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[1.1.3] B737 MK3 Cockpit Interior with working systems, buttons and displays


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So um...

1.1.3 breaks the mod. (I'm going to use RPM for 1.1.2 and see if that works because the log was saying something about 'RPM Variables' or something like that.

The problem is that when I launch a plane with the cockpit, it loads and then immediately crashes, and the last thing the log says is 'all systems started.'


---In other news---

The performance of the cockpit is great. And I'm a Mac peasant with a 1.4ghz processor and 4gb of ram and the cockpit is actually more smooth than the exterior view. So that's cool and all.

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On ‎16‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:14 AM, >The Amazing Spy< said:

1.1.3 breaks the mod. (I'm going to use RPM for 1.1.2 and see if that works because the log was saying something about 'RPM Variables' or something like that.

Yeah I know about that. Simple fix, uninstall NavUtilites. 1.1.3 doesn't break my mod, it breaks NavUtilities which breaks RPM which breaks my mod. Either install the hot fix found in the NavUtilities thread or remove it from the game. If its not NavUtilites that's causing it...... wut?

On ‎16‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 9:14 AM, >The Amazing Spy< said:

The problem is that when I launch a plane with the cockpit, it loads and then immediately crashes, and the last thing the log says is 'all systems started.'

Ahh... this is not expected behaviour. All that happened with my mod was that none of the screens would work and my log was filled with exceptions, this might however just be normal behaviour for a mac. Let me know if the fix above works and if not..... wut?



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v0.4 has been released. This is going to be a slightly complicated release as 1.1.3 broke loads of mods that haven't totally been updated yet.

RPM v0.27 is required.

If you want to use NavUtilites please install the hotfix found on the thread. Follow link in OP.
Not installing the hotfix will break NavUtilites which will break RPM which will break my mod. :(

I would like some help testing something for anyone who is willing. I want to test the new animator method of RPM. It made an enormous change to performance of my pile of crap that looks suspiciously like a cheap laptop...

Anyway this is what I ask.
1. Install RPM and my mod as usual + any additional mods that you might want to use.
2. Run the game and go in IVA.
3. Fly around a bit, press buttons, fiddle with switches.... get a feel for the cockpit and how it performs.
How laggy is it?
Do the animations run smoothly? The main way to find this out is by looking at the yoke movement, the throttle movement and the trim wheel movement.

4. Close the game and replace this file in RPM;

with this one


5. Go to step 2.

Please let me know if there is a lag difference.
The upside to using the new config is that it should run a lot smoother. The down side is that it might use more memory.

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#1 - Awesome Job on the mod.. Thank You so much.. after many times trying to fly in a straight line at a specific level in the cockpit.. my dreams have come true.

Tips for some.. when you take off and have AP on.. hit the V/S then hit the ALT HOLD.. then hit LV Change.. it will take you to your desired altitude.. without the least amount of up and down..


With regards to flight plans, a simple prop on a screen with selectable targets/waypoints like MechJeb targeting would be awesome.. NO keyboard input required just click on the target and then when on the flght plan click the side buttons to advance the plan. Also Waypoint manager could be passed into the prop?.  As the plans are picked PA can then go into DIR/HDG mode as it applies based on flight plan criteria (I.E flying around a mountain instead of flying over it). For the altitude (GS) I am not too sure but I think it would be before a marker is hit that the altitude is auto set to the next mark and lvl change is automatically invoked at that point and so on as the flight plan progresses. The RPM would need to access a file containing flightplans or have it built-in.? These sound like they are within PA capabilities?.. without knobs and such if that was a route to be considered? The issue I imagine would be between RPM and PA not having something to nudge the plans along..

I guess what I am describing is a flght plan computer.. PA does everything else, unless Kramax would replace PA what options are there to automate a flightplan with some sort of background process?

If there was a JSI that could just run a background process (like JSIGraphingBackground.cs or any other JSI that does loops)  that would allow crazy automation for mods out there that don't have it built in. It would work by checking and setting variables and passing them to a mod with an interval that won't choke your pc? The drawback I see is the amount of "things" that can be changed and how to pass them to and fro without becoming overly complex. If we are going with a flight computer alone I think it is doable.

Let me know your thoughts...


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13 hours ago, SiRCrashaLot said:

Let me know your thoughts...

Thank you sir, your feedback is very much appriciated. 

The reason why the plane will suddenly dives when you set alt hold at take off is because PA needs to reset when you select a new altitude. If you are travelling up (as you do for take off) pilot assistant tries to descend then gets carried away. So yeah, switch to VS then ALTHOLD then LVL CHG to select the altitude. 

I like your idea, the issue is that in 1.1.3 waypoints broke in RPM. But as for waypoint manager, RPM wouldn't need 'direct compatibility' with that mod (although that would be nice) as NavUtilites could provide everything I need to make the plane follow a flight plane and even perform an auto-land. NavUtilites provides information such as bearing, target heading, altitude, etc, NU is also compatible with WaypointManager so the flight plan would have to be set in waypoint manager. But the functionality isn't quite there in RPM and PA would over react when given a small change.

I also doubt that the functionality will be in a RPM as MOARDV told me it's going into 'maintenance' as he is working on *dramatic pause.... MAS (MOARDV Avionics Systems) which will be a better more powerful version of RPM. So until that comes out and I learn how to program lua, these features will be on hold. I will consider them though when the time comes.

Thank you for your feedback, did you try the lag option I posted above? I'd really like some feedback on that.

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        Still an awesome mod in current form!.. I have tried quite a few IVA's and they have opened up a whole new world of gameplay for KSP.

I do understand we are at current state, but I am a dreamer..

If you don't mind, what resources would you suggest if I wanted to add-on to existing monitor (RPM) to add text/buttons to change simple things like a selectable pitch + - buttons and a lock/engage to be used with MJ A.S.S/PA/Kramax. When in IVA mode for a space plane it is CRM that I am looking for so that you can set something in the cockpit instead of opening up the mod. So my plan would be to make a kluge of sorts.

Another Idea I had.,and not sure if it is feasible is a take-off speed calc, and a landing approach calc built in. Not sure if these are even useful. I am willing to give it a try though. Just need a good reference point. My programming background is  Java/Dot.Net/Cobol..

So, my wishlist is...

Use existing button in RPM to get to a specific homepage to then change setting x using other buttons (set var), and then an execute or lock option (pass var to mod). So this would be more of a mapping the button pushing and twisting to RPM text buttons.


Change Pitch (specific) (Smart A.S.S)

Calculate TO/Landing speeds (Me)

Set a heading/speed/alt (txt) (PA)

Select from list of WP targets (hand-jammed in) (PA executes)

In the interim for the 737 mod, Do you think it is possible to run a check when the alt hold button is pressed (turned on, not when off) to see if the lv chg button is on, if not "depress" the lv chg button in succession to have a smoother (more lazy) way? I have a few hilarious moments where I hit the innocuous button or to and then I am drinking ocean water. 

Also, I was checking out the KPM KOS mod, it allows you to type in text inside the RPM monitor which is awesome!.. not sure how functional but it is starting to get exciting about values you can set directly with your keyboard in IVA.


Tips for flyers:

Make sure you have enough airspeed/alt before doing awesome banking/turning maneuvers. The autopilot is not a top gun pilot. 

Don't blame the autopilot for your own failures.

If some annoying sound goes off, go to the breakers and start mashing or one of the switches by the yoke. (not advised, of course). One of my fav things to do is when I hear the klaxon go off in the mk3 I just hit the GPWS button and the problem is ostensibly solved.


But seriously, this mod is still awesome, I will try out the other config and report back on what happens..






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2 hours ago, SiRCrashaLot said:

So, my wishlist is...

Use existing button in RPM to get to a specific homepage to then change setting x using other buttons (set var), and then an execute or lock option (pass var to mod). So this would be more of a mapping the button pushing and twisting to RPM text buttons.


Change Pitch (specific) (Smart A.S.S)

Calculate TO/Landing speeds (Me)

Set a heading/speed/alt (txt) (PA)

Select from list of WP targets (hand-jammed in) (PA executes)

In the interim for the 737 mod, Do you think it is possible to run a check when the alt hold button is pressed (turned on, not when off) to see if the lv chg button is on, if not "depress" the lv chg button in succession to have a smoother (more lazy) way? I have a few hilarious moments where I hit the innocuous button or to and then I am drinking ocean water. 

I honestly think I'm not the person to ask about programming, I know very little about programming but I know how to use RPM. Very separate things... sort of. Everything I learnt came from this wiki. The most I can do is send you there and give you pointers on how to accomplish your wish list.
First thing to say is that RPM has a lot of limitations. Its clunky, doesn't always work reliably and can't do a lot of things. Its also not compatible with everything.

1. Use existing button in RPM to get to a specific homepage...
I'm not entiry sure what you mean but i'll try. RPM monitors can have buttons (I'm assuming you've tried a RPM stock cockpit), these buttons can be used to display and cycle between different pages. In order to get a 'value' that you can change you would use JSINumericalInput. (this is what the dials on the autopilot are). When you got the number you want, you want to 'select' it and store it somewhere else. That's where the transfer action comes in, you can transfer between variables, persistents and mods. (Persistents are what the switches use.) The problem is that transfer actions have to be done on a button press so they can't be done automagically. I also say that you could use separate buttons to control pages but I haven't used that.

2. Change Pitch (specific) (Smart A.S.S)
I stopped using MechJeb a long time ago. Some of my cockpit still has hints of when I was still trying to get the autoland feature to work. I did in the end but then I found pilot assistant and I was happy. MechJebs space plane flying skills is around the same as mine, crap. So I stopped using it.
Looking at it, it doesn't look like RPM can change the pitch of mechjebs S.A.S.S, it can 'force roll' but I'm not sure that's what you want. I haven't used RPM for mechjeb so I'm out of my depths here.

3. Calculate TO/Landing speeds (Me)
Maybe, you'd have to right the equations yourself in RPM through the use of MATH_ variables. You would be limited to ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE and POWER.

4. Set a heading/speed/alt (txt) (PA)
You can do this.... using the autopilot I made. If you wanted to this your self then it is VERY COMPLICATED.

5. Select from list of WP targets (hand-jammed in) (PA executes)
hand-jammed in? Waypoint manager isn't compatible with RPM. You could try and make your own waypoints using SELECT_ variables but these are clunky, complicated and a waste of time... And I'm not sure if there is a menu system in RPM except the one used by mechjeb or SAS.

6. Do you think it is possible to run a check when the alt hold button is pressed...
A. You can't automatically 'press buttons' in RPM, you can however 'unpress' them if they are turned on.
B. You can't press the LVL CHG button without first pressing the ALTHOLD button.
C. The ALT HOLD buttons function is to 'Hold your current altitude'. The LVL CHG button is to 'Hold this altitude I've told you to hold'. But that's not always the case and ALTHOLD sometimes does as expected or does LVL CHGs job.
D. The autopilot code I made is way too complicated for me to fathom, when MAS comes out, ill have another crack at it.

The reason why ALT HOLD sometimes means 'swim time' at low altitude is because as your climbing, pressing alt hold will tell PA 'hold this current altitude' but then you've flown above it because your climbing. (you can look at the PFD altitude bar and see the purple marker which shows target altitude) PA then will put the plane in a nose dive trying to get back to that altitude you set (regardless of any new altitude you've entered). It will overdo it and then be unable to pull up in time.


If you don't mind, what resources would you suggest if I wanted to add-on to existing monitor (RPM) to add text/buttons to change simple things like a selectable pitch + - buttons and a lock/engage to be used with MJ A.S.S/PA/Kramax. When in IVA mode for a space plane it is CRM that I am looking for so that you can set something in the cockpit instead of opening up the mod. So my plan would be to make a kluge of sorts.

That was my goal as well. I want to fly a plane with loads of buttons that actually do things and I don't want to have 459 different mod windows open at the same time.

Use the wiki I mentioned above. That has everything you need about everything RPM can do. If its not in the wiki then chances are, RPM can't do it.
In order to insert buttons and switches into an IVA, you will need Unity and part tools. I also suggest getting your hands on the ASET Prop pack which is full of buttons and switches. Most of them come pre coded to work with MJ.
In order to edit the configs of the switches and monitors you can use notepad, that's what I use.
Be sure you check RPM compatible mods, Kramax is not compatible with RPM (by that I mean they both work together but they can't interact with each other like PA can)

I hope this is helpful, please PM if there is anything you unclear about.

The autothrottle may not turn off when you want it to. If this happens the autothrottle light will flash yellow and the word 'ERROR' will flash on the PFD autopilot mode indicator. To fix this turn the autothottle switch back on, select then deselect speed mode and then turn the autothrottle off.

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I tested out that rpm config.. it appears to bump up the FPS a bit.. (will test some more) (it also depends on what altitude, what other ships/vehicles are around, mods)

The bank is a bit twitchy when the user controls it.. not smooth if you mash your thrustmaster lever.. so it can be a setting on my part.. or just be lighter with the touch..

I took it up to almost 17000 meters.. no eggshell crushing.. but not sure if that is what to expect. Spoilers and Flaps work like a dream!

The ladder lets you get out but apparently I cannot get back into the plane (once again user can adjust).

The heading select and bank are very close and if you are not spot on with your clicking you can change one or the other (not sure if by design).

If you are outside the cockpit and cut throttle with the keyboard it overrides the IAS switch and speed button.

The 1/2 for the fuel I believe is sometimes touchy when you can accidentally hit something else and everything powers down when trying to follow the checklist.

Other than that works ridiculously awesome....




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On ‎26‎/‎07‎/‎2016 at 6:18 AM, SiRCrashaLot said:


I tested out that rpm config.. it appears to bump up the FPS a bit.. (will test some more) (it also depends on what altitude, what other ships/vehicles are around, mods)

The bank is a bit twitchy when the user controls it.. not smooth if you mash your thrustmaster lever.. so it can be a setting on my part.. or just be lighter with the touch..

I took it up to almost 17000 meters.. no eggshell crushing.. but not sure if that is what to expect. Spoilers and Flaps work like a dream!

The ladder lets you get out but apparently I cannot get back into the plane (once again user can adjust).

The heading select and bank are very close and if you are not spot on with your clicking you can change one or the other (not sure if by design).

If you are outside the cockpit and cut throttle with the keyboard it overrides the IAS switch and speed button.

The 1/2 for the fuel I believe is sometimes touchy when you can accidentally hit something else and everything powers down when trying to follow the checklist.

Other than that works ridiculously awesome....

Thank you for your comment. There are a bugs with the cockpit which I am aware about. Ones that involve the users exiting IVA are ones that I cant fix.
The biggest bug in that list is the colliders for some of the switches, I still have trouble turning on the fuel switches without turning off the parking brake, that will hopefully be fixed.


Also if you are referring to the ship that came bundled with the cockpit, I designed that thing along time ago and I only fly with keyboard and mouse.... which is very difficult so I tend to use the autopilot when I can.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, theonegalen said:

Hey @DeputyLOL, are you able to use RPM to provide readouts on individual engines at all?

DeputyLOL asked for that feature a year ago.  It's still not in RPM because RPM is poorly structured to support it.  I've got a project underway that will make it easier to do, but it's still a long ways from ready.

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3 minutes ago, MOARdV said:

DeputyLOL asked for that feature a year ago.  It's still not in RPM because RPM is poorly structured to support it.  I've got a project underway that will make it easier to do, but it's still a long ways from ready.

Thanks. I'm working on warbird cockpits, and P-38 Is definitely on the list. 

I was trying to make a low fuel warning light last night, but I couldn't crack the config. Where would be the best place to ask about that?

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2 hours ago, theonegalen said:

Thanks. I'm working on warbird cockpits, and P-38 Is definitely on the list. 

I was trying to make a low fuel warning light last night, but I couldn't crack the config. Where would be the best place to ask about that?

You can PM me on that.  I've done *lots* of configs.  Let me know what prop you want to use, and how you're defining "low fuel" (percent of stage fuel remaining, percent of total fuel remaining, etc).

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  • 2 months later...

So I'm sitting on the runway trying to start this thing. My KSP version is 1.1.3. RPM version 0.27.1. OS is Windows 10. AC version 0.4.

First, I powered on the battery (the switch with the black cover), pressed the reset button on the center LCD to the left of the gear lever, then I pressed and held the engine start button. It doesn't do anything after that. I get a sizzle noise (like when you first start the engine) and that's it. The LED indicators are lighted up for IRS and ELEC.

My "gnd power on" button doesn't work. The blue LED does not light up.

Anyone having the same problems?

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On 31/10/2016 at 5:49 PM, sagirfahmid3 said:

Anyone having the same problems?

I suspect you may have missed a step. Did you look at the checklists?

The step you missed was the fuel cutoff (next to parking brake) needs to be idle and the ground power needs to be on.

about your ground power. This only comes on when your on the ground, your not moving, gear is down, brakes are on and the throttles are idle. 


I would like to release a 1.2 version but I have a few problems:

1. FAR hasn't been updated yet.

2. MOARdV is gonna stop updating RPM with new features cause it uses clunky code. He's making a new system called MAS that I'm getting to grips with.

3. I'm working on another cockpit that uses MOARdV MAS system instead of RPM.

Its only a small cockpit that's using the Clyde cockpit from a mod I can't remember, it (probably) won't take too long to complete and once it's done I'll redo the Boeing one. I'm into doing it to practice using MAS.

4. MAS is still in development and there is a bug either in MAS or in my code that is stopping my GPWS from working. Until that's fixed I can't really focus on anything else.

5. I'm an university now, which takes up a lot of my time. Work on this will be patchy at best and completely ignored at worst. 


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18 minutes ago, DeputyLOL said:

I suspect you may have missed a step. Did you look at the checklists?

The step you missed was the fuel cutoff (next to parking brake) needs to be idle and the ground power needs to be on.

about your ground power. This only comes on when your on the ground, your not moving, gear is down, brakes are on and the throttles are idle. 


I would like to release a 1.2 version but I have a few problems:

1. FAR hasn't been updated yet.

2. MOARdV is gonna stop updating RPM with new features cause it uses clunky code. He's making a new system called MAS that I'm getting to grips with.

3. I'm working on another cockpit that uses MOARdV MAS system instead of RPM.

Its only a small cockpit that's using the Clyde cockpit from a mod I can't remember, it (probably) won't take too long to complete and once it's done I'll redo the Boeing one. I'm into doing it to practice using MAS.

4. MAS is still in development and there is a bug either in MAS or in my code that is stopping my GPWS from working. Until that's fixed I can't really focus on anything else.

5. I'm an university now, which takes up a lot of my time. Work on this will be patchy at best and completely ignored at worst. 


Hi, i just saw this post and realized you were using the mk3 mini expansion cockpit. I would gladly help you with a new exterior thats more like a airline cockpit: http://i.imgur.com/vrTfDXV.png, it was planned my mod's release but i never find the time to do the interior. Just message me if you are willing to work on it together so your previous internal can match with the new shape.

Btw is there a forum link to this MAS system? im interested to see it also!

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4 hours ago, DeputyLOL said:


Thanks for replying! That did the trick. Was sort of hard to see on my 14" laptop screen and playing without a mouse to zoom in with. Playing on Intel HD 4000 on a Sandy Bridge i5 3320M. Runs at ~50+FPS, which is great. No slowdowns detected.

No problem about the updates. Better to wait it out a bit. I'm all for stability. Good job on the mod. Really impressive. Makes flying a joy.

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On 02/11/2016 at 3:24 AM, K.Yeon said:

Btw is there a forum link to this MAS system? im interested to see it also!

MAS is still in development, it hasn't been released yet. 

I am one of the testers for it and but you can download a developer branch here:


Unless your working on an IVA then i would suggest leaving it until it's complete.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2016-11-03 at 0:19 PM, sagirfahmid3 said:

Anyone know where the NavUtilities hotfix is? Downloading the navutilities from github doesn't work. It's buggy.

Here's @Ser's quickfix .dll for KSP 1.1.3.  Haven't checked it yet in any KSP 1.2.x version.


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