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[1.8.0-1.12.5] AtmosphereAutopilot 1.6.1


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
28 minutes ago, VostokV5 said:

Hello, I have AA installed and my control surfaces don't seem to work when deployed. This makes flaperons impossible, since deploying it disables roll control. Tested this without AA, and the flaperons worked properly. How do I fix this?


Unfortunately, you can't. AA's code needs to be changed. If it's very important to you, you'll have to uninstall AA

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This is a really essential mod. For most craft, it makes flying them with a keyboard and mouse absolutely effortless - compared to being an absolute pain in vanilla.

Have had a few aircraft, however, where it doesn't seem to work nearly as effectively - in some cases being less effective than vanilla SAS. Is there a guide somewhere to what the different tuning settings do and how to adjust it? Particularly the craft settings page? To the layman, most of the settings menus are practically incomprehensible.

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1 hour ago, baldamundo said:

This is a really essential mod. For most craft, it makes flying them with a keyboard and mouse absolutely effortless - compared to being an absolute pain in vanilla.

Have had a few aircraft, however, where it doesn't seem to work nearly as effectively - in some cases being less effective than vanilla SAS. Is there a guide somewhere to what the different tuning settings do and how to adjust it? Particularly the craft settings page? To the layman, most of the settings menus are practically incomprehensible.

Craft settings are just shortcuts to moderation parameters. If some craft misbehaves badly, editing them shouldn't help much. In general, AA's default tuning is best for agile crafts with a lot of authority and CoL close to CoM. Describing how exactly more advanced options work is quite laborious. If you have, let's say, pitch problem, you can try to play around with quadr Kp of the respective angvel controller. Don't expect wonders though.

Most parameters are described on github readme: https://github.com/Boris-Barboris/AtmosphereAutopilot
Parameters that have Kp in their name should probably help you the most.

I'd say it's smarter to just use the right tool for the job, which is, apparently, SAS for some of your crafts.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/2/2022 at 2:58 PM, VostokV5 said:

I don't know anything about coding but I really wanna make this mod work with MAF. What exactly did you mean by this? Do I have to edit MAF's dll file?


Sorry, but they won't properly work together, it's just doesn't stack that way.


Anyway, thanks @HebaruSan for a bugfix for non-alphabetical vessel names:


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  • 1 month later...

hey, when trying to fly a plane in a fixed direction (desired course 180 for example) with a set altitude and speed its very inconstitant, sometimes it will work flawlessly but most of the time the plane either heads in the right direction but dosent care about the altitude or go to the right altitude butas soon as it reaches it starts to dip down and sometimes go up to the right altitude just to dip down again or it will just head 180 and slowly dips down to the ground and crash. if you can i would love to continue chatting over discord as i find it easier (my discord is OCLASTAX#6770).
thx in advance for your help

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1 hour ago, OCLASTAX said:

hey, when trying to fly a plane in a fixed direction (desired course 180 for example) with a set altitude and speed its very inconstitant, sometimes it will work flawlessly but most of the time the plane either heads in the right direction but dosent care about the altitude or go to the right altitude butas soon as it reaches it starts to dip down and sometimes go up to the right altitude just to dip down again or it will just head 180 and slowly dips down to the ground and crash. if you can i would love to continue chatting over discord as i find it easier (my discord is OCLASTAX#6770).
thx in advance for your help

I see this is your 1st post. Welcome.

You're using AA's cruise control mode, correct? Are the heading and altitude buttons both highlighted in green? Does you plane fly well outside of cruise control using AA's fly-by-wire?

One mistake I frequently make with cruise control is that I'll type my desired altitude, then type to do something else but the altitude text box still has focus so I screw up the altitude setting.  Set the altitude, set the heading, then make sure to click outside the cruise control GUI before doing anything else.

Share a screenshot with your cruise control GUI opened. You can't directly upload images to the forum - upload it somewhere like imgur then paste the imgur link.

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1 hour ago, DeadJohn said:

I see this is your 1st post. Welcome.

You're using AA's cruise control mode, correct? Are the heading and altitude buttons both highlighted in green? Does you plane fly well outside of cruise control using AA's fly-by-wire?

One mistake I frequently make with cruise control is that I'll type my desired altitude, then type to do something else but the altitude text box still has focus so I screw up the altitude setting.  Set the altitude, set the heading, then make sure to click outside the cruise control GUI before doing anything else.

Share a screenshot with your cruise control GUI opened. You can't directly upload images to the forum - upload it somewhere like imgur then paste the imgur link.

thx for responding ! everything is highlited correctly (i think), the plane flies fine manualy and i can pretty much do what ever i want with it but when i activate the master switch i starts heading to 180 but then just stops and slowly dips down (the plane naturaly does that without sas, i tried activating the master switch and activating sas but it still doesnt work). i'l also like to note thet im having the sams issues with different plane) and that i also sometimes type somewhere and accidentaly mess up teh valies that i added in the gui but i usualy fix it fairly quickly.

here's the pic, tell me if everything is readable: https://imgur.com/gallery/hyXALsr

Edited by OCLASTAX
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2 hours ago, DeadJohn said:

I see this is your 1st post. Welcome.

You're using AA's cruise control mode, correct? Are the heading and altitude buttons both highlighted in green? Does you plane fly well outside of cruise control using AA's fly-by-wire?

One mistake I frequently make with cruise control is that I'll type my desired altitude, then type to do something else but the altitude text box still has focus so I screw up the altitude setting.  Set the altitude, set the heading, then make sure to click outside the cruise control GUI before doing anything else.

Share a screenshot with your cruise control GUI opened. You can't directly upload images to the forum - upload it somewhere like imgur then paste the imgur link.

thx for awnsering! when i use the cruise control everything is highlighted in green and all the values are correct, i too sometimes mess up my values by typing somewhere else but i fix it pretty quickly, also i have this issue with many different planes and the one in the picture flies good so i dont think thats the probleme. something that i also noticed is that when i activate the master switch the planes try to align at 180 (where i asked it to) but then kinda gives up and start slowly diping down into the ocean without even trying to reach the altitude that i set, and sometiles its just gonna go away from where i ask it to go and give up again.


her's the picture, tell me if everything is readable: https://imgur.com/gallery/hyXALsr

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@OCLASTAX I see you also have "speed control" activated. That  might (or might not) be the problem. I usually turn off speed control and run max engines until reaching the desired cruise altitude, otherwise AA can have trouble deciding whether to maintain speed or maintain the climb when there's not enough engine power for both.

I've never tried advanced options and per-craft customization, but IIRC you can adjust AA's speed vs. climb priorities.

Another AA tip, and I don't know if you already do this, is to have dedicated control surfaces for roll, pitch, yaw. For example, make sure your ailerons only have roll enabled.

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@DeadJohni tried turning speed control off and it dosent change anything, still dosent work sadly, also i did set dedicated control surfaces to pich / roll / yaw but when i installed the mod all of my craft files didnt have dedicated controle surfaces so now i have to change it manualy and save the plane again

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...


I'm getting this repeating log spam, when I'm in flight/space with a craft that has a "control surfaces":

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(Filename: <70ebef55c47648f6bd84b71699fc5517> Line: 0)

  at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component.get_transform(UnityEngine.Component)
  at AtmosphereAutopilot.SyncModuleControlSurface.CtrlSurfaceUpdate (UnityEngine.Vector3 vel) [0x00006] in <70ebef55c47648f6bd84b71699fc5517>:0
  at ModuleControlSurface.FixedUpdate () [0x003d5] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Logger:LogException(Exception, Object)
UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
(Filename: <70ebef55c47648f6bd84b71699fc5517> Line: 0)

Here are the logs: https://tancredi.nl/logs.zip

Can somebody please help me?

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3 hours ago, N3N said:

Can somebody please help me?

Hi, I suspect these are the problematic parts:


[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_bodyFlap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_elevon1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_elevon2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TailControlSurface' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.746] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Redstone_AirVane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.746] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Redstone_Fin_CtrlSurf' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.747] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Scout_Algol_Fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_3' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_4' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_5' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_6' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.749] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TitovFin1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.750] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'eisenhower_angara_ctrlsurface' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.752] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nesdKeR7-wing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.752] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'BoosterWingKRE' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin L' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin M' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin S' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin L Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin M Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin S Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Lynx_Boatengine' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.758] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Paraglider_Steerable_srf' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_IXV_Elevon' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronC' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronR' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_RudderL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_RudderR' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part '_Knes_French_Hermes_Elevon' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part '_Knes_French_Hermes_Rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'KWFin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'KWFinGC' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_FuselageLiftFan' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_LiftFan' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_HeavyVTOL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M3X_HeavyVTOL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_BodyFlap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_Evelons' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_Fins' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_RudderControl' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.764] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_jumpa2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.764] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_jumpa1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_bubble1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_egg' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_heli1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.766] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'PA_S1Fins' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.767] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_WING_R7' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_jet_vane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_winglet_black' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_winglet_white' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.769] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MkXWing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.773] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'tbee-bumper-fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.775] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TE2_19_SH_GRIDFIN' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_01' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_02' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_03' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MiniSub_DivePlane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MiniSub_Rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'basicCanard' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A11' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A12' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A4' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A4b' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'A-4bWing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'A-6Wing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A9' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4Redstone' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'X20Fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'X20Flap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it

You have FAR installed, but the parts under the spoiler do not use FAR control surfaces. Try looking into their modulemanager configs or asking a mod author for FAR compatibility.

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2 hours ago, Boris-Barboris said:

Hi, I suspect these are the problematic parts:

  Reveal hidden contents

[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_bodyFlap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_elevon1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_elevon2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'benjee10_shuttle_rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.743] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TailControlSurface' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.746] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Redstone_AirVane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.746] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Redstone_Fin_CtrlSurf' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.747] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'bluedog_Scout_Algol_Fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_3' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_4' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_5' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.748] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'blue_steel_winglet_srf_6' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.749] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TitovFin1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.750] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'eisenhower_angara_ctrlsurface' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.752] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'nesdKeR7-wing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.752] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'BoosterWingKRE' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin L' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin M' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin S' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.756] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin L Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin M Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Grid Fin S Titanium' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.757] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Lynx_Boatengine' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.758] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Paraglider_Steerable_srf' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_IXV_Elevon' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronC' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronR' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_AileronL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_RudderL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.759] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Knes_Hermes_RudderR' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part '_Knes_French_Hermes_Elevon' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part '_Knes_French_Hermes_Rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'KWFin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.760] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'KWFinGC' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_FuselageLiftFan' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_LiftFan' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.761] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M2X_HeavyVTOL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'M3X_HeavyVTOL' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_BodyFlap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_Evelons' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_Fins' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.762] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MKS_RudderControl' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.764] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_jumpa2' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.764] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_jumpa1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_bubble1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_egg' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.765] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'opt_vtol_heli1' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.766] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'PA_S1Fins' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.767] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_WING_R7' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_jet_vane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_winglet_black' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.768] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'rn_scout_winglet_white' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.769] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MkXWing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.773] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'tbee-bumper-fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.775] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'TE2_19_SH_GRIDFIN' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_01' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_02' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'SR_Gridfin_03' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MiniSub_DivePlane' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.776] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'MiniSub_Rudder' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'basicCanard' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A11' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A12' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A4' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A4b' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'A-4bWing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'A-6Wing' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4A9' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'Wing4Redstone' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'X20Fin' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it
[LOG 18:20:35.777] [AtmosphereAutopilot]: part 'X20Flap' config node contains ModuleControlSurface, replacing it

You have FAR installed, but the parts under the spoiler do not use FAR control surfaces. Try looking into their modulemanager configs or asking a mod author for FAR compatibility.

Hey @Boris-Barboris,

Thank you for your fast and understandable answer! ;)

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