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10 hours ago, RocketSquid said:

This happens to me on every laptop I use. This is because vibrations in the case (e.g. from typing) affect the trackpad, which registers them as cursor movement.

Offtopic: Dunno 'bout Windows, but on GNU/Linux (assuming some flavour of synaptics trackpad) something like 'syndaemon -i 2 -t -k ' started at login will fix this. :)

Ontopic: AFAICT my cursor jumping issues are caused by the editor waiting until the next [space] to parse bbcode, and moving the cursor there when it does.

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1: Never seen a jumping cursor here... And NEVER EVER seen "vibrations" affect the sensing of a trackpad.

2: JUST had dropped text. (in the word never).
3: COOL!!! Shift+Enter WORKS!!! Imagine now, if this was the DEFAULT FUNCTIONALITY, SUCH AS IN EVERY NORMAL TEXT EDITOR EVER!!! :huh:
4: Let me check out what all my old threads are up to now... Gone... All gone... :0.0:
5: Oh my God! The threads! They're all gone! I need to go tell my friends here about this insanity! Checks contacts... :0.0::huh:
6: Views??? Are those dead too! I like to gauge the popularity of threads by their views too. I imagine it's on the to do list... But... **Pokes with stick** :confused:
7: You guys really need to get some artsy fartsy types to "kerbalize" the new smilies.
NO ONE wants a generic yellow smily (:lol: Lame, ^_^ boring, :mellow: meh :o generic :angry:), when we all know "green is keen"! :cool:
8: Does the forum auto save your work as you type it, because that feature in the old forum saved my butt FAR TOO MANY TIMES when I was flipping from tab to tab, trying to reference different bits of data and inadvertently closed the tab I was working on, or scrolled up to reference something earlier in the thread, hit the top, and clicked the pervious page button without thinking about it. Even browser crashes! I am a heavy tab user. Just earlier this past week (was discussing the virtues of a 32 GB system to someone, hence why I looked) I'd had 19 GB of active memory with 9 GB in Chrome and 4 GB in Safari! I tend to run a LOT of open tabs. Sometimes, it crashes. My browsers can reload my tabs in that scenario, so I don't lose my place, but if that auto-backup feature's gone... I'm gonna cry! I've had that feature save small NOVELS with of technical mumbo-jumbo before. ;.;

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33 minutes ago, richfiles said:

NEVER EVER seen "vibrations" affect the sensing of a trackpad.

Neither have I TBH, but misplaced palms / thumbs / sleeves etc. certainly.

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Wow... I can't delete the spoiler box!

Like, not at all! I can also not get a text cursor OUTSIDE the spoiler boxes.


EDIT* click the WORD "Spoiler" and hit delete, and you can delete he box, but if a spoiler is placed FIRST... you still can not type any text or get a text cursor outside of the spoiler box, unless you delete the spoiler box first, type text, and THEN add the spoiler box afterwards.

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Okay... ^ THAT above is a most definitely bug!
I bumped the mouse and hit spoiler as the very first click in a new message... The result was that I was **unable to select the spoiler box to delete it, and I found clicking the spoiler button again did not remove it, but rather nested spoilers within spoilers. **I can not see any way of deleting the spoiler. I also can not enter text OUTSIDE of the spoiler, as the only area in the comment where you can click for an active cursor is INSIDE the spoiler box. Just pointing out that odd quirk.

**click the WORD "Spoiler" on the top left corner of the spoiler box and hit delete, and you can delete the box.
Unfortunately, if a spoiler is placed FIRST... you still can not type any text, nor get a text cursor outside of the spoiler box, unless you delete the spoiler box first, type text, and THEN add the spoiler box afterwards. The functionality of deleting the spoiler box was not obvious, and more so, the inability to type text outside the spoiler box if the spoiler box is the first item placed is most definitely a bug.

Also, is there any chance of getting hover over type inline spoilers... The click to reveal spoilers are great for images, but these types of spoilers are very disruptive to the flow of text if you just have small text spoilers.

ANother bug seems to be related to the Enter vs Shift+Enter. If I select a double enter, and then, with text selected, Press Shift+Enter, it ends up adding 3.5 lines of space, and as soon as you start typing or click anywhere, the half line disappears... You currently have to manually delete the auto-double space, and then type a fresh Shtift+Enter. INCREDIBLY annoying, this forced double spacing trash! :mad:

One more thing... I frequent the hardware building threads. We got thoughtlessly tossed in with "KSP Fan Works" Even though we are fundamentally modding the way we play the game... Non-hardware types just DON'T get it... This forum is run by software types, and for all the work, all the years of developing my electronics and mechanical engineering knowledge, the personal hobby time, and the years in college... It's... Infuriating to be tossed aside like that... Oh, you built a cockpit to play the game from. A Mod? Oh NOOOOOO... you are not making "mods"! You're in the same class as fan fiction, sketches and shipping:rolleyes::huh:

So... if we are gonna continue to deal with this... Can we get the CONTENT TAG LABELS BACK!!! There used to be color coded labels that indicated if content was HARDWARE, Writing, Art, Screenshots, Etc... These appeared at the front of EVERY thread subject, and could be seen in the forum thread list. We also had the option to show only content of a particular label, so I could hide everything else, and see only my fellow hardware builder's threads. Can we PLEASE get this back, especially if you're still insisting that our hardware belongs in fan works, and not mods... :mad:

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10 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

No, it needs to be modded if you want a different theme. The functionality is completely unchanged.

That seems very subjective.
So as Squad wanted I waited a week and still hate new forum. It is a Facebook adaptation for a forum software, such things are never good.


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3 hours ago, richfiles said:

3: COOL!!! Shift+Enter WORKS!!! Imagine now, if this was the DEFAULT FUNCTIONALITY, SUCH AS IN EVERY NORMAL TEXT EDITOR EVER!!! :huh:

Well, actually no.

Plaintext editors, like vim or notepad yes, But almost every editor for formatted text for the last 30+ years are supposed to insert linebreaks automagically (based on page size) and Enter/Return is used to create a new paragraph,

So using shift+enter to create a manual linebreak is very much standard.

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2 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

Plaintext editors, like vim or notepad...

Nah, Emacs is where it's at, Emacs doesn’t insert any linebreaks for you unless you say so. :P


On an unrelated topic:
I'm getting error code EX2 if I search, get no hits, then modify the term and hit [enter] in the search term box.

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Don't need to show me EuSouONumero345, cause I say exactly that in my own post. :rolleyes:
The bug is that if you place a spoiler FIRST, before ANY other text, it's not possible to type text OUTSIDE the spoiler box, unless you first delete the spoiler box... I make that pretty clear.

And I'm sorry, but I play a game where rocket science is a fundamental element of my experience. I don't need a dang babysitter editor to tell me how to type Curveball Anders! Not one text editor or word processing application I own is configured to insert line breaks like that for me. I can... you know, do it all by myself? I've grown passed needing training wheels. I'm still annoyed by the whole loss of proper BBcode thing. Just because you rely on editors with training wheels, doesn't mean the rest of us do!

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I think the issue with the line breaks is, normally (at least in any text editor I've ever met) pressing return/enter gives you a single line break, as between two indented paragraphs or items in a list. In this new forum editor, it gives you a double line break, like this:

Which is what would normally happen when I press enter twice. To get a single line break here I have to press shift-enter, like this:
Which is what would normally happen when I press enter once. It's not a huge issue for me personally, but it is a bit of a nuisance and contributes to the general wastage of space on the new forum layout. 


PS. Regarding the spoilers: I find that if a spoiler is the first item in a post, I can still put text outside after the spoiler, but I can't get the cursor to move above the spoiler. 

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Hitting enter starts a new paragraph, like in a word processor or anything with an idea of "new paragraph" as something distinct from "new line". The forum styling has a rather large space between paragraphs, large enough to look like a blank line, but technically it's not. In Word it would be easy to change the paragraph spacing, not so much on this forum.

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3 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Yes. After pressing enter on the centered text, click the left justify button and any more text will be normal.

Again, inconvenient as all get out. Most text editors don't force you to do all these extra steps.

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