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[1.2.x] Aviator Arsenal - World War 2 aircraft weaponry (v1.3)


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On 20. 12. 2017 at 3:38 AM, SuicidalInsanity said:

For those of you using the BDAc 1.1.0 beta, here is an updated version of the AABulletDef.cfg that's been posted a few times here. Only use if using the BDAc 1.1.0.xx public beta.

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        name = 7.7x56RmmBullet//Breda-SAFAT
        caliber = 7.7
        bulletVelocity = 730
        bulletMass = 0.0113
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //11mm
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 7.62x54mmBullet//ShKAS
        caliber = 7.62
        bulletVelocity = 725
        bulletMass = 0.0096
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //11mm
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 12.7x99mmBullet//Browning M2
        caliber = 12.7
        bulletVelocity = 880
        bulletMass = 0.052
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 12.7x108mmBullet//Berezin UBZ
        caliber = 12.7
        bulletVelocity = 820
        bulletMass = 0.0483
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //Ap could penetrate 25mm armor
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 13x64mmBullet// MG 131 HEI-T
        caliber = 13
        bulletVelocity = 750
        bulletMass = 0.034
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.0017
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 15x96mmBullet //MG 151 HE-T
        caliber = 15
        bulletVelocity = 960 //850 for AP-T
        bulletMass = 0.057 //0.072 for AP-T
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true	//false for AP-T
        tntMass = 0.0028
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0	//penetrate 18mm armor at 60 deg - 21mm perpendicular penetration?
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20x99mmShell //ShVak HEI-T
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 770
        bulletMass = 0.096
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.0028
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20x110mmShell //Hispanio HEI-T
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 880// AP-T 840m/s
        bulletMass = 0.13 //0.168 AP-T
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.006 //0 AP-T
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20mmMGeschoss //20x82mm MG 151/20s
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 805// 705m/s AP
        bulletMass = 0.95 //0.117 AP
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.0186 //0 AP
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 // AP penetrates 13mm plate @ 60 deg - 15mm perpendicular?
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

    name = 23x152mmBullet //Vya-23 HEI
        caliber = 23
        bulletVelocity = 905
        bulletMass = 0.198 
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.015 //0 for AP
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //25mm for AP
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

    name = 30x90mmMGeschoss //Mk 108
        caliber = 30
        bulletVelocity = 540
        bulletMass = 0.33
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.072 
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 40x158mmShell //Vickers S
        caliber = 40
        bulletVelocity = 560
        bulletMass = 1.36
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.026 //unable to find definitive value
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //~54mm armor penetration
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 75mmShell //Bk 7.5 PzGr. 40
        caliber = 75
        bulletVelocity = 990
        bulletMass = 4.05
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = False
        tntMass = 0 //APCR rounds don't have HE
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //154mm armor penetration
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
		shortName = ShVAK Wing Mount
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 96e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 860
		bulletType = 20x99mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = ShVAK 
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 96e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 870
		bulletType = 20x99mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Hispanio Mk II 
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 110e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 880
		bulletType = 20x110mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Hispanio (Shrouded)
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 110e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 880
		bulletType = 20x110mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
//weapon/projectile mass/velocity stats for the SB/LB MG151/20s were for the 15mm version, so lets change the title and description to be accurate
	@title = WW2 MG 151 15mm Long Barrel  
	@description =  With a lighter bullet, the MG 151 does not hit as hard as the 20mm weapons, but the much faster round was proven efficient against targets at greater distances.
		shortName = MG 151
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 960
		@ammoName = 15mm
		bulletType = 15x96mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
	@title = WW2 MG 151 15mm Short Barrel
	@description =  At expense of precision, the short barrel version of the MG 151 allows the projectile to be fired at a higher rate of fire. It fits nicely beside its longer brother.
		shortName = MG 151 Shortbarrel
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 950
		@ammoName = 15mm
		bulletType = 15x96mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
	@description = Unsatisfied with the performance of 15mm rounds, the MG 151 was converted to the MG151/20, by rechambering it to fire 20mm shells, trading armor penetration and muzzle velocity for better power.
		shortName = MG 151/20 
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 950
		bulletType = 20mmMGeschoss
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode

		shortName = Mk 108
		!bulletDragArea = 8.48e-4
		!bulletMass = 330e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 540
		bulletType = 30x90mmMGeschoss
		@weaponType = ballistic
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 2
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Vickers S
		!bulletDragArea = 15e-4
		!bulletMass = 1360e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 570
		bulletType = 40x158mmShell
		@weaponType = ballistic
		shortName = Bk 7.5
		!bulletMass = 4050e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 990
		bulletType = 75mmShell
		@weaponType = ballistic
		shortName = Vya-23
		!bulletDragArea = 4.99e-4
		!bulletMass = 190e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 905
		bulletType = 23x152mmBullet
		@weaponType = ballistic
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 2
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Berezin UB 
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 55.4e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 820
		bulletType = 12.7x108mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Breda-SAFAT Longbarrel
		!bulletDragArea = 0.56e-4
		!bulletMass = 11e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 740
		bulletType = 7.7x56RmmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Breda-SAFAT
		!bulletDragArea = 0.56e-4
		!bulletMass = 11e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 740
		bulletType = 7.7x56RmmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Gunpod
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Wing Mount
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890 
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Shortbarrel
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Ball Turret
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = MG 131
		!bulletDragArea = 1.59e-4
		!bulletMass = 38.5e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 750
		bulletType = 13x64mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = ShKAS
		!bulletDragArea = 0.55e-4
		!bulletMass = 9.6e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 870
		bulletType = 7.62x54mmBullet 
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 10
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
	!MODULE[JerichoTrumpet] {} //kill the custom jerichotrumpet module, it's not compiled for 1.3 and will cause KSP to crash on load if not removed

	name = 15mm
	title = 15x96mm Ammo
	density = 219e-6
	flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = true
	name = 15mmBox
	module = Part
	author = VintageXP
		model = AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/model
		texture = AMMO_DIFF, AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/AMMO_DIFF
		texture = AMMO_NRM, AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/AMMO_NRM
	rescaleFactor = 0.15
	node_attach = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
	TechRequired = start
	entryCost = 0
	cost = 800
	category = none
	subcategory = 0
	title = WW2 15mm Ammo Box
	manufacturer = Roaken Armory
	description =  Box holding 15mm rounds. We somehow managed to fit 500 in there.
	attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
	mass = 18e-3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.1
	minimum_drag = 0.1
	angularDrag = 2
	crashTolerance = 12
	maxTemp = 1200 // = 2900
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
	name = 15mm
	amount = 500
	maxAmount = 500

	name = CFEnable

	name = BDACategoryModule


You'll need to delete and replace/overwrite the current version of the MM patch with the above.

Very nicce work here man! Can I just ask if you on your old pre BETA patch also changed weapon damage from explosionRadius and other definitions to newer TNTmass?

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On 1/19/2018 at 11:18 AM, Toonu said:

Very nicce work here man! Can I just ask if you on your old pre BETA patch also changed weapon damage from explosionRadius and other definitions to newer TNTmass?

No, because that would break things. The pre-beta BDAc patch is only for BDAC 1.0.0, and BDAC 1.0.0 doesn't use the new beta damage values.

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  • 2 weeks later...

so the Jericho Trumpet crashes your game r8?
i've seen a part with similar function from the BDArmory Weapons Extension mod (part name is Sonic Boombox)
it makes a sonic boom sound effect at 343 m/s
idk if you can copy the part cfg and edit it a little bit so it make stuka sounds and going louder as your plane going faster

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Dragonwarp said:

is there a version compatable with 1.3.1? when i installed this, it crashed my game, and I cant find it on CKAN.

You can get it running with enough effort, from what I've heard.

Maybe start by reading this thread, there are lots of useful stuff around here.

Edited by tetryds
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  • 5 weeks later...
18 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

no update bruh? great mod btw


And yes, maintaining a decent mod requires way too much time, and since I am not that interested on KSP anymore I'm only assuring it works, even with patches.

The community is always very helpful in creating such patches, especially as BDAc changed a lot of how weapons deal damage.

I would give it away for someone else to support, but if someone is that willing to continue it, why not create a new one? I always allow people to use this mod (make tournament patches, etc) when they ask for permission though.

9 hours ago, N7_aerospace said:

well there may be a mod that is stopping it from working (i dont know how to post pics)




Edit: to post pics upload them to imgur.com, grab the image link and paste here, then press enter, the image will show on the post.

Edited by tetryds
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14 hours ago, N7_aerospace said:


here is a "list" of all my mods

Telling us the mods you have in your install is all well and good but it doesn't really help in regards to diagnosing your issue

Please upload your KSP.log to a file sharing service and post the link here so that those in the know can take a look and perhaps solve your issue ... KSP.log is found in the main KSP directory, this contains much of the information that any of us would need in order to figure out what is up with your KSP install

Please read the following post where the info on how to help us help you is found :wink:


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8 hours ago, N7_aerospace said:

i updated BDArmoryC so ill see if it works with the new version



Bro, that is not going to work, you need MM packs.

Well, I am skipping this one until someone comes up with an actual issue with the mod on this version.

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N7, AA will not work out of the box with BDAc 1.2 due to fundamental changes in how BDA weapons are configured; BDA is looking for configuration values that simply aren't there and that's the cause of errors. That said, this MM patch should port everything over to the new system and get things running again:


        name = 7.7x56RmmBullet//Breda-SAFAT
        caliber = 11//actually 7.7, but any value under 11mm results in 0.0001 damage
        bulletVelocity = 730
        bulletMass = 0.0124 // originally 0.0113, boosted to do more than 10 damage
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //11mm penetration, but this value isn't currently implemented
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 7.62x54mmBullet//ShKAS
        caliber = 11//actually 7.62
        bulletVelocity = 730
        bulletMass = 0.0116 // originally 0.0096, boosted to do more than 10 damage
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //11mm penetration
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 12.7x99mmBullet//Browning M2
        caliber = 12.7
        bulletVelocity = 880
        bulletMass = 0.052
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //24mm 
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
        name = 12.7x108mmBullet//Berezin UBZ
        caliber = 12.7
        bulletVelocity = 820
        bulletMass = 0.0483
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = false
        tntMass = 0
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //Ap could penetrate 25mm armor
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 13x64mmBullet// MG 131 HEI-T
        caliber = 13
        bulletVelocity = 750
        bulletMass = 0.034
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.002822 //1.7grams PETN
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //15mm, best guess estimation based on mass/velocity
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 15x96mmBullet //MG 151 AP-T
        caliber = 15
        bulletVelocity = 960 //850 for AP-T
        bulletMass = 0.057 //0.072 for AP-T
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true	//false for AP-T
        tntMass = 0.004648  //2.8 grams PETN 
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0// penetrate 18mm armor at 60 deg - 21mm perpendicular penetration?
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20x99mmShell //ShVak HEI-T
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 770
        bulletMass = 0.096
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.004648  //2.8 grams PETN  
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //22mm; no value found, best guess estimation
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20x110mmShell //Hispano HEI-T
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 880// AP-T 840m/s
        bulletMass = 0.13 //0.168 AP-T
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true  //false for AP-T
        tntMass = 0.006 //0 AP-T
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //30mm; no value found, best guess estimation
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 20mmMGeschoss //20x82mm MG 151/20s
        caliber = 20
        bulletVelocity = 805// 705m/s AP
        bulletMass = 0.95 //0.117 AP
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true  //false for AP
        tntMass = 0.030876 //18.6 grams PETN
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //AP penetrates 13mm plate @ 60 deg - 15mm perpendicular?
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

    name = 23x152mmBullet //Vya-23 HEI
        caliber = 23
        bulletVelocity = 905
        bulletMass = 0.198 
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.015 //0 for AP
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //23mm, 25mm for AP
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

    name = 30x90mmMGeschoss //Mk 108
        caliber = 30
        bulletVelocity = 540
        bulletMass = 0.33
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.11952 //72 grams PETN
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //12mm
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 40x158mmShell //Vickers S
        caliber = 40
        bulletVelocity = 560
        bulletMass = 1.36
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = true
        tntMass = 0.026 //unable to find definitive value
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //~54mm armor penetration
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 75mmShell //Bk 7.5 PzGr. 40
        caliber = 75
        bulletVelocity = 990
        bulletMass = 4.05
        //HE Bullet Values
        explosive = False
        tntMass = 0 //APCR rounds don't have HE
	   blastPower = 0 
	   blastHeat = 0
	   blastRadius = 0
        apBulletMod = 0 //~154mm armor penetration
        bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
		shortName = ShVAK Wing Mount
		bulletDmgMult = 1.55
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 96e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 860
		bulletType = 20x99mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
		shortName = ShVAK 
		bulletDmgMult = 1.55
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 96e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 870
		bulletType = 20x99mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
		shortName = Hispano Mk II 
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 110e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 880
		bulletType = 20x110mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
		shortName = Hispano (Shrouded)
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 110e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 880
		bulletType = 20x110mmShell
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
//weapon/projectile mass/velocity stats for the SB/LB MG151/20s were for the 15mm version, so lets change the title and description to be accurate
	@title = WW2 MG 151 15mm Long Barrel  
	@description =  With a lighter bullet, the MG 151 does not hit as hard as the 20mm weapons, but the much faster round was proven efficient against targets at greater distances.
		shortName = MG 151
		bulletDmgMult = 2.5
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 960
		@ammoName = 15mm
		bulletType = 15x96mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
	@title = WW2 MG 151 15mm Short Barrel
	@description =  At expense of precision, the short barrel version of the MG 151 allows the projectile to be fired at a higher rate of fire. It fits nicely beside its longer brother.
		shortName = MG 151 Shortbarrel
		bulletDmgMult = 2
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 950
		@ammoName = 15mm
		bulletType = 15x96mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
	@description = Unsatisfied with the performance of 15mm rounds, the MG 151 was converted to the MG151/20, by rechambering it to fire 20mm shells, trading armor penetration and muzzle velocity for better power.
		shortName = MG 151/20 
		bulletDmgMult = 0.25
		!bulletDragArea = 3.77e-4
		!bulletMass = 57e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 950
		bulletType = 20mmMGeschoss
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 5
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode

		shortName = Mk 108
		!bulletDragArea = 8.48e-4
		!bulletMass = 330e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 540
		bulletType = 30x90mmMGeschoss
		@weaponType = ballistic
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 2
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Vickers S
		bulletDmgMult = 20
		!bulletDragArea = 15e-4
		!bulletMass = 1360e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 570
		bulletType = 40x158mmShell
		@weaponType = ballistic
		shortName = Bk 7.5
		bulletDmgMult = 4
		!bulletMass = 4050e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 990
		bulletType = 75mmShell
		@weaponType = ballistic
		shortName = Vya-23
		bulletDmgMult = 0.8
		!bulletDragArea = 4.99e-4
		!bulletMass = 190e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 905
		bulletType = 23x152mmBullet
		@weaponType = ballistic
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 2
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Berezin UB 
		bulletDmgMult = 1.3
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 55.4e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 820
		bulletType = 12.7x108mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Breda-SAFAT Longbarrel
		bulletDmgMult = 3.5
		!bulletDragArea = 0.56e-4
		!bulletMass = 11e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 740
		bulletType = 7.7x56RmmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Breda-SAFAT
		bulletDmgMult = 3.5
		!bulletDragArea = 0.56e-4
		!bulletMass = 11e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 740
		bulletType = 7.7x56RmmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Gunpod
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Wing Mount
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890 
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2 Shortbarrel
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Browning M2
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = Ball Turret
		!bulletDragArea = 1.52e-4
		!bulletMass = 42e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 890
		bulletType = 12.7x99mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 4
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		shortName = MG 131
		bulletDmgMult = 2.5	
		!bulletDragArea = 1.59e-4
		!bulletMass = 38.5e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 750
		bulletType = 13x64mmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 3
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
		%explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
		%explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode
		shortName = ShKAS
		bulletDmgMult = 3.5	
		!bulletDragArea = 0.55e-4
		!bulletMass = 9.6e-6
		!bulletVelocity = 870 
		bulletType = 7.7x56RmmBullet
		%tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
		%tracerInterval = 10
		%nonTracerWidth = 0.035
	!MODULE[JerichoTrumpet] {} //kill the custom jerichotrumpet module, it's not compiled for 1.3 and will cause KSP to crash on load if not removed

	name = 15mm
	title = 15x96mm Ammo
	density = 219e-6
	flowMode = ALL_VESSEL
	transfer = PUMP
	isTweakable = true
	name = 15mmBox
	module = Part
	author = VintageXP
		model = AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/model
		texture = AMMO_DIFF, AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/AMMO_DIFF
		texture = AMMO_NRM, AviatorArsenal/Ammo Boxes/20mm Ammo Box/AMMO_NRM
	rescaleFactor = 0.15
	node_attach = 0.0, -0.8, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
	TechRequired = start
	entryCost = 0
	cost = 800
	category = none
	subcategory = 0
	title = WW2 15mm Ammo Box
	manufacturer = Roaken Armory
	description =  Box holding 15mm rounds. We somehow managed to fit 500 in there.
	attachRules = 1,1,0,0,0
	mass = 18e-3
	dragModelType = default
	maximum_drag = 0.1
	minimum_drag = 0.1
	angularDrag = 2
	crashTolerance = 12
	maxTemp = 1200 // = 2900
	bulkheadProfiles = srf
	name = 15mm
	amount = 500
	maxAmount = 500

	name = CFEnable

	name = BDACategoryModule

	!blastRadius = 18.04 //meters
  	!blastPower = 5.10
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 35

	!blastRadius = 29.81 //meters
  	!blastPower = 13.95
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 70
	!blastRadius = 41.11 //meters
  	!blastPower = 26.54
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 140
	!blastRadius = 59.42 //meters
  	!blastPower = 55.44
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 300
	!blastRadius = 5 //meters
  	!blastPower = 8
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 20
	!blastRadius = 8 //meters
  	!blastPower = 7
		name = BDExplosivePart
		tntMass = 18


Copy the above into a empty .cfg file and save it somewhere inside your GameData directory.

Edited by SuicidalInsanity
some last-minute fixes
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1 hour ago, stuChris said:

really? an actual AA update? :P (im just messing, thats fantastic to hear! absolutely wonderful!)

Oh damn now I have to actually deliver an update :P

I was planning on simply packing the mm patch with the mod...

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23 hours ago, tetryds said:

Oh damn now I have to actually deliver an update :P

I was planning on simply packing the mm patch with the mod...

well, even just to see it working again in the newer updates would be amazing. i loved this mod back when i had it, when it worked. i understand the problems youve had, though.

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