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Your "why is this not stock" mods


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Kerbal Joint Reinforcement!   Basic rockets with matching sized parts shouldn't take dozens of struts to prevent cartoonish wobble!

KAS/KIS of course.

Infernal Robotics

Delta-V, orbit and surface info panels from Mechjeb, or equivalent from KER.

Docking Port Alignment Indicator, or the navball docking aid...



That's the list of mods I simply won't play without and can't find any compelling reason not to include in stock!

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Kerbal Alarm Clock, Transfer Window Planner, Alternate Resource Panel (all three by TriggerAU)
Kerbal Engineer Redux
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement
Docking Port Alignment Indicator
RadiatorToggle and BetterBurnTime (<3 Snark)
RCS Build Aid

and above and beyond all... ModuleManager! :P Granted, that mod more or less subverts the definition of "should be stock" a bit, but it is the foundation of any modded KSP install, period. You should all go worship sarbian right now.

I also have a looong list of favorite mods/usual suspects, but as far as the topic of this thread goes, these few here are the ones I actually get antsy about not having installed.

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I'm going to take a different tack on this, and describe why I think a lot of these "should be stock" mods should not be stock. In the order mentioned above:

Kerbal Engineer - I actually think that KER gives too much information. I know it sounds crazy, but I think stock should only give dV (per stage and total) an TWR, both in flight and the VAB. Most other stuff should just be part of the interface or not included at all. For example, if they want you to know what biomes are around there should be some sort of hud overlay or whatnot, not a box with "you're over the xxxx biome right now" readout.

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement - I don't use this so obviously don't think it's necessary.

KAS/KIS - It needs a UI/UX streamlining but otherwise I agree

Infernal Robotics - Not until that terrible bug is fixed. I know it's a Unity thing but until it's fixed, no.

Docking Port Alignment Indicator, or the navball docking aid - I'd prefer the 2nd. A separate window is a bit clunky IMO.


RasterPropMonitor - I have never used this. If it doesn't add a lot of bloat to the main game then sure. Though I think it should be an actual integrated mode instead of the tack-on that RPM does now. Nothing against it - it's part of being a mod.

Kerbal Alarm Clock - Agreed, though it should be more integrated into the game.

Transfer Window Planner - Transfer window planning should be in the game, but it should just be a part of map mode or the tracking station.

Alternate Resource Panel - This one I agree with. This is a perfect example of how to make a mod almost seamlessly become "stock".

Trajectories - Again, this should just be something that happens. You shouldn't have to turn it on or even think about it.

ScienceAlert - This mod puts a band-aid over the clunky way the game wants you to collect science. I'd much rather they make this mod unnecessary than integrate it into the game.

RadiatorToggle - I don't know what this is.

BetterBurnTime - Or this.

RCS Build Aid - This should just turn on when you turn on any of the 3 markers (com/col/cot) but otherwise yes, I love the interface.

ModuleManager - Agreed.

A few more, that I actually think should be stock as well, pretty much in their current form:




QuckScroll and QuickSearch (and most of the Quick* mods)

StockBugFix :D


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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

RasterPropMonitor - I have never used this. If it doesn't add a lot of bloat to the main game then sure. Though I think it should be an actual integrated mode instead of the tack-on that RPM does now. Nothing against it - it's part of being a mod.


Just a shout out for using RPM for, if nothing else, docking.  I have Docking Port Alignment Indicator, and often use it - but I have on occasion done entirely IVA based docking, with the game UI turned off, using RPM's docking mode.  (assisted with MJ's providing SmartASS plugged into RPM's autopilot system).  Not suggesting it makes docking easier - but it certainly makes it more satisfying.

As for stock mods?  KAS/KIS - it adds an entirely new dimension and dymanic to the game - the possibilities with it are almost endless. UI and documentation could do with some work though.  RPM for the above, and for the other in-capsule info it provides.  KER because without the engineering data from this, or MJ or similar, you're really just guessing most of the time. Kerbal Alarm Clock should be built in.

I might also argue for use of MechJeb  - but in a very limited sense - MJ can be a really, really useful learning tool.  There could be a place for it, or for the game itself to drive it, in the tutorials. Without it, though, I'd definitely like to see some elements become stock - the engineering data (probably in KER), but also the SmartASS would be useful, as would the Manoeuvre Node Editor component, as I find the regularly find the editor in the map UI awful in certain situations.


Edited by Wemb
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30 minutes ago, Wemb said:

done entirely IVA based docking, with the game UI turned off, using RPM's docking mode

Bloody hell, you are tough... I tried to play IVA-RPM only, but I barely found space. Guess I didn't do my homework.

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5 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

RadiatorToggle - I don't know what this is.

BetterBurnTime - Or this.

RadiatorToggle lets you turn radiators on and off, which is useful in some situations as radiators now run on electricity and KSP stock doesn’t let you turn them off.

BetterBurnTime fixes the burn-time indicator next to the navball to be accurate, even with stages.  In my experience it tells you exactly what KER will tell you, but right where you need it when burning.  It’s the epitome of ”mod that becomes indistinguishable from stock” for me.

Edited by meyerweb
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I'm seconding KER and RCS build-aid in the SPH and VAB

But a straight import of KER is too verbose out of the gate when in flight. Maybe certain levels of certain professions will give the additional information, for example level 1 scientist onboard can id biomes, level 1 pilot altitude relative surface vs MSL and mach number,  etc. similar to nav autosets and repair vs experience level.

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2 hours ago, Evanitis said:

Bloody hell, you are tough... I tried to play IVA-RPM only, but I barely found space. Guess I didn't do my homework.

Thanks!  I stress that I certainly didn't do the launch or rendezvous this way, only the  final approach and docking.  One day, when I've got time to master KOS I -will- do an entire IVA launch, rendezvous and dock - but that will be some time... I also think it would have been very difficult without MJ's SmartASS being avaialble to RPM too.

Launch might be possible - with MJ installed, but using it via RPM - but using the menu driven UI to put the attitude changes in quickly enough would be horrible.  It would really need to be automated in someway - It'd like to see some way to plug in canned KOS scripts into the RPM to give the Kerbal equivalent of the AGC - maybe.



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Apart from the things mentioned above, one of my favorite is Kerbal Flight Indicator, which draws various markers directly on your field of view. Very useful for flying and landing planes or when you want to do rendezvous but too lazy to see the numbers.

Also, while we're on the subject, why not mention various visual/immersion mods that seems so simple and lightweight it should be stock a long time ago? Planetshine and Collision FX comes to mind. RCS Sounds and Rover Wheel Sounds might also count.

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Oh, yes, and just reminded me after reading a post about suicide burns - not a Mod exactly, but it's data is exposed in several, yet is badly used in the stock game. The Radar Altimeter - you really should be able to toggle the top altimeter between sea-level and true. Having it only visible via the gauge in the IVA view is insane.  

I mean, it's fun adapting the technology used by 617 squadron to bomb the Ruhr damns by slinging spotlights under your ship so you know when you're going to hit the ground, but that really is winging it a bit too far.



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Not necessarily specific mods, but what they do in a way that satisfies the player (ME!) and works with the base game.


Displaying altitude above ground at the top dial when the navball is in surface mode.

An editor that allows more control over alignment in the form of specific degrees and stuff.

Something like precise node, the handles are just not handy and difficult to click and use when looking elsewhere.

Something like alarm clock for multi mission and transfer window logistics.

Building (adding small parts) in space and connect vessels with fuel lines.


Individual Kerbal names, faces and suit colors and even more visuals and the like: collision effects, rover sounds, clouds ...

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49 minutes ago, KerbMav said:

Individual Kerbal names, faces and suit colors and even more visuals and the like: collision effects, rover sounds, clouds

Which also reminds me - an info tab or page when right-clicking on them so you don't have to return to the KSC to find out what the specialism or rank is - but as you say, could be (in part) implemented with different coloured suits?

We're not talking about mods now though.


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EVE et al.


In my opinion, KSP needs a visual upgrade really badly. Volumetric atmospheres, scattering, dynamic lighting, zodiacal light and perhaps even gegenschein for extra astronomy points would be nice. Weather would be really cool.

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Distant Objects Enhancement and nothing else. Such a simple mechanic. But looking up and seeing your space station or return vehicle fly above you as a moving star ( just like real life ) adds more to this game then I ever imagined. Or seeing planetary conjunctions on a sunset/rise. A beautiful mod.

Edited by Motokid600
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Splitting this into categories. First, functionality enhancing mods (things that don't add parts for the VAB/SPH, or if they do, they're part of functionality, the addon is NOT a "parts-pack")

  1. Graphic Memory Monitor (to hopefully be removed from this list when KSP v1.1 is released)
  2. HullCam VDS
  3. MenuStabilizer
  4. SmartStage
  5. AutoAsparagus
  6. BetterBurnTime
  7. BetterTimeWarp
  8. ConnectedLivingSpace
  9. Ship Manifest & Roster Manager
  10. Strip Symmetry
  11. Trajectories
  12. EVA Enhancements
  13. EditorExtensionsRedux
  14. Plane Mode
  15. Part Commander
  16. Landing Height Display
  17. Docking Sounds & Docking Target
  18. QuickSearch
  19. RCS Build Aid
  20. StageRecovery
  21. Mk1-2 IVA replacement by ASET & its dependencies
  22. MechJeb 2
  23. Kerbal Engineer Redux
  24. MechJeb & Engineer for All
  25. 6 Seat Shuttle Cockpit
  26. Shuttle IVA Replacement
  27. Alternate Resource Panel w/ Icons
  28. VesselViewer
  29. DPAI
  30. RCS, Rover Wheel, & Water Sounds
  31. Pilot Assistant
  32. Dynamic Deflection
  33. Throttle Controlled Avionics
  34. Color Coded Canisters (retextures the end-plates of the parts to indicate via color code what size they are)
  35. Haystack Continued

Now for parts-packs I wish were stock. HOO-boy…

  1. Asteroid Day (natch)
  2. ALCOR (with IVA patch for RPM features)
  3. KIS & KAS
  4. Universal Storage
  5. SCANsat & DMagic Orbital Science
  6. RealChute
  7. Insanity Aerospace (including all the Insanity cockpits, but OMITTING the Insanity "J. Edgar" VTOL engines, & Insanity linear aerospike)
  8. QuizTech Aero Pack (specifically, all the QT cockpits, the QT linear aerospike, the "short" Mk1-Mk2 adaptor with integrated intakes, the Mk1+dual .625m to Mk2 "short" adaptor, "Phoenix" VTOL Wing Section, & K-35 VTOL jet engine & K-FAN lift-fan)
  9. RLA StockAlike
  10. Vanguard Astrodynamics VX Stockalike Engines (possibly actually REPLACING some of the current stock engines with their Vanguard counterparts, where Vanguard offers superior performance)
  11. Vanguard Astrodynamics Kinetic Penetrator 'Nuff said.
  12. Fuel Tanks Plus
  13. Nertea's Near Future Propulsion, Construction, Electrical, Solar, and Spacecraft parts
  14. Nertea's Stockalike Station Parts Expansion
  15. Nertea's Heat Control (to cool the reactors in Near Future Electrical)
  16. Nertea's Cryogenic Fueled Engines
  17. KIS Portable Science Container/Scientist's EVA Backpack
  18. Mark One Laboratory Extensions (MOLE)
  19. Corvus 2-seat 1.25m Capsule
  20. HGR 1.875m parts
  21. BahamutoD's Animation Modules
  22. BahamutoD's Adjustable Landing Gear
  23. BahamutoD's Dynamic Parts Pack
  24. PorkJet's Habitat Pack
  25. PorkJet's Atomic Age
  26. Dr. Jet's ChopShop (particularly the "Beak Bicoupler" with integrated RCS thrusters, the "Wide Tricoupler" with ramjet air-intakes, the QuadCoupler, the QuintCoupler, the crew-passable segment-chutes, the structural triangular 2.5m hubs, the hexagonal 1.25m hubs, deployable skycrane, the DAS-1 CubeSat antenna, the Mk1 & Mk2 Smart Solar Panel arrays, & the LTS-2 "Mushroom & Bun" lander-stages)

Contract-related mods

  1. CapCom: Mission Control On The Go
  2. ContractsWindow+
  3. Wider Contracts App

Contract Packs

  1. Initial Contracts
  2. SCANsat
  3. Anomaly Surveyor
  4. Field Research
  5. Advanced Progression
  6. Historic Missions
  7. Unmanned Contracts, Rover Missions, & Grand Tours
Edited by StevieC
forgot to list a few things
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Simple yet effective mods-

BetterBurnTime, Planet Shine, Alt. Resource Panel. and Portrait Stats.

More advanced:

I like KAC and TWP but I agree with 5thHorseman that transfer windows would be better off seen in the tracking station. I also agree that having full KER is a bit OP, but my inclusions would be the usual dV/TWR readout, as well as the distance from the surface readout. Bonus feature: the Ap/Pe widget. I like the functionality of these mods but would like to see them not be so OP from the get-go, to have their functionality integrated into gameplay progression/special parts.

KAS/KIS are nice mods but I agree also that they could use a bit more polish on the playability end (Also the only KSP crashes I've had have been when using these).

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On January 13, 2016 at 2:00 AM, Wemb said:

Which also reminds me - an info tab or page when right-clicking on them so you don't have to return to the KSC to find out what the specialism or rank is - but as you say, could be (in part) implemented with different coloured suits?

We're not talking about mods now though.


The tab on the right hand side of the map screen will show Kerbals on the craft of focus and there specially. When the map screen is focused on a celestial body(double click on them) it will give you information such as atmosphere height etc. 

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