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The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread

Phenom Anon X

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I haven't seen one of these threads yet, forgive me if it exists already.

I fell asleep last night watching some 1990's videos from NASA on orbital mechanics. I then woke up this morning, made a coffee, fed the cats and started watching this Orbital Mechanics video from MIT and realised, that I spend way too much time obsessing over KSP.



Thank you Squad, for enhancing my life; really.

Does anyone else here have an unusual affinity with KSP that has changed their daily routine in some small way, or is it just me?

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You see a human, I see a Kerbal,

You see a squid, I see the kraken,

You see a plane, I see a spaceplane,

You see Jupiter, I see Jool,

You see earth, I see Kerbin,

You see the sun, I see Kerbol

Oh god I think I'm way too addicted

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You know you play to much KSP when you think about the "You play too much KSP, when..." thread that was here before The Purge and try to remember what peoply said there.

You know you play to much KSP when you see the Moon rising above earth and think: "I could totally go there with a rocket and land on the surface" (I thought that only yesterday XD)

You know you play too much KSP when you look at the Moon and start to remember you best landings on Mün and think: "I was there"

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You know you play too much when you see a mobile phone antenna and think "That looks like a probe"


When you time doing stuff in real life to match the time of your latest burn or you think "I`ll leave warp off and that will give me time to eat"

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When you pull into a parking lot and need to fight the urge to burn retrograde and turn on RCS to get into the space.

I turn off my main engine (clutch) and use thrusters (steering wheel and brakes) to park very slowy and carefully making sure not to damage the docking port.

I may need help.

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