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[1.1.2]NSS/OctoSat-SOAR S3-A300 (Modular Satellites, Reusable launchers)[0.72- 11Jun16]


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Time for me to introduce my first attempt at modding. The initial idea was to create the launch vehicles from Swiss Space Systems. The SOAR concept shuttle and the aircraft that will launch it. But then I ended up creating a whole system of modular satellites that would go with it better than the stock parts.

Right now I have the satellite system and the A300 about 70% done. The SOAR concept is halfway there only.


Keep in mind this is an early version. [0.72]

Download from SpaceDock





Video preview of version 0.5 by KottabosGames. Thank you sir.




  • Texture Switch - 8 colours as shown above
  • Remote tech support
  • AntennaRange support
  • AntennaRangeRelay contract pack support
  • RealPlume support
  • TweakScale support
  • ScanSat support
  • Stack Symmetry (2) Thanks to @Hexicube

Known issues (if you have a fix thanks for sharing)

  • It snaps on the node next to the one I want - No known fix - Workaround: Place it on the snapping node then Alt + LMB your module to copy it and place it on the desired node that will be easy to get now. Delete unwanted node
  • Half core top module snaps on bottom module but doesn't stack properly. It seems to be due to the side nodes being on the top modules. - Workaround: Stack downwards. First an half core top module then half core bottom module.
  • Antennae animation problem: doesn't extend when transmitting ( still looking for a fix) / No animation in VAB ( seems like stock don't either)
  • The science modules don't register for contracts on satellite. See MM patch and more info here and in archive file.
  • Texture switch works in VAB/SPH for shrouds but not ingame.

To do/ Road map:



To do:

  1. A300 - Landing gears fix
  2. A300 - IVA
  3. A300 - Engine tweak
  4. SOAR - Landing gears
  5. SOAR - Airbrakes
  6. SOAR - Engine remodel
  7. SOAR - Textures
Release version 1.0
  • OctoSat - Side module omnidirectional antenna 
  • OctoSat - Landing module
  • OctoSat - Adapter redesign
  • OctoSat - ScanSat and orbital science parts
  • OctoSat - Realism Overhaul Patch
  • OctoSat - Science Jr. redesign
  • A340 - To my knowledge they will use an Airbus A340-500 but the Airbus A300 was already made when I learned that.
  • SOAR - IVA ( there will be a passenger version of this shuttle for suborbital flights)
  • SOAR - Orbital version of this shuttle ( fictionnal - AFAIK not planned by S3)
  • SOAR - Launcher for the orbital version ( probably just a decoupler and service module - there's already great mods out there for launchers)
  • A300 - A340 - SOAR - RSS patch and RO patch
  • Adeline - Airbus reusable module to stick to any stock engines - for the fictionnal launcher/ SOAR orbital





⦁    Values tweaked for all OctoSat parts. Most apparent changes made to prices and masses. Much changes to heat management.
⦁    Added octosat tag to all OctoSat parts.
⦁    Fuel cell consumption fixed for liquid fuel + oxidizer.
⦁    Fuel cell can convert monopropellant too.
⦁    Fixed Side Dish module's shader.
⦁    Attempt at heat management tweaking.
⦁    AntennaRangeRelay contract pack compatibility. 
⦁    Scansat Patch for M900.


  • 1.1.2 basic compatibility update
  • Added 2-way and 3-way RCS modules
  • Added Side dish module
  • Added Side Cargo Module
  • Changed A300 flaps from airbrakes to actual flaps (they need to be linked to an action group to deploy)
  • Added winglets for the A300
  • Added TextureSwitch to the A300
  • Fixed missing file for the SOAR cargo decoupler
  • Added stock particle effect for the Ion engine
  • Removed temporarily A300's landing gears ( broken)


  • Modified the MM patch for satellite contracts. Now the stock survey scanner fulfills the contract too.
  • Fixed texture inside Mystery Goo Module
  • Added AntennaRange support  \o/
  • Added RealPlume support
  • Added TweakScale support
  • Changed Engines' AnimateHeat to FXModuleAnimateThrottle
  • Released early WIP versions of the A300, SOAR concept and its third stage. Including built ship.


  • Added M900 survey scanner
  • Added Large stackeable dish 4.6m (15ft)
  • Gimbal Animation fixed
  • Heat settings reworked for Engines
  • Values tweaked ( mass, RW,..)
  • More remote tech support ( passive omnis on probes, refined settings)
  • MM patch for science experiment on a satellite contracts ( optional)
  • Added stacksymmetry to core parts ( thanks to @Hexicube)
  • Fixed texture switch on adapter
  • Added Cargo doors and top/bottom plate for service bay


  • Added names and descriptions to all parts
  • Added Fuel Cell
  • Added 4 Reaction wheel modules
  • Tweaked many small values
  • 1.0.5 tweaks
  • Added remote tech support


  • Initial release









  • Delete previous version if you had one.
  • Copy the content of GameData in your GameData folder
  • You can remove folders to select what you want installed or not. There is no dependencies between the manufacturer. NSS for the Octosat, Airbus for the A300, S3 for SOAR Concept.


License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Thank you for pointing out mistakes and correcting my english in-game ( names and descriptions) and in this thread.

Feel free to post issues, ideas, suggestions, thoughts, whatever you want to share.

Edited by Nookos
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That is looking very very nice, but I kinda dislike the big airplane, I like to build it myself and tweak it myself, the animations are very beautifull.

You maybe should make a album on imgur and embed that in the forum, in that case you dont have a long list of pictures.

Also you should make an album with the part discriptions you see in the VAB/SPH and put those in a seperate album

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Thanks. Hope you guys enjoy it.

That is looking very very nice, but I kinda dislike the big airplane, I like to build it myself and tweak it myself, the animations are very beautifull.

You maybe should make a album on imgur and embed that in the forum, in that case you dont have a long list of pictures.

Also you should make an album with the part discriptions you see in the VAB/SPH and put those in a seperate album

Yes the A300 is meant to be an A300 and not a DIY airliner system. The idea with the SOAR concept and its aircraft is to be as close as possible to the real project from S3. There is already many many mods out there to build your own airliner and it can even be done in stock pretty nicely now with 1.0.5.

Thanks for the suggestion. I m working on organizing this thread but it takes time. I just finished the parts summary to avoid the list. I ll keep on improving and cleaning this as the project moves on. I ll try to write down the road map/to do list tomorrow as well as the known issues.

Edited by Nookos
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This looks great so far! I've been playing with it and I love the idea of build-it-yourself probes. Plus the models and especially the animations are very nice! Though I do wish the parts had names and descriptions.

Furthermore, is there somewhere I can download that airliner? It looks beautiful!

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This looks great so far! I've been playing with it and I love the idea of build-it-yourself probes. Plus the models and especially the animations are very nice! Though I do wish the parts had names and descriptions.

Furthermore, is there somewhere I can download that airliner? It looks beautiful!

Thanks and I m glad you're enjoying it. I just put the parts' name and description on top of my list. They will be in the next update :wink:

Danz;2287684']Where can i Download the plane and the mimi Shuttle? Please give me the plane' date=' I love Plane ![/quote']

Not available yet sorry. They both need more work. The A300 just needs fully funtionnal landing gears ( right now no functionnal suspension and it creates issues I think, I need to figure that one out yet) The shuttle needs much more work unfortunately. But it'll be released.. eventually :)

This is so cool.... I WANT IT!! But I don't have the full version of ksp:( Side note, are you planning on adding fuel cells?

I hope you can get your hand on a full KSP. It's worth it. And I didn't plan fuel cells but now I do. It's a quick job to add one I think.

Very cool man, do u plan on adding support to remote tech?

I was planning the antenna system support for 1.1. But remote tech support is added on my list now. But the list is long and I have no clue what RT requires so I have some reading/learning to do before I even know how much work is involved.

WOW, SO cool!

(downloaded without any hesitate)

(immediately posted a thread in our local forum to hype)

Woop woop!! :D Thanks.

Perfect for the Octo-core probes i so frequently build, Thank you for these!

My pleasure o/

You maybe should put all the pictures in a imgur album and embed it in the page, it makes it look a bit cleaner.

another shing you should add:


helpfull for you and people who download it

Still working on cleaning the thread. imgur album is great but not so great.. There will probably be one though. At least in the release thread when I get there.

And there will be a changelog too but for that there needs to be more than one version released :D It'll come with the first update.

Just did the to do list. Tonight after work I'll sort out the next step for this project. Not sure yet if I fully complete the OctoSat system first and then move on to A300 - SOAR - A340 - Adeline. Or if I first get a first version of A300 / SOAR out now that OctoSat is functionnal. Your opinions on the matter are most appreciated

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Genius idea! Although I think your top priority right now should be giving your parts names and descriptions. Keep up the good work!
I agree with Spot_signGEORGE

I just did all the names and descriptions. So the next update will include them. I also made a fuel cell and reaction wheels. I'm making sure there's no major issues with 1.0.5 and I will release an update very soon.

You can always start with the first version, it may just be a long list of added but still

With the first update on its way it means there will be a changelog :D \o/

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Looks cool, I'll download it soon.

Thanks. I hope you enjoy it.

Updated to version 0.5

I haven't found issues with 1.0.5. Please report if you do.

- Added names and descriptions to all parts

- Added Fuel Cell

- Added 4 Reaction wheel modules

- Tweaked many small values

- 1.0.5 tweaks

- Added remote tech support ( I'm not a remote tech user yet. So if I missed something and/or did something wrong thanks for letting me know.)

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2 more things, are the things that pop out of the Nuclear engine radiators? And maybe at a later date, how about a VASIMR thruster? Then we could have OctoSat interstellar probes :cool: . By the way, I can't wait to see how this mod evolves, I won't be able to get the full version of ksp until my 16th birthday next year (Need a more powerful computer), but the first mod I'm getting is this one:)

Edited by Spaceception
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A way to clear the gimbal issue is to put the whole thing engine nozzle(including the animated parts and thrustTranform) into a new object and name it something like Nozzle0(whose base point is at the center of the desired gimbal center). Then write Nozzle0 instead of thrustTransform in the moduleGimbal in the config. Might be wrong( as I am new to modding too), but it worths trying.

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Looks good, have you looked at making a module for a seperate part catagory for filterextension, because of the larger amount of parts that might be handy

I had a quick look at it when I was trying to create a new category for this mod. But quickly moved on as it looked like what I needed was to write some code rather than using filter extension. But I may be mistaken about what filter extension can do. And regarding the new category using code, I gave up as I know nothing about programming and even the examples I could find didn't help me. It would be great if Squad makes it possible to create new categories using only cfg files ( maybe in 1.1??). In short I'll look again into that in the future. In the meantime all the parts are available in the manufacturer's tab.


Nice to play only the Antennas looks a bit lego-like. The solar panels are absolute top class!

Thank you. I m not sure what you mean by lego-like. Not sure either if it is a good thing or not :D The omnis are pretty much like the stock ones. And the medium range dish is inspired by this piecewise-planar parabolic reflectarray antenna and is easily foldable in a compact way which is why I went for this one. I have plans for much more antennas but I m having difficulties with animation.

2 more things, are the things that pop out of the Nuclear engine radiators? And maybe at a later date, how about a VASIMR thruster? Then we could have OctoSat interstellar probes:cool:. By the way, I can't wait to see how this mod evolves, I won't be able to get the full version of ksp until my 16th birthday next year (Need a more powerful computer), but the first mod I'm getting is this one:)

Yes they are radiators. And VASIMR thruster is a possibility. I ll look into that once I reach version 1.0 of this mod. Hopefully by the time you get to 16 it will be done.

Gorgeous mod Nookos :D

I always wanted to see a bit 'of modularity and customization for probes and satellites :D

keep up the good work ;)

Thank you stoc911 :D I m trying my best.

A way to clear the gimbal issue is to put the whole thing engine nozzle(including the animated parts and thrustTranform) into a new object and name it something like Nozzle0(whose base point is at the center of the desired gimbal center). Then write Nozzle0 instead of thrustTransform in the moduleGimbal in the config. Might be wrong( as I am new to modding too), but it worths trying.

Works perfectly thanks. For some reason first time I tried this was only in Unity and it didn't work. I went back to 3dsmax to create an animated parent and use the engine mesh for gimbal. Now it works. Next update will have gimbal animation. Thanks.

So gimbal is fixed. I also tweaked the heat animation for the engines. It's much better now. They start glowing earlier and the temperatures are more appropriate I think. Now I m struggling with the survey scanner animation (inspiration is this). I tried to get vertex animation in unity/ksp but it was a huge failure. Seems like the stock dish is animated with bones so I gave up vertex animation and now have to start rigging. It might take a while but if I succeed the next update should include the survey scanner, a long range dish and the landing module. Then I move to the A300 and the shuttle. Updated road map.

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