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Looking for solution/ advice to build against wobble effect with Infernal Robotics


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So guys Im mounting a turret gun into one (shoulder) part. The gun can move in and out and twitch around. But I had to downsize the rail moving part in Infernal Robotics (to 0.625m) for aesthetic reason, so now the part is too weak to hold the gun and it wobbles during motion. Adding strut (stock or Robot Strut) stops the wobble but also stops the movable part. Is there any work around this or do you have any suggestion ?


Edited by Kerbalmann
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53 minutes ago, Kerbalmann said:

So guys Im mounting a turret gun into one (shoulder) part. The gun can move in and out and twitch around. But I had to downsize the rail moving part in Infernal Robotics (to 0.625m) for aesthetic reason, so now the part is too weak to hold the gun and it wobbles during motion. Adding strut (stock or Robot Strut) stops the wobble but also stops the movable part. Is there any work around this or do you have any suggestion ?


It's a general problem with IR, and it's well known. It's possible that using Kerbal Joint Reinforcement might help...I've been using it for so long that I don't know what it's like to play with noodle rockets anymore


Edited by MrMeeb
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7 minutes ago, Kerbalmann said:

KJR sadly only keeps it from breaking apart but not prevents it from being a worm made of steel :(


What if you mount the gun closer to it's centre of gravity? That way any torque (inertia and recoil?) should have a smaller effect.

Currently the rail is attached at the far end. Placing it on the front should make it more stable.

Edited by Tex_NL
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