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This hypothesis is how the universe began, And will most likly end. Be warned, This has little, But existing and convincing evidence for it, This is why im keeping it a hypothesis, insted of a theory. (note, unless you give credit, if you mention lots of things from this, it will technically be plagurism.)

The beggining: Before the beggining (yes, before), there was dark matter, and dark energy, The dark matter was evenly split into matter dark matter, and anti-matter dark matter. (think of it as little packets that only interact gravitationally of matter/anti-matter) When enough dark matter is in one place, and is stimulated by dark energy, the dark matter will turn into matter/anti-matter based of weather its an anti-matter packet or matter packet.  When this happens, a white hole spawns, than spews out that matter/anti-matter. Luckily for us, Most of the anti-matter packets hasnt been spewed up, but enough matter packets spewed out for galaxies, stars, planets, moons, asteroids, dust, etc. The first white hole was the one that caused the big bang, It was ALOT of matter-dark matter in one place stimulated by a load of dark-energy. This was the beggining.

The end: Because white holes have spewed out most of the matter dark matter, there is only anti-matter dark matter left. This stuff. Will be the stuff transformed into anti-matter when white holes spawn. Eventully, once ALL the dark matter has spewed out via white holes, there will be an equal number of anti-matter and matter particles left in the universe. Eventullly these will annihalate and spell E N D for the cosmos.

An addon to this hypothesis is that when matter and anti matter annihalate, they simply go back into there dark matter form, ready to be stimulated again and restart existance.

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You'll have to work on this a bit more.

I believe that currently most accepted model states that there was no before the beginning. Since time was created with the big bang, this "before" concept has no meaning, and since space was created at that instant as well, there was no place for dark matter and energy to exist in.

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Also, since the universe contains dark matter, and thus dark matter is a part of the universe, surely the existence of dark matter in this "before" meaans it cannot be the beginning of the universe?

Also, the first thing I would ask is to explain the complete lack of observational evidence of "white holes" 


Edited by Steel
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Dark matter's properties have indeed not been clearly defined (nor really whether it exists), but matter and anti-matter are another, uh, matter. It is already well known what comprises them and what happens when they interact.
Matter and antimatter are simply different types of stuff that can be formed from the various elementary particles. I'd call them forms of matter, but uh... naming problems. Both consist of quarks, antiquarks, electrons, positrons, etc. which have all been observed and studied, and when matter interacts with antimatter it produces a flurry of photons and other bosons, plus sometimes some leftover matter and antimatter debris. On the other hand, no mechanism has been observed by which (anti)matter can be converted into dark matter or back.

On the topic of white holes, not only is there no observational evidence, but the laws of physics that govern black holes only produce their opposite - white holes - as a mathematical artifact, which the same laws of physics also prohibit. To start with, any large collection of mass (which both matter and antimatter have) in a tiny space will have positive gravity that causes it to draw things in. In order to blast out cosmic quantities of matter, the object would have to either be so dense that its own gravity would make it a black hole (and thus fail to expel anything at all) or be some sort of entity that continuously converts dark matter into matter (which as detailed above is currently outside the realm of Science).

Last, observational evidence of the universe on a large scale doesn't point to galaxies being spawned from localized white holes, but rather all originating at a single point. In fact the data point very strongly to the origin of the universe being a very, very small and dense region of space.

Long story short your hypothesis is very imaginative and would make for a great sci-fi origin story or mythological creation legend, but it's unlikely to apply to this reality, even compared to many of the other esoteric ideas out there.

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