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[Min KSP: 1.12.2] Pathfinder - Space Camping & Geoscience

Angelo Kerman

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Love the BSOD! :)

I've been using the Ironworks to make RocketParts (ELP is installed), and I've noticed an unlimited-metal loop, like a perpetual motion machine. In the Ironworks, making RPs from 1 Metal will create ~15.4 ScrapMetal. But then we recycle the SM into Metal, which has a ratio of ~0.1 M from 1 SM. So, recycling those ~15.4 SM will produce 1.5 M, and I have unlimited metal for life, along with RPs.

I had a look in the MM configs for ELP and Pathfinder, and you have copied the exact same ratios as Taniwha put into ELP. So I tested an ELP big blue workshop and a tiny smelter, but the infinite-metal loop doesn't exist there - it's a lossy cycle. With an ELP workshop, 1 M produces 2.9 SM when making RPs, despite the ratios given in the MM config. This is caused (from my reading of Taniwha's plugin code), by the whole idea of productivity, which you've included via the ExWorkshop module for the Hacienda, but that lossiness isn't being applied, at least in my game. Could it be something to do with the reconfiguration of the Hacienda module?

Incidentally, I find the ELP workshop to be about 10 times faster than the Ironworks when making RPs, with the same number of workers.

Edited by Bluebottle
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Bluebottle: It's not productivity that gets the ratios right, but rather that EL's converters work on mass, not volume (resource units). Really, EL does all resource processing* using mass where possible (obvious exception: electric charge).

Also, EL does not (yet? still undecided) use productivity for resource conversion. Only actual building (from RocketParts to vessel) uses productivity.

(btw, extraplanetary is one word, just like extraterrestrial)

*Thus EL's custom converter/extractor classes that are derived from stock converters.

Edited by taniwha
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1 hour ago, taniwha said:

Bluebottle: It's not productivity that gets the ratios right, but rather that EL's converters work on mass, not volume (resource units). Really, EL does all resource processing using mass where possible (obvious exception: electric charge).

Also, EL does not (yet? still undecided) use productivity for resource conversion. Only actual building (from RocketParts to vessel) uses productivity.

(btw, extraplanetary is one word, just like extraterrestrial)

Oh... that dredges up memories from reading your thread months ago. Does that mean that any part including the ExWorkshop module should also use mass? Because the Pathfinder parts don't seem to - the MM ratios are directly applied, including the specialist bonuses (in my case: v1.0.5, Linux x86_64). I wonder if it's because the Hacienda gets reconfigured according to the Ironworks template, and perhaps that breaks something. I can't find anything suspicious in my log file.

Everything about Ironworks:


$ grep -i ironworks KSP.log
[LOG 14:43:28.298] Config(@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(PATH_INDUSTRY) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/Ironworks
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[Workshop]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[Workshop]
[LOG 14:43:29.550] [ModuleManager] Deleting Node in file WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks subnode: @PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks]:NEEDS[!ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 14:43:58.542] [ModuleManager] Applying node WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/Ironworks
[LOG 14:43:58.707] [ModuleManager] Applying node WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/@PATH_INDUSTRY[Ironworks] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Templates/Production/Ironworks/Ironworks
	defaultTemplate = Ironworks
	defaultTemplate = Ironworks


Everything about the Hacienda:


$ grep -i hacienda KSP.log
[LOG 14:43:09.644] Load(Texture): WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Assets/Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:09.651] Load(Texture): WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Assets/HaciendaNormal
[LOG 14:43:27.643] Load(Model): WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Assets/Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:28.298] Config(@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_CLS/@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]]
[LOG 14:43:28.298] Config(@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads]
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[Snacks]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_Snacks/@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[Snacks]
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport]) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_USILS/@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[USILifeSupport]
[LOG 14:43:28.299] Config(PART) WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:29.547] [ModuleManager] Deleting Node in file WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_Snacks subnode: @PART[WBI_Hacienda]:NEEDS[Snacks] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 14:43:30.803] [ModuleManager] Applying node CollisionFX/ModuleManager_CollisionFX/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLandingGear],!MODULE[ModuleWheel],!MODULE[KerbalEVA],!MODULE[CollisionFX],!MODULE[FSwheel],!MODULE[FSwheelAlignment],!MODULE[BDAdjustableLandingGear],!MODULE[TTModularWheel],!MODULE[*Repulsor*],!MODULE[ModuleTrack],!MODULE[TrackWheel],!MODULE[KFModuleWheel],!MODULE[KFWheel],!MODULE[KFTrackSurface]] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:58.409] [ModuleManager] Applying node WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_CLS/@PART[WBI_Hacienda]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleConnectedLivingSpace]] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:58.562] [ModuleManager] Applying node WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads/@PART[WBI_Hacienda] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:43:58.624] [ModuleManager] Applying node WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/MM_USILS/@PART[WBI_Hacienda] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:07.041] [ModuleManager] Applying node FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[LaunchClamp]]:FOR[FerramAerospaceResearch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:07.594] [ModuleManager] Applying node FerramAerospaceResearch/_FARPartModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[FARWingAerodynamicModel],!MODULE[FARControllableSurface]]:AFTER[FerramAerospaceResearch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:08.271] [ModuleManager] Applying node HotSpot/Patches/HotSpotModule/@PART:FOR[HotSpot] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:15.383] [ModuleManager] Applying node SCANsat/MM_Parts/RPMMapTraq/@PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[*]]:FOR[SCANsat] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:22.360] [ModuleManager] Applying node UmbraSpaceIndustries/LifeSupport/LSModule/@PART[*]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleLifeSupport],#CrewCapacity[*],~CrewCapacity[0]]:FOR[USILifeSupport] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:24.830] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Aero-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:25.256] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Command-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:25.789] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Electrical-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:26.590] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Engines-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:27.163] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/FuelTanks-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:27.805] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Structural-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:28.752] [ModuleManager] Applying node VenStockRevamp/PathPatches/Utility-PathPatches/@PART[*]:FOR[zzzVSRPathPatch] to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:29.596] [ModuleManager] Applying node AJE/zFinal/zzWildcards/@PART[*]:FINAL to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:29.929] [ModuleManager] Applying node JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins/invisible-pods-handling/@PART[*]:HAS[@INTERNAL[*],!MODULE[JSITransparentPod],!MODULE[JSINonTransparentPod]]:Final to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:30.779] [ModuleManager] Applying node Workshop/MM_Workshop/@PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]]:FINAL to WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda
[LOG 14:44:32.451] [EL Recipes] WBI.Hacienda
[LOG 14:46:20.913] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda'
[LOG 14:46:20.939] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFF448F4][187.7998]: Looking for proto node for WBI.HaciendaWBIMultipurposeHab
[LOG 14:46:20.939] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFF448F4][187.7998]: Config node added for WBI.HaciendaWBIMultipurposeHab
[LOG 14:46:20.939] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFF448F4][187.7998]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
	opsViewTitle = Hacienda Operations
[LOG 14:46:20.942] WBILight [FFF448F2][187.7998]: Looking for proto node for WBI.HaciendaWBILight
[LOG 14:46:20.942] WBILight [FFF448F2][187.7998]: Config node added for WBI.HaciendaWBILight
[LOG 14:46:21.010] PartLoader: Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Pathfinder/Parts/Utility/Hacienda/WBI_Hacienda' has no database record. Creating.
[LOG 14:46:21.051] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'WBI.Hacienda'
[LOG 15:08:30.313] [KIS] Found part with CrewCapacity : WBI.Hacienda


Edit: might have found something. Upon scene load I am getting 4 separate groups of "index exceeds" messages relating to applying modules to the Hacienda parts. I have 4 Haciendas in the scene, so that makes sense. I'm getting them for all the WBI parts with modules, but these are only the Hacienda ones:


$ grep -i hacienda pathfinder-load.txt
[LOG 18:03:57.688] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB3140][314.6375]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
[LOG 18:03:57.691] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:57.711] [Part]: PartModule ModuleOverheatDisplay at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.711] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceHarvester at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.711] [Part]: PartModule ModuleCoreHeat at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.711] [Part]: PartModule WBIDrillSwitcher at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.711] [Part]: PartModule TransferDialogSpawner at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[LOG 18:03:57.766] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB2F80][314.6375]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
[LOG 18:03:57.770] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule OseModuleWorkshop at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule OseModuleRecycler at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule WBIOSEWorkshop at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.789] [Part]: PartModule TransferDialogSpawner at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[LOG 18:03:57.845] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB2DB8][314.6375]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
[LOG 18:03:57.849] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:57.868] [Part]: PartModule WBIEfficiencyMonitor at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.868] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.868] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.869] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.869] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.869] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:57.869] [Part]: PartModule TransferDialogSpawner at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[LOG 18:03:58.786] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6375]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
[LOG 18:03:58.789] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule WBIEfficiencyMonitor at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ExWorkshop at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[LOG 18:03:58.809] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule TransferDialogSpawner at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
[LOG 18:04:03.208] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB3140][314.6200]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Hacienda
[LOG 18:04:03.310] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB2F80][314.6200]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Hacienda
[LOG 18:04:03.450] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB2DB8][314.6200]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Hacienda
[LOG 18:04:04.043] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Hacienda


The whole block, for one Hacienda:


[LOG 18:03:58.786] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6375]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 18:03:58.786] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6375]: Part is inflatable, looking for animations.
[LOG 18:03:58.786] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6375]: OnLoad: WBI.Hacienda MODULE
	name = WBIMultipurposeHab
	isEnabled = True
	currentVolume = 14500
	baseStorage = 14500
	maxStorage = 14500
	decalsVisible = True
	fillToMaxInEditor = True
	capacityFactor = 1
	shortName = Ironworks
	flightAnimationOnly = False
	animationName = Deploy
	startEventGUIName = Inflate
	endEventGUIName = Deflate
	stagingEnabled = True
	isDeployed = True
	isInflatable = True
	inflatedCrewCapacity = 4
			active = True
			guiActive = True
			guiActiveEditor = True
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = Manage Operations
			guiName = Manage Operations
			category = Manage Operations
			guiActiveUnfocused = True
			unfocusedRange = 3
			externalToEVAOnly = True
			active = True
			guiActive = False
			guiActiveEditor = True
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = ToggleInflation
			guiName = Deflate
			category = ToggleInflation
			guiActiveUnfocused = False
			unfocusedRange = 3
			externalToEVAOnly = False
			active = True
			guiActive = False
			guiActiveEditor = True
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = Toggle Decals
			guiName = Toggle Decals
			category = Toggle Decals
			guiActiveUnfocused = False
			unfocusedRange = 2
			externalToEVAOnly = True
			active = False
			guiActive = False
			guiActiveEditor = True
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = Next Type
			guiName = Next: Solar Flare
			category = Next Type
			guiActiveUnfocused = True
			unfocusedRange = 3
			externalToEVAOnly = False
			active = False
			guiActive = False
			guiActiveEditor = True
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = Prev Type
			guiName = Prev: Clockworks
			category = Prev Type
			guiActiveUnfocused = True
			unfocusedRange = 3
			externalToEVAOnly = False
			active = True
			guiActive = False
			guiActiveUncommand = False
			guiIcon = Disable Staging
			guiName = Disable Staging
			category = Disable Staging
			guiActiveUnfocused = False
			unfocusedRange = 2
			externalToEVAOnly = True
		name = ElectricCharge
		amount = 199.999882608698
		maxAmount = 200
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = RocketParts
		amount = 614.072321931807
		maxAmount = 1000
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = MetalOre
		amount = 1.12896379412056
		maxAmount = 800
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = Metal
		amount = 83.6841460933966
		maxAmount = 800
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = ScrapMetal
		amount = 329.977114851038
		maxAmount = 800
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = MaterialKits
		amount = 592.60934468241
		maxAmount = 1000
		flowState = True
		isTweakable = True
		hideFlow = False
		isVisible = True
		flowMode = Both
		name = WBIEfficiencyMonitor
		isEnabled = True
		stagingEnabled = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
		name = ExWorkshop
		isEnabled = True
		stagingEnabled = True
		lastUpdateString = 864680.91994896356
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = 
				guiName = 
				category = 
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
				active = True
				guiActive = False
				guiActiveUncommand = False
				guiIcon = Disable Staging
				guiName = Disable Staging
				category = Disable Staging
				guiActiveUnfocused = False
				unfocusedRange = 2
				externalToEVAOnly = True
		ConverterName = Make RocketParts
		IsActivated = True
		lastUpdateTime = 864680.919948964
		DirtyFlag = True
		ConverterName = Smelt Metal
		IsActivated = False
		DirtyFlag = False
		ConverterName = Recycle ScrapMetal
		IsActivated = False
		DirtyFlag = False
		ConverterName = RocketParts->MaterialKits
		IsActivated = False
		DirtyFlag = False
		ConverterName = MaterialKits->RocketParts
		IsActivated = False
		DirtyFlag = False
 Scene: FLIGHT
[LOG 18:03:58.789] WBILight [FFEB1880][314.6375]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 18:03:58.789] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule WBIEfficiencyMonitor at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for WBIEfficiencyMonitor in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no WBIEfficiencyMonitor module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ExWorkshop at WBI.Hacienda, index 19: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ExWorkshop in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...ExWorkshop module found at index 5.
[LOG 18:03:58.809] [EL Workshop] WBI.Hacienda (Part) cap: 4 seats: 0
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ModuleResourceConverter in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no ModuleResourceConverter module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ModuleResourceConverter in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no ModuleResourceConverter module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ModuleResourceConverter in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no ModuleResourceConverter module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ModuleResourceConverter in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no ModuleResourceConverter module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule ModuleResourceConverter at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for ModuleResourceConverter in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no ModuleResourceConverter module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.
[WRN 18:03:58.809] [Part]: PartModule TransferDialogSpawner at WBI.Hacienda, index 20: index exceeds module count as defined in cfg.
Looking for TransferDialogSpawner in other indices...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] ...no TransferDialogSpawner module found on part definition. Skipping...
[WRN 18:03:58.809] PartModule is null.



[LOG 18:04:04.032] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: createModuleOpsView called
[LOG 18:04:04.043] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 18:04:04.043] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Part is inflatable, looking for animations.
[LOG 18:04:04.043] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: OnStart - State: Landed  Part: WBI.Hacienda
[LOG 18:04:04.043] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: initTemplates called
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: PATH_INDUSTRY;HOTSPRINGS has 6 templates.
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 0: Brew Works
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 1: Strip Miner
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 2: Clockworks
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 3: Ironworks
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 4: Solar Flare
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Template 5: Hot Springs
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: hideEditorGUI called
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: RedecorateModule called. payForRedecoration: False loadTemplateResources: False template index: 3
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: template resource count: 6
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: capacityModifier: 1
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: OnRedecorateModule called
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: loadModulesFromTemplate called for template: Ironworks
[LOG 18:04:04.048] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking WBIEfficiencyMonitor
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: loadModuleSettings called
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Set Field stagingEnabled to True
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Set Field efficiencyType to industry
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Set Field harvestType to 0
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Calling module.Load
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: calling module.OnStart with state: LANDED
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Added WBIEfficiencyMonitor
[LOG 18:04:04.049] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking ModuleResourceConverter
[LOG 18:04:04.050] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking ModuleResourceConverter
[LOG 18:04:04.050] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking ModuleResourceConverter
[LOG 18:04:04.050] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking ModuleResourceConverter
[LOG 18:04:04.050] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Checking ModuleResourceConverter
[LOG 18:04:04.050] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: AddFromTemplate called for converter: Make RocketParts
[LOG 18:04:04.093] Added converter Make RocketParts
[LOG 18:04:04.093] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: AddFromTemplate called for converter: Smelt Metal
[LOG 18:04:04.136] Added converter Smelt Metal
[LOG 18:04:04.136] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: AddFromTemplate called for converter: Recycle ScrapMetal
[LOG 18:04:04.180] Added converter Recycle ScrapMetal
[LOG 18:04:04.180] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: AddFromTemplate called for converter: RocketParts->MaterialKits
[LOG 18:04:04.223] Added converter RocketParts->MaterialKits
[LOG 18:04:04.223] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: AddFromTemplate called for converter: MaterialKits->RocketParts
[LOG 18:04:04.267] Added converter MaterialKits->RocketParts
[LOG 18:04:04.267] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: New shortName: Ironworks
[LOG 18:04:04.267] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: changeDecals called.
[LOG 18:04:04.268] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: Module redecorated.
[LOG 18:04:04.268] WBIMultipurposeHab [FFEB1882][314.6200]: initModuleGUI called
[LOG 18:04:04.268] WBILight [FFEB1880][314.6200]: SetupAnimations called.
[LOG 18:04:04.268] WBILight [FFEB1880][314.6200]: THERE! ARE! 0 LIGHTS!


Wow, apologies for all these logs. :(

Edited by Bluebottle
more info, and let me improve that log, and get the right Hacienda (workshop). arrgh.
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So I decided to build my very first Mun base with this mod.  I got some of the basics on the MUN, and whenever I try to drop the Ponderosa Inflatable Module on the MUN surface to inflate (I tested it out first on Kerbin), it explodes.  I am making sure it is above the actual surface of the mun (using the B button), but it always explode.  I must be doing something wrong, but if anyone would care to point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Was it my lack of muncrete (totally forgot that part)?

Edited by Gaultesian
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If Ironworks is using the same ratios as EL, but getting things wrong, then it is using a volume-based converter rather than a mass-based converter. The only mass-based converters I know of are in EL and Kethane. Stock's converters are all volume based (EL converters the masses to volumes before feeding the info to the stock converters).

Not only is EL's converter mass based, the output ratio is multiplied by the input mass (total for all inputs).

The workshop takes in 0.0195t/s of Metal (and a lot of ElectricCharge, but that's massless). This works out to 0.5u/s. The ratio for ScrapMetal is 0.2995, so the output rate is 0.00584025t/s or 1.4600625u/s (0.01365t/s or 5.46u/s of RocketParts).

To properly convert resource ratios from EL to something using stock converters (ie, using resource units):

  • Inputs:
    • Massless resources (eg, ElectricCharge): no change.
    • Massed resources (Metal, etc): divide by the resource density to get resource units (eg, 0.0195/0.039 -> 0.5)
  • Outputs:
    • First, add the masses of all input resources to get the total input mass.
    • Massless resources: output in resource units is just the product of the total input mass and the ratio. I think :) (I don't have any massless outputs)
    • Massed resources: product of total input mass and ratio divided by the resource density (0.0195*0.2995/0.004 -> 1.4600625)

You may need to do further conversions to get actual ratios, but that gives the numbers you should see in the resource bars.

I hope this helps.

BTW, EL's conversion speed is where it is quite unrealistic: normal cutting speeds are up to around 40cm3/min/machine* (or 5.2g/s for iron: EL is cutting at about 97.3g/s (going by scrap output), and there's no way there are 19 lathes in that workshop).

* Usually, the machine is set to constant velocity mode (ie, the speed of the metal under the cutter), and while high, 200m/min is not unreasonable. The tips can usually cut about 1mm at a time, and are advanced at about 0.2mm/revolution when roughing out the shape. Multiplying everything out gives 40cm3/min. However, this can be pretty rough on the cutter, so slower is not uncommon. NOTE: that's while actually cutting. For relatively simple parts, the machine can spend more time moving the head and selecting the tool than actual cutting.

Edited by taniwha
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2 hours ago, taniwha said:

If Ironworks is using the same ratios as EL, but getting things wrong, then it is using a volume-based converter rather than a mass-based converter. The only mass-based converters I know of are in EL and Kethane. Stock's converters are all volume based (EL converters the masses to volumes before feeding the info to the stock converters).

Not only is EL's converter mass based, the output ratio is multiplied by the input mass (total for all inputs).

The workshop takes in 0.0195t/s of Metal (and a lot of ElectricCharge, but that's massless). This works out to 0.5u/s. The ratio for ScrapMetal is 0.2995, so the output rate is 0.00584025t/s or 1.4600625u/s (0.01365t/s or 5.46u/s of RocketParts).

To properly convert resource ratios from EL to something using stock converters (ie, using resource units):

  • Inputs:
    • Massless resources (eg, ElectricCharge): no change.
    • Massed resources (Metal, etc): divide by the resource density to get resource units (eg, 0.0195/0.039 -> 0.5)
  • Outputs:
    • First, add the masses of all input resources to get the total input mass.
    • Massless resources: output in resource units is just the product of the total input mass and the ratio. I think :) (I don't have any massless outputs)
    • Massed resources: product of total input mass and ratio divided by the resource density (0.0195*0.2995/0.004 -> 1.4600625)

You may need to do further conversions to get actual ratios, but that gives the numbers you should see in the resource bars.

I hope this helps.

BTW, EL's conversion speed is where it is quite unrealistic: normal cutting speeds are up to around 40cm3/min/machine* (or 5.2g/s for iron: EL is cutting at about 97.3g/s (going by scrap output), and there's no way there are 19 lathes in that workshop).

* Usually, the machine is set to constant velocity mode (ie, the speed of the metal under the cutter), and while high, 200m/min is not unreasonable. The tips can usually cut about 1mm at a time, and are advanced at about 0.2mm/revolution when roughing out the shape. Multiplying everything out gives 40cm3/min. However, this can be pretty rough on the cutter, so slower is not uncommon. NOTE: that's while actually cutting. For relatively simple parts, the machine can spend more time moving the head and selecting the tool than actual cutting.

Thank you Taniwha. It does indeed appear to be a volume-based converter. Based on your ratios, I've come up with a Quick and Dirty Hack. At least it's a standalone patch.


	// Patch to switch the Ironworks to a mass-based ratio. Avoids an infinite-metal exploit. Works with at least Pathfinder v0.9.5
	// For Taniwha's EL ratio explanation, see http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/121397-105-beta-pathfinder-094-geoscience-for-better-resource-extraction/&do=findComment&comment=2355504
	// Index 0 because :HAS doesn't work with keys that have spaces in their names, and this is just a quick fix.
	// The index should be for the ResourceConverter that deals with making RocketParts. 0 is the first ResourceConverter. YMMV.
			// Base ratio is 0.5. This makes the Ironworks slightly faster than a much, much heavier EL workshop, so all these ratios should be scaled down (by the same factor).
			@Ratio = 0.167
			// Base ratio is 5.46
			@Ratio = 1.82
			// Base ratio is 1.4600625
			@Ratio = 0.4866875


The mass-based ratios are scaled down to make the Ironworks only 1/3 the speed of an EL workshop; there's still a good reason to haul that 15t juggernaut around, even when (because?) its production speed is "unrealistic". Matches my play style at least. :)

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3 hours ago, Gaultesian said:

So I decided to build my very first Mun base with this mod.  I got some of the basics on the MUN, and whenever I try to drop the Ponderosa Inflatable Module on the MUN surface to inflate (I tested it out first on Kerbin), it explodes.  I am making sure it is above the actual surface of the mun (using the B button), but it always explode.  I must be doing something wrong, but if anyone would care to point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Was it my lack of muncrete (totally forgot that part)?

That happened to me too, even when attaching to the Saddle. I think I had to drop the Ponderosa upside-down, pick it up again, turn it the right way up, and only then attach it to the Saddle.

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3 hours ago, Gaultesian said:

So I decided to build my very first Mun base with this mod.  I got some of the basics on the MUN, and whenever I try to drop the Ponderosa Inflatable Module on the MUN surface to inflate (I tested it out first on Kerbin), it explodes.  I am making sure it is above the actual surface of the mun (using the B button), but it always explode.  I must be doing something wrong, but if anyone would care to point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.

Was it my lack of muncrete (totally forgot that part)?

I think it is a bit of buggies inherent to KIS. In my experience anything carried (and) dropped on the terrain is prone to explosion. For me, it is much worse when running the game on lower texture detail, perhaps some issue with ground colliders not aligning, because my Kerbals also appear to sink into the terrain. Keeping graphics at the standard setting seems to make things dropped on the ground less likely to explode.

The Pathfinder method is to use muncrete or other slabs bolted to ground, then bolt your first inflatable to that. 

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1 hour ago, Nightside said:

I think it is a bit of buggies inherent to KIS. In my experience anything carried (and) dropped on the terrain is prone to explosion. For me, it is much worse when running the game on lower texture detail, perhaps some issue with ground colliders not aligning, because my Kerbals also appear to sink into the terrain. Keeping graphics at the standard setting seems to make things dropped on the ground less likely to explode.

The Pathfinder method is to use muncrete or other slabs bolted to ground, then bolt your first inflatable to that. 

It's the nature of KSP.  Has nothing to do with KIS, other than we don't really have the ability to drop items on the ground without KIS.  Bottom line is never just drop anything on the ground. 

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1 minute ago, Gaultesian said:

But in order to build the base, I need to drop the item to the ground from the inventory (workaround: using muncrete?).


No you don't.  You should always be connecting a part to something.  Even if that is anchoring it to the ground.

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On 1/3/2016 at 10:22 AM, JJE64 said:

I'm on a Mac, so CKAN is too much of a pain for me.  Plus, as I heard Roverdude say once, it just seems like a support issue spawner.  I get everything from Kerbalstuff of Github.

In my WildBlueIndustries folder, I have 4 subfolders: 000WildBlueTools, Buffalo, InterimWheel and Pathfinder.  In AVC (which is my primary way of keeping my mods up to date, thanks for using that!) everything shows green.  With versions 1.0.25 for Tools, 0.2.4 for Buffalo, and 0.9.5 for pathfinder.  I'm going to try re downloading pathfinder from Github and see if that fixes the issue.

I seriously love this mod - there's almost no point building planetary bases without it.

Gotta love Comcast, I had to upgrade my DVR and my phone, internet, and cable went down. I'm in a Starbucks at the moment...

Anyway, @taniwha@BluebottleThanks for the explanations about the converters. :) It sounds like I'll need to adjust the converter ratios. Bluebottle: Mind if I borrow your patch?

@Gaultesian@goldenpspYup, Some locations will cause the Ponderosa to explode if you drop it on the ground. The Ponderosa and Switchback are designed to be attached to the Saddle. Lately I've found that the game doesn't like the Saddle being bolted to the ground, at least for large bases. My test base experienced a collision with the ground and the Saddle became disconnected. So one option is to not bolt the Saddle onto the ground, but just drop it onto the ground and attach the Switchback or Ponderosa. I'm also exploring a "distributed" approach to base building where you have smaller bases and resources are distributed to all the smaller bases within physics range. It seems that KSP doesn't like large sprawling bases. This is a longer term thing though, I have to figure out an efficient way to distribute the resources and I have other priorities at the moment.

Side Note: I've found that with parts that have the ability to be radially attached, if you drop them onto the ground, they have the potential to explode. Why, I don't know, they just do. That's why you can't radially attach the Saddle...

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12 hours ago, taniwha said:

Bluebottle: It's not productivity that gets the ratios right, but rather that EL's converters work on mass, not volume (resource units). Really, EL does all resource processing* using mass where possible (obvious exception: electric charge).

Also, EL does not (yet? still undecided) use productivity for resource conversion. Only actual building (from RocketParts to vessel) uses productivity.

(btw, extraplanetary is one word, just like extraterrestrial)

*Thus EL's custom converter/extractor classes that are derived from stock converters.

Ohh, I think that's the root of my problem right there. I'm using the stock converters. I'll have to see if I can use EL's converters and load them dynamically. If I can then problem solved. :)

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0.9.6 Young Feathers

Latest release
This update brings a bunch of new parts, Pathfinder's first official IVA, and some tweaks. At last the Ponderosa/Casa has its official IVA! The internal view reflects the module's role as the habitation component of Pathfinder's base building (the bottom floor is deliberately empty- for now). For the memory conscious, you can safely delete the Pathfinder/Spaces folder and revert back to the placeholder IVA.

New Parts
- Added the M1A0 Bear Cub. This adorable wheel is used for small rovers.
- Added the WJ400 Jaguar, a micro-jet engine. It's a great booster engine for weighed down JetWings.
- Added a half-sized chassis. It has an integrated solar panel, but no KIS storage.
- Added a quarter-sized chassis. It too has an integrated solar panel and lacks KIS storage.
- Added the ATV Command Seat. It's just like the External Command Seat, except that it can only be stack attached to parts.

- Added the official IVA. Remember, you can delete Pathfinder/Spaces if you need more memory.
- If you put an image in the Pathfinder/Spaces/Screens folder then it'll appear on the monitor. Be sure to use an aspect ratio of 1.33:1 (width:height, such as 1024 by 768). See WBIScreenPropHelper module in Ponderosa.cfg and Ponderosa2.cfg for other goodies. Want to add an image? Post it on the forums and I'll give you credit. Special thanks to Kuzzter for allowing me to use his artwork. :)
- If you want to change the static images on the walls, simply navigate to the Pathfinder/Spaces/Assets folder, and replace the StaticImages.png file with one of your own design. Tip: If you change the image size to, say 2048 by 2048, you can increase the picture resolution.

- Reduced the engine ISP by half. Transcontinental flights are fun and all but you know, a wee bit OP...

- Adjusted traction values to be more in line with stock wheels. This work is ongoing, some of the stock values don't work for these wheels. Many thanks to Taniwha for the scrips that gave me the values. :)
- Removed the interim rover wheel.

- Renamed the Claw Marks to the Claim Jumper, and Smoke Pipe to Old Faithful- thanks for the names, AdmiralTigerClaw! :)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the Geology Lab would be unable to show the resource percentages after reloading the base.
- Fixed an issue preventing the OSE Recycler from working with the latest version of OSE Workshop.
- Fixed an issue with the TERRAIN that let you spam data reviews before starting the geo survey.
- Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when switching to a Terrain satellite from the geology lab.
- Starter craft from wiki now has the proper wheels.
- Fixed a collider issue with the Grizzly. It shouldn't drag its feet now. Thanks for your help Beeks! :)

- Added support for RemoteTech.


NOTE: I haven't fixed up EL support with this release, it will take a bit of work to fix it right.

Edited by Angel-125
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18 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Well dang. The ExConverters are built atop BaseConverter, not ModuleResourceConverter. Great for EL, bad for me, heh. I can make a temporary patch based upon @Bluebottle's changes, but to do a proper fix I'll wait for KSP 1.1 since it's around the corner, and it will take some time.

Go ahead, glad to help, even if I cause confusion sometimes. :) Nice update too!

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yeee 0.9.6.  i have a question In the description to buffalo crew cabin written that  it  supported by TAC Life Support   but in the fact i can change only electrical charge in cabine how it can be fix ? in general, I have not watched official IVA , I found a couple bags on vab/sph mode , like the absence of buttons inflate (chuckwagon), buttons inflate not working all inflatable modules where it is present, except old  faithful  inflatable module.  

This small bugs can only be seen  vab/sph mode in game inflatable modules work properly.

Keep up good work!

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Hmmm, I have a Casa module that won't stop moving around. When it's attached to anything it keeps jumping and I get the collision FX banging sounds. If I carry it on a kerbal's back, the kerbal keeps getting knocked over by the module jumping around. My log is filled with these:


[LOG 21:14:25.953] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.002] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.053] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.101] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.153] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.202] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.269] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.318] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...


It might just be a KIS/KAS bug. The only Google hits for this are for Internal Robotics and RealChute parts though.

More: it's all my Casas. My Ponderosas also spontaneously explode when put on a kerbal's back. :( Other modules seem fine so far. My kerbals just have nowhere to live.

Edited by Bluebottle
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1 hour ago, Bluebottle said:

Hmmm, I have a Casa module that won't stop moving around. When it's attached to anything it keeps jumping and I get the collision FX banging sounds. If I carry it on a kerbal's back, the kerbal keeps getting knocked over by the module jumping around. My log is filled with these:

  Reveal hidden contents

[LOG 21:14:25.953] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.002] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.053] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.101] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.153] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.202] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.269] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...
[LOG 21:14:26.318] [KIS] CreatePart - Waiting initialization of the part...


It might just be a KIS/KAS bug. The only Google hits for this are for Internal Robotics and RealChute parts though.

More: it's all my Casas. My Ponderosas also spontaneously explode when put on a kerbal's back. :( Other modules seem fine so far. My kerbals just have nowhere to live.

I got the same thing, also walking around with an inflatable module on a Kerbal's back doesn't work well either... they keep falling.

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15 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Can you carry any inflatable module, or is just the Casa giving you trouble?

I had the exact same thing with an hacienda.

At first i thought it was because of Kerbal Joint Reinforcements, but the issue remained after i removed that mod.

Edited by Denko666
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48 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

Can you carry any inflatable module, or is just the Casa giving you trouble?

It's just the Casa. Ponderosas explode immediately and a phantom Ponderosa remains in inventory. Attaching the phantom Ponderosa to something produces a ghost object that can't be interacted with and disappears on save/reload, but looks OK in the game world until then (right model, the same decal on top that it had before, etc). Getting rid of the Spaces directory makes no difference.

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