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Hermes 500 - Multirole space shuttle


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Hi !


So that`s my newest creation ! Small Multirole Shuttle called Hermes. 

It`s inspired by ESA Hermes shuttle, which unfortunately never flew. 




It comes in three different versions : 

- 500C (crew) - used for crew trasnport, 2 Kerbonauts + pilot. Equipped with fuel cell, retractable docking port and 2 solar panels.

- 500S (service) - equipped with robotic arm, fuel cell, retractable docking port and solar panel. Used for servicing satelites and space stations.

- 500T (transport) - Used for sending new satelites to orbit. Equipped only with fuel cell, for large storage volume. 

Launch system consists of external tank and two liquid fueled boosters. ("Safety, is number one priority" - Crazy Russian Haker) Flies amazingly well ! 












So now some game stuff...

Mods needed :

- B9 Procedural wings -> USE THESE

- TweakScale 

- Infernal Robotics

-Kerbl Joint Reinforcement ( will probably work without, if not add more struts :D )

- Adjustable Landing Gear (Included into download, because it was posted on KerbalStuff which is dead)

- Tweakable Everything

- Also I`ve modified stock KS-25 engine, to make it`s ISP closer to the original. If you don`t like it, you will have to build new launch system. (Included)


Some notes on usage :

- If it`s too wobbly during takeoff, reduce engines gimbal range in the VAB. (I`m using 10 on main engines, and 5 on booster)

- Be sure to lock tanks in the shuttle before lift-off, or it will drain fuel from then and you will be stuck on the orbit. Unlock them after decoupling of the external tank. There is one on the back, and one in each wing. 

- Roll is achieved only by reaction wheels. It`s a little bit too nervous with ailerons controlled roll, but you can turn it on any moment. Do not turn it on during ascent. 

- THERE ARE NO RCS. I`m using the ones from AIES, but i don`t know if it`s still available for download so I`ve deleted it. I`m part clipping them inside the fuselage for good look. 

- Re-entry is hard, do it slowly (75-75 orbit, set PE to 30-35km), deploy airbrakes, and keep AoA of 20 degrees and it should be fine. 

- Landing gear is part clipped into the fuselage. You can move your camera in hangar so you  "get inside" the cockpit or tank, and you can change/remove it.

- Robotic arm is very slow. Because in space there are no forces keeping you craft in place, so when you act on a part, it acts back on your ship. If you don`t want it to drift away or wobble, do it slowly. Patience required.

- Do not use main engines without external tank, use OMS instead. 

- Don`t forget to turn on fuel cell before reentering, or you might get suprised when electricity runs out.

- Remember to take RCS fuel ! 

- Everything is attached to the fuel tank, so you set it as a root part, and attach whatever you want between cockpit and tank. 


Game photos : 











DOWNLOAD https://www.dropbox.com/s/egovi5e0uv7g7fe/Hermes%20500.rar?dl=0

WARNING ! Add something, for ex. small round battery pack between "Claw" and the rest of robotic arm. Takes 5 seconds to do, kills the Kraken. 

Enjoy and leave feedback ! 



Edited by Angorek
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Thanks guys !

3 hours ago, SpaceToad said:

Only question is, why the 1.0.2 B9 Wings?

These are the first ones I`ve found. I`ve downloaded it some time ago, and I`m sure it`s working with these. 

3 hours ago, Majorjim said:

I would have preferred to see it made using stock parts though

I`m not a big fan of stock builds. I`m using mods, because I like them ;) I`m sure it could be build using only tweakscale (for cargo bay and engines) but I don`t like these slim stock wings. 

1 hour ago, SnakyLeVrai said:

Look for the Kanadarm addon.

Thanks ! I`ll look into that, these beams are very wobbly indeed. 

59 minutes ago, Majorjim said:

What visual mods are you using @Angorek?

Well :

- KSPRC 1.0.9 for 0.25 with deleted extlayer and auroras

- KSPRC fo 1.0.5 - Kerbin textures, as well as some smaller ones for smoke, plumes etc.

- Rareden`s Skybox

- Plugins from EVE 7-4-LR

- Scatterer with tweaked water settings. 

You can download it here : https://www.dropbox.com/s/mvq0dl61d272nh8/GameData.rar?dl=0

I take no credit for that. I`ve just made the old KSPRC work with 1.0.5 and tweaked it "for my taste" as the new KSPRC is too heavy for me. (crashes, crashes everywhere ! ) 

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@castille7 Sorry, I didn`t see your answer. I would say 4, maybe 5. The hardest thing is aerodynamics - finding the ballance between good looking and good flying :D If you have a working shuttle that glides well, sending it to orbit is a piece of cake. 

@SpaceToad OMS run on liquid fuel and oxidizer, and yes they are rescaled Vectors. Fuel for them is located in the tank at the back, and inside the wings. 

Edited by Angorek
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