orbital VAB.

I have tried to build everything I though was required and transferred crew but I cannot get this to work. I also seem to get the "Locked" status.

Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know if it is the order of components or what I am missing, but this is a no go and I haven't found any useful guides.

I am on KSP 1.1.3 with about 89 mods.

I had CLS loaded, removed it, and still nothing.

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On 05/10/2016 at 0:48 PM, OmagaIII said:

Good Day,

I am new to this mod but I can't seem to get this to work. Can anyone guide me on how to build an orbital VAB.

I have tried to build everything I though was required and transferred crew but I cannot get this to work. I also seem to get the "Locked" status.

Any help would be appreciated.

I don't know if it is the order of components or what I am missing, but this is a no go and I haven't found any useful guides.

I am on KSP 1.1.3 with about 89 mods.

I had CLS loaded, removed it, and still nothing.

Hello and welcome!

I guess you want to build vehicles in orbit. Easyiest way is to use the Orbital Pad with a PPD Hitchhiker container(s) (stock; productivity factor: 0.4) and some storage-containers filled with RocketParts. Once in orbit, right click on the Orbital Pad and open the EL build menu. Select a craft and start building. The more Kerbals you have in PPD Hitchhiker container(s) and the higher their level, the faster the building-process will run.

Another way is to use the Orbital Hangar instead of the Orbital Pad. The Orbital Hangar is bigger, heavier and not to mention its aerodynamics but if you have it in orbit, it can hold up to 8 kerbals and assemble vessels faster with a productivity factor of 3.5.

The fastest assembly can be achived with the Mobile VAB (productivity factor 5.0) but it can not launch vessels on its own like the Orbital Hangar. A Pad of any kind or Launchsite (surface only!) is required.

I hope this helps but if it isn't what you meant please add a screenshot of your station.

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Sorry for the lack of updates lately (again) but I'm very busy. The next update will come and thats pretty much all I can say for sure atm :/ (Very likely in november but no promises.)

Some infos on WIP stuff that will come soon:

  1. Part balancing. With the awesome support by Dr Farnsworth, the rates of the resource converters will be greatly increased to justify the very high financial and weight costs.
  2. More Storage Tanks. Yes even more ... Like the Crew-Passable Tanks just without the crew-passable-thing.
  3. (Chemical Reactor for recycling and Ore-electrolysis [Ore --> Metal + Liquid Fuel + Oxidizer]. Not sure if this part will be ready for the next update.)
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  • 1 month later...

Version 0.8.1 is finally available!

Download from SpaceDock

Download from GitHub


What's new?
The Chemical Reactor (model not finished yet) can split Ore into Metal + LiquidFuel + Oxidizer with a very high extraction efficiency but takes more time and power.

More Tanks without crew-passable corridors to store a bit more in the same volume. Like the old Station Tanks they come in 6 sizes plus one adapter and offer between 585 and 8340 units of resources. They provide a slightly different interior that requires JSI advanced transparant pods and are also equipped with illuminated signs to distinguish them in the dark. By default they can store RocketParts, Metal and Ore. If Community Resource Pack is installed additional setups for MaterialKits, RareMetals/ExoticMinerals, Dirt and MetalOre are available.

Conversion rates have been greatly increased to justify the high costs (financial and weight). If that is still not fast enough it is possible to convert MetalOre too. The concentration of Metal is 70 times higher in MetalOre than stock Ore. A patch for the stock drill is included to mine MetalOre.

The mod is compatible to Extraplanetary Launchpads OR SimpleConstruction.

Included is also a little experimental modlet called "OreScience". It adds Ore Samples as a new science experiment to the stock drill. It was very easy to set up but I hope for some feedback before I put more work into this.

Have fun with the update!

Future plans:
For 0.9 I plan to focus on recycling. The ChemicalReactor needs more work. I'm still struggeling with a deployable launchpad but no result I like so far.




**2016-11-26 - Balancing update one - v0.8.1**

* New part: KD-ChemicalReactor (Ore --> Metal+LFO)
* New parts: KD-T250XFS (X=variant) 2.5 m non-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 2, 3 m).
* New parts: KD-T375XFS (X=variant) 3.75 m non-passable Storage Tanks in 3 sizes (1, 3, 6 m).
* New part: KD-T3252FS 3.75 m to 2.5 m non-passable Storage Tank adapter (2 m).
* Removed parts: KD-T125FS and KD-T250FS.
* Increased Furnace conversion speed (~15 times faster, extr.-rate remains 1%-mass).
* Added MetalOre --> Metal converter to Furnace by default (~70%-mass extr.-rate).
* Added MetalOre harvester to Stock drill (Big one only).
* Increased 3D-Printer conversion speed (~21 times faster, conv.-rate remains 100%-mass).
* Reduced 3D-Printer mass to 1.85 tons.
* Included compatibility patch for SimpleConstruction.
* Updated converter specialty to ExperienceEffect (3D Printer,Furnace = ConverterSkill; ChemicalReactor = ScienceSkill)
* Added Bulkheadprofiles.
* Added tags.
* Added ScienceExperiment: OreScience to Stock Drill (Big one only).


Big thank you to @Dr Farnsworth for all the time and effort you've taken for testing and supporting this mod!

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2 hours ago, Invader_guy said:

:D I had no idea this mod was still alive!

I'm glad I found it again, I really loved playing around with it like a year ago

Yeah, I was going for a dramatic ... ... Pause :wink: Just kidding. I'm glad to hear you enjoy it and thanks for the feedback!

2 hours ago, Odonian said:

I'm interested in using this alongside MKS, but I'm not seeing the option to convert metalore to metal in the furnace, just ore->metal.


That's strange, I just checked and it works for me. My first guess is to look for the file "KeridianDynamics-Converters.cfg" in GameData/KeridianDynamics. Otherwise could you send me the ModuleManager.ConfigCache file (located in GameData)?

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