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So . . . my ship just . . .disappeared.

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I had a 3 man capsule orbiting ike, with my A-team on it: jeb, bill and bob. They were stranded waiting for some fuel to get there, with loads of science from Duna and Ike. I warped about 100 days and launched a 4.5tn tank of fuel completely off the window, took me 3800ms to get a duna encounter. When i try to fine tune the encounter to see if i can get a rendezvous started, the capsue just isn't there anymore. All i can gather is that my three kerbonauts are KIA in the complex.

1.- Is there any way i can find out what happened?

2.- Is there any way i can restore my vessel?

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well its known bug that vessels can disappear, try to revert to old save (use save function of menu often so it wont be overwritten), other than that you cant do much.

You could try to recreate ship in save file, but that would require a lot of precision, too much work and would probably be badly executed.

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BTW, if you detect something like this, and are reasonably sure this happened very recently (scarce minutes) ago, and didn't switch vessels or go to KSC, just quit the game through alt-F4, or whatever quick methods of quitting it without going to KSC you have, and restart. It will start from the latest autosave and the craft may still be there.

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log about ships is actually save file, so if you dont have save file that you can open you dont have either a log of your ship. also it is not crash so no log also even tho crash logs only WHY it crashed.

short answer no.

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One of my ship disappeared once. I opened a old save file, copies the vessel part and copied it in the actual save file. The ship was back and never went off again. No need to revert to a old file, just edit the current one. Don't forget backup though.

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Two reasons I had disappearing stuff

1. Periapsis too low, and it legitimately disappeared.

2. This one is debris only. Max persistent debris setting too small. I once set it to 25 according to some suggestions, and I found I didn't spawn any debris even if I meant to (I had many ships flying but no debris). Changing the value back to infinite solves the problem - apparently it seems this value might be interpreted as "debris can't be spawned when number of current ship+debris exceeds that value".

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I've had that happen to me before, only to realize its because I turned off the "lander" tab from the tracking station. Because of this, I couldn't even see my own ship (a lander) on the orbital view while I was controlling it still. Also made it hard when docking with things; I fixed it by making lander's visible again in the tracking station

Miss-read the post; if your peeps are dead yea i dont know whats going on (the above happens though)

Edited by fireblade274
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I've had this happen to me a fair bit, I'm going to assume you get frequent crashed to desktop for memory overruns?

About 10% of the time it crashed to desktop, it'll delete the active ship. I think it happens on certain types of scene changes

I've lost a lot of pretty long missions to that specific breed of Kraken, and you can usually restore from a quick save and it's all good.

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This thread is well over two years old, and involves older versions of KSP.  Presumably everyone in the original thread has long since found their answers and moved on.

If you've got a technical problem or a gameplay question now, there's a good chance that it's for a completely different technical reason (since we're on a newer KSP with substantially changed code), which means it's unhelpful to post / ask about it here.

Accordingly, locking this thread to prevent further confusion.  If you've got a technical problem or gameplay question, please feel free to post a new thread of your own-- it's unhelpful to revive a years-dead one.

Additionally:  several posts have been pruned from this thread due to off-topic ranting, baseless accusations, and personal insults.  Please remember that we're a friendly community of civil adults, here, and it's never okay to make personal insults.  You're more than welcome to post your feedback about "I don't like this" or "I think that is wrong" or what-have-you (the KSP Discussion and Suggestions sub-forums are good for this), but please do so like a responsible adult, and stay civil.

Thank you for your understanding.

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