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Make your own Conspiracy Theory!


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Let's take Just Jim for an example. Just Jim has two capitals. Two capitals is not a coincidence. There are two capitals in SpaceX. What is SpaceX known for? THATS RIGHT! Not enough spacetape. Space tape is a cover for duct tape. Duct tape has two t's. Two t's also mean Tea for Two. Tea has three letters. What else has three letters. THATS RIGHT! Car. We use cars to travel. Travel is to move across a distance. The distance between the Earth and Sun is something I don't know. The Sun is a star treated like something not a star, even though it isn't a star. What is not a star? Jupiter. Jupiter has lots of moons. Also having a lot of moons is, that's right! Pluto. Pluto has an atmosphere. Earth has an atmosphere. Earths atmosphere lets us breathe. Breathing means we are alive.Alive had three vowels. Three goals equals to...

Just Jim is Illuminati confirmed
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[quote name='SpaceplaneAddict']Let's take Just Jim for an example. Just Jim has two capitals. Two capitals is not a coincidence. There are two capitals in SpaceX. What is SpaceX known for? THATS RIGHT! Not enough spacetape. Space tape is a cover for duct tape. Duct tape has two t's. Two t's also mean Tea for Two. Tea has three letters. What else has three letters. THATS RIGHT! Car. We use cars to travel. Travel is to move across a distance. The distance between the Earth and Sun is something I don't know. The Sun is a star treated like something not a star, even though it isn't a star. What is not a star? Jupiter. Jupiter has lots of moons. Also having a lot of moons is, that's right! Pluto. Pluto has an atmosphere. Earth has an atmosphere. Earths atmosphere lets us breathe. Breathing means we are alive.Alive had three vowels. Three goals equals to...

Just Jim is Illuminati confirmed[/QUOTE]

That just made my whole day !!! hehehehe
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The "Mun landings footage" as they are so called, were not faked. It was definitely filmed on Kerbin, but it was not a cheap effort to be the coolest space program on the planet as it is so often framed. No, the reason it looks so much like the Mun but also so obviously faked is that it is a record of how Kerbals lived before the invention of color cameras. See, the Mun is gray, and the ground is gray in all the footage, but if you look closely you will see that everything else is gray too. You have to look very closely though. At first glance, you will say: "That is obviously not gray, there is definitely color there!" But you haven't got the full picture. You see, these films were not originally meant as fake Mun landings. But they were made to be. You see, the secret lies in the Pyramids of Jeb-Ankh-Amen. There is something wrong with them. It is impossible for Kerbals to have created them. Do you know why? It's because they cannot be moved. Nothing built by Kerbals is completely immobile. Also, the pyramids are in the desert far away from the Launchpad and Runway where new creations spawn. Thus, we can assume that the Kerbals definitely did not build the pyramids. So who did? I know who. You see, I visited the Pyramids once, and planted a flag on them. Nothing weird happened. I looked around then I went on my way back to KSC. Totally normal. Now, a few weeks later, I was flying a spacecraft between the orbits of Minmus and the Mun. I come out of timewarp and BOOM! My ship explodes. I reload my most recent quicksave and try again. Coming out of timewarp, BOOM again! This goes on for a while, I try a few more times. It explodes every single time. Now here's the part that got me thinking. You see, I brought up the flight log to see what happened. I brought it up and it said, "[I]Ship-Whose-Name-Escapes-Me-At-The-Moment [/I]crashed into Jeb-Ankh-Amen." [B]Crashed into Jeb-Ankh-Amen. [/B]The Pyramids. That's when I knew there was something up with the pyramids. I knew that there was only one creature who was capable of such witchcraft. That's right. [B]The Kraken.​ [/B]The Kraken built the Pyramids. But why? There seems to be no purpose of building a strange monument in the middle of the desert where no one will see it. That's when I realized what it was really for. You see, it's in a place [I]where no one will see it. [/I]I realized that it was a mind-control device, transmitting a mental signal to every Kerbal on the planet, changing their perspective on the world, from what kind of Snacks taste the best to whether or not they see color, like in the footage mentioned above. Now why would the Kraken do this? I know because I have developed a resistance technology which enables the wearer to see the true meaning of the films. When watching them without the TF-13 Capular Occlusion Device, they look just like Mun landing footage. But when I put on the TF-13 Capular Occlusion Device, I could see everything as it really is. Embedded in the films was another, much more powerful mind-control signal. It was instructing Kerbals to build a giant portal. I saw that this portal would allow the Kraken to enter this universe in it's true form and allow it infinite power! That is the reason behind Jeb-Ankh-Amen! It is the catalyst for the opening of the portal. Soon there will be attempts to build the other parts of the portal. But these other parts will be concealed by the mindwaves emitted by the Pyramids, unless you have a TF-13 Capular Occlusion Device. Then it will all be revealed. Please, you must buy a TF-13 Capular Occlusion Device and protect yourself from the brainwashing which is growing ever more powerful! Then we will build an army together to fight and destroy Jeb-Ankh-Amen once and for all so that the Kraken's power is not unleashed!

The TF-13 Capular Occlusion Device is on sale now for only[I] 7998[/I] Funds! Buy it now and protect yourself from the deception of the Kraken!
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Let's take CliftonM for an example. This user has two vowels. What also have two cowels? THATS RIGHT! Charon. Charon is a moon of Pluto. Pluto and Charon can be considered a binary system. All of this points to... THATS RIGHT! Two. Two is the second number up from zero. This means that this number is second place. The word second has four vowels. A word must have at least one vowel. Four vowels means four subtract one is three. Three is considered a magic number. This is not a coincidence. You see, the truth is revealed in the word three. Three is often the lucky number. What else is lucky? THATS RIGHT! Leprechauns. That word has 11 characters. Eleven subtract eight is three. This is not a coincidence. You see, there are only three planets that have conparable sizes in the inner solar system. Mars, Venus, and Earth. Mars is a chocolate bar. Chocate is made from cocoa beans. Cocoa beans were once used for money. Money is the soak mate of greed. Money is also used to throw at people. The word people has three vowels and three other letters. This is not a coincidence. Three and there is six subtract three is three. Three equals to three sides which equals triangle.

CliftonM is Illminati confirmed.
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  • 1 month later...

The claims of all the conspiracy theories we keep hearing about.......are the REAL conspiracy!!!

Conspiracy theories about allegedly faked Moon landings, the Illuminati, 9/11, the JFK assassination, Jimmy Hoffa, UFO's, Area 51, etc.......all these theories are being cooked up and intentionally "leaked" into the public domain by government systems as a method of control. The purpose of these "theories" is to implant fear of the unknown in your minds......fear of unknown shadowy operatives committing shenanigans behind your backs, fear of people pulling the strings of your world.......fear of other people controlling your life.......and that fear makes you easy to control.

Ironically, the best way to control people is to exploit their fear of being controlled......

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On 1/2/2016 at 0:14 AM, SpaceplaneAddict said:

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What are those little green things in the background? I think it's obvious that this "Mun-landing-faked-on-Duna" thing is a fake. Those tall, green objects can only be cacti, which can only be found in Kerbin's Desert.

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Do you want to know what happened to my cousin and so-called fellow "conspiracy theorist" last week?(Will get important later on)

He just went on a little trip, when on the far side of minmus we lost radio contact for a moment! Although I shot down all the mind controlling sattelites before, everyone at Mission Control said that it was my fault. That means the government must have some other means of mind control; I suggest Chemtrails, more on that in my new book "The Kraken Conspiracy".

But what are they used for? And why did we lose contact to my fellow space traveller?

Here's what I'm thinking: the government regulary implants conspiracy theories into society, and those who realize that they sound much more logical than the public beliefs get secretly replaced by high-tec avatars so their intelligence can't endanger the power of the government! Read this post and share it before they get you, then they'll fear you instead of killing you!

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 Everything you are reading here was not actually written by real people. This is a computer generated forum that we created specifically for you, to test your reactions to various comments, and situations.

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Kerbin does not exist! It along with it's moons are just a hologram created by Alien Lizard People who were jealous that we lived on a Moon of a Gas Giant! We are really on Laythe! Mun is Vall! Minmus is Bop! Wake up Sheeple! It's all a conspiracy!

Edited by DolphinDude3
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  • 4 months later...

Sorry to necro this, but I just thought about this the other day:

[turn on conspiracy theory]

STS-107's failure was a deliberate attempt to destroy Columbia. The crews were never told that their shuttle was deliberately made to burn up during re-entry.

Think about it:

-Columbia couldn't reach the ISS (which was literally what most shuttles were doing at the time)

-It was old

-Why maintain it if it couldn't do most of the tasks it needed? It was already the heaviest shuttle in the fleet. Discovery or Atlantis or Endeavour could do it's job more efficiebtly.

-Why did Challenger need a replacement when Columbia didn't have one? Deliberately destroyed, I tell you.

Mission control KNEW that Columbia was going to burn up. Just look at the reactions, they totally expected the failures!!



And the reason NASA is pretty much out of funds is not because of the lack of a US budget, but they were SO DUMB not to sell the tiles or scrap! I bet NASA also faked the moon landings!

[turn off conspiracy theory]

I have no idea how I came up with that. 


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The Earth is actually a cylinder. That's why it appears to be round (you can go around it), but, if you go to the poles, you can see inside the Earth. Robert Scott found out about this, but was killed before he could tell the world, and his journal replaced. Now, the scientists who work at the base there are studying the geology of the interior, but all their results are intercepted and destroyed before they can reach the outside world.

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Let's talk about accurate and serious science data for everyone,;,; sorry politics, religion,drugs,superloobies and sex are no allowed on the forum ... mmmkayy ..


sad the first half is helpful for most while the others half ... did i say half just half ? alf is an extraterrestre

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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My conspiracy: WinkAllKerb'' is actually the first spambot to achieve sapience.

I mean, look at their posts. It looks like a bunch of explorations of linguistics, like they're just learning the language. Maybe they're--
foreign sapient spambot! Call the Feds! We've a spy!

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1 - control , power , accumulation and/or share , walk side by side, redistribution

1 bis - tek evolution and population growth rate and overpopulation related to sector 1, 2, & 3 workers

2- ovum genocid all day, spermatozoid spread all day

3 - where's the glitchs ?

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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