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[1.1.3] Large Boat Parts Pack


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6 hours ago, TMasterson5 said:

@SpannerMonkey(smce) @Stone Blue


If you guys are still having trouble with this make the attach node size 7 and use launch clamps to launch to runway then vessel mover to get it to the water. I did that with my boat part mod(s?) and they all work great now. 

The nodes have been size 7 for a long time, simply wont stay together with anything less, and vessel mover is being a little unsubtle at present so i'll stick with the formula i have that works :)  for now...

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1 hour ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

mover is being a little unsubtle

My build of VesselMover is working well with IgnoreGForces calls in the latest build - I am still seeing things spawn under water, protoVessel is acting very different from 1.13.
Still waiting for PapaJoe to take a look at the Pull Request 

Some parts are doing very strange things, only what I can describe as going "gumby" - they jiggle, move an bounce but never break off. Its only on certain parts like Hangars and the turret platforms from Boomsticks. I wonder if that has anything to do with attachment nodes.

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4 minutes ago, gomker said:

It's a brave new world

and from the same thread i found this gem from the changelogs

Support non-bendy joints on parts via a 9th value in attach node declarations. Apply it to the 3.75m decoupler so it can be no longer physicsless.

So we need to add some extras to our node defs to make them unbendy ? perhaps maybe

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1 hour ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

The nodes have been size 7 for a long time, simply wont stay together with anything less, and vessel mover is being a little unsubtle at present so i'll stick with the formula i have that works :)  for now...

You do you man. Also check your pm's. I gave you some feedback on that SM pack

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3 minutes ago, DespairingSquid said:

Ugh, I cannot for the life of me get the sub to sink. Any help?(Example craft etc?)

Hi it's version specific as I've not yet altered all if the pumps to work in 1.2 So in 1.1.3 you can click on the compartments and  select flood tanks and water should fill the tanks and make it sink, unless you have something else that has a water resource such  CRL which will over write the ballast water value and cause it to be too light. Otherwise the ballast keel parts have a pump unit also. The pumps are  not going to work in 1.2 until the whole mod is updated

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2 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi it's version specific as I've not yet altered all if the pumps to work in 1.2 So in 1.1.3 you can click on the compartments and  select flood tanks and water should fill the tanks and make it sink, unless you have something else that has a water resource such  CRL which will over write the ballast water value and cause it to be too light. Otherwise the ballast keel parts have a pump unit also. The pumps are  not going to work in 1.2 until the whole mod is updated

I'm on 1.1.3, without any other mods conflicting with the water, but no matter how much I pump it will not sink.

Edited by DespairingSquid
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33 minutes ago, DespairingSquid said:

I pump it will not sink.

Ok back again, just tested the last 1.1.3 version and my sub sinks, to make sure that i tested the current parts  it was a new build rather than a previously saved version,  and it sinks just fine.  So does your sub float like this when launched



If not you are either using an older version or have not deleted you module manager cache cfgs or part database recently and i advise that you should.  If it does float correctly and still does not sink then I'll need to see a game log






And one last thing, don't overwrite the mod when you update always delete the old and replace with the new.

Edited by SpannerMonkey(smce)
cold hands
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3 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Ok back again, just tested the last 1.1.3 version and my sub sinks, to make sure that i tested the current parts  it was a new build rather than a previously saved version,  and it sinks just fine.  So does your sub float like this when launched

  Hide contents


If not you are either using an older version or have not deleted you module manager cache cfgs or part database recently and i advise that you should.  If it does float correctly and still does not sink then I'll need to see a game log


  Hide contents




And one last thing, don't overwrite the mod when you update always delete the old and replace with the new.

OK, so it's all installed correctly(trust me!) maybe my sub just doesn't have enough mass? Am I just stupid(yes)?

Any chance I could get that craft file? :P I get the feeling I'm just being dumb, user error!

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19 minutes ago, DespairingSquid said:

OK, so it's all installed correctly(trust me!) maybe my sub just doesn't have enough mass? Am I just stupid(yes)?

Any chance I could get that craft file? :P I get the feeling I'm just being dumb, user error!

https://www.dropbox.com/s/53pj20u3wtxbcvd/Auto-Saved Ship.craft?dl=0

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6 minutes ago, DespairingSquid said:

Contains invalid parts: MarineTrimPlane


OK i  had an inkling that there may be other parts that you may not have as i posted the link. I will post another  just stock and LBP shortly.      or go to the saved craft in the save file search for and remove the whole reference for that part and it will load. on second thoughts wait a bit  as I've just looked myself at doing that and unless you are familiar with how the ships are saved it could be a bit tricky to remove it all successfully 

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7 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

This one does not have anything but stock and LBP

https://www.dropbox.com/s/wpkrr69bemnskrb/LBP subBallastTest 113.craft?dl=0

Can load it.....Doesn't sink though(even with full water)

Also I reinstalled the mod, but the earlier craft still has locked parts.

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10 hours ago, DespairingSquid said:

Can load it.....Doesn't sink though(even with full water)

Also I reinstalled the mod, but the earlier craft still has locked parts.

I'm going to have to see a log file or two in order to see what is happening.

The earlier craft has parts from SM Marine, if you haven't installed that mod then you wont have the parts,

IN the large boat parts modern folder you should find a resources .cfg  check you have it and check the mass value of the resource. If that  is present and correct then you DO have something interfering, evidenced by the fact that it submerges exactly as it should when tested.

Only one thing leaps to mind as a maybe though , how are you launching the sub?  in certain circumstances vessel mover can actually hang up and not place the vessel correctly leaving it suspended above it's natural floating position. Is the vessel able to move once launched?

19 hours ago, TMasterson5 said:

@SpannerMonkey(smce) any chance of an eta on the new Zumwalt stuff?

Hi, sorry for the slow reply, busy elsewhere..  yes so the new parts, I've been holding off until the official launch of the 1.2 update in order that when it does arise there are no nasty surprises, and along with that LBP update will hopefully be the inclusion of the sinking system. Also relevant is that SMM will also release at the same time so all the masts, stairways, ladders, oddly dimensioned panels will be around to build the pretty ships.  There's a rumor that it ma be this coming week, so we'll see.

You couldn't do this in 1.1.3 thankfully quite a lot of ship type activity is possible in 1.2 once you figure out the rigid connection and cheat in unbreakable joints for the launch. It's better but still not like the old days...


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17 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

I'm going to have to see a log file or two in order to see what is happening.

The earlier craft has parts from SM Marine, if you haven't installed that mod then you wont have the parts,

IN the large boat parts modern folder you should find a resources .cfg  check you have it and check the mass value of the resource. If that  is present and correct then you DO have something interfering, evidenced by the fact that it submerges exactly as it should when tested.

Only one thing leaps to mind as a maybe though , how are you launching the sub?  in certain circumstances vessel mover can actually hang up and not place the vessel correctly leaving it suspended above it's natural floating position. Is the vessel able to move once launched?

The water resource has values, I'll get some log files later.

Yes, I'm using vessel mover and it is placing it correctly(as proven by places giant rockets on it, and it moved). Only reason is Kerbinside will not launch directly into the water.

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On 10/2/2016 at 2:15 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

You couldn't do this in 1.1.3 thankfully quite a lot of ship type activity is possible in 1.2 once you figure out the rigid connection and cheat in unbreakable joints for the launch. It's better but still not like the old days...


On that note, how is the buoyancy? Do crafts still catapult into suborbital flight in 1.2?

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3 hours ago, Eskandare said:

On that note, how is the buoyancy? Do crafts still catapult into suborbital flight in 1.2?

No but there are rigidity issues, the phys easing doesn't seem as effective as KJR was, and I've noticed that while all appears fine when you switch between vessels I've noticed that the rigid attachment is not persistent or it's a bug with large stuff, , so that you have to check every time that all the hull joints are locked off. It's not going to be such a big issue with your carrier but you'll likely notice any deck structures seemingly mounted on jello nodes.

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1 minute ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

No but there are rigidity issues, the phys easing doesn't seem as effective as KJR was, and I've noticed that while all appears fine when you switch between vessels I've noticed that the rigid attachment is not persistent or it's a bug with large stuff, , so that you have to check every time that all the hull joints are locked off. It's not going to be such a big issue with your carrier but you'll likely notice any deck structures seemingly mounted on jello nodes.

ooooooh my 700 ton command island is going to become a Bouncy Castle!

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