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[KSP 1.2.2][2016-12-13] All Y'All [v0.10.1] One-Button Common Action Grouping

Superfluous J

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@linuxgurugamer has graciously taken over this mod as he has the tools, talent, and most importantly (and surprisingly given the number of mods he maintains) time to keep up with it. Please visit the new thread here:

Spoilering the rest of this as it's going to get more and more irrelevant over time.



We've all been there: You slap 48 solar panels on your ship, fly it all the way to Eve, and realize you don't have action groups set up. So you right click all of them and "Extend". Then you come in to Aerobrake, and you have to right click them all again to "Retract". And then once you've landed, sure enough, let's "Extend" them all again.


Enter All Y'All, the one-stop, one-click extend and retract solution. It is ridiculously simple in implementation. Right click any solar panel (just like you would to extend it) and instead of clicking "Extend" just click "Extend All". Repeat with "Retract All". All Y'All also works with radiators and science, and may expand to other functions in the future.

Note: This does not retract non-retractable panels, but the option's still there, and will retract any other panels on the same ship.



SOURCE: https://github.com/5thHorseman/AllYAll

Within the install zip file is a GameData folder. Within that folder is an AllYAll folder. Put that folder in your KSP GameData folder.

Module Manager (but what doesn't these days?)




  • 0.10.1: I forgot to update the .version file for 0.10. If you've not had a problem there's no need to update.
  • 0.10: Bugfix and code optimization, plus some changes to menus
    • Updated to 1.2.2
    • Fixed: Null Reference errors when deploying/retracting solar panels when static panels were present.
    • Buttons are more logical now, "retract all" is available on all extended panels, while "extend all" is on retracted ones. Changes for Radiators, Solar Panels, and Cargo Bays.
    • Minor changes: Does not appear on extended solar panels that cannot retract. Cargo Bays can be toggled while in motion to whatever they will eventually be.
  • 0.9: MASSIVE rewrite with major additions, all by linuxgurugamer:
    • Updated to 1.2.1
    • Added Cargo Bays, Drills, Reaction Wheels, Fuel Cells
    • Set up single-button functionality.
    • Was - in general - awesome.
  • 0.8: Added functionality to the new 1.2 "Science Box."
    • "Perform All Science" even though it's not actually a science experiment, for ease of use.
    • "Reset All Science" - the good part.
      • Will reset all experiments whose data has not been collected.
      • Will reset Mystery Goo and Science Jr (and hopefully any modded science) if you have a scientist on board.
      • Usage: Pin the Science Box right-click menu, then click in turn "perform science", "collect data", and "reset science." Repeat in all biomes.
  • 0.7: Recompile for KSP 1.2 (Prerelease, should work in final as well)
  • 0.6: Quick fix for M.O.L.E. parts. They utilize ModuleScienceExperiment but shouldn't be auto-collected. I've hard coded to ignore them when triggering science.
  • 0.5: Bugfix release
    - Fixed bug in science experiments: AYA allowed you to run Mystery Goo and Materials Bay science that had been collected, but not reset.
  • 0.4: Bugfix Release
    - Fixed bug in science experiments: AYA allowed you to perform surface samples in a command chair without having to upgrade R&D
    - Fixed bug in science experiments: AYA would only run the first experiment it came across in any given part. Now it will run each experiment in turn for all parts. Note this did not affect the stock game, but would affect any modded parts with multiple experiments.
    - Included all source files in source zip, to hopefully make it easier for others to build from source.
  • 0.3: Science Experiments confirmed working.
  • 0.2: Radiators confirmed working.
  • 0.1: Solar panels confirmed working.


Bugs (I'll be fixing these when I can, and can figure out how)

  • Unknown problem in RSS/RP-0. I can't recreate it or troubleshoot it, so I don't know what the problem would be, but it's just some missing functionality and not a serious bug. See this post for more information.

TO DO (Though I'll admit, I have no idea how. The first 3 were easy but these are well beyond my abilities. At least for the time being):

  • Nothing?

WON'T DO (Things I've decided to not do for whatever reason)

  • An option to group by actual part instead of similar parts (so all Gigantors, as well as all Solar Panels). Without dynamic buttons this will just add too many buttons to the right click menu for my taste. I think this mod is worth 2 extra buttons (even though I'd rather just have the one), but not 4. Or 8. Or whatever.
  • Config files and more generalized code. Not only am I not smart enough to do it, it's not very practical because each type of part has its own code with its own names, so I'd have to write specific stuff anyway. May as well keep all the stuff fully separated.


CC share-alike. Anyone is free to do anything they like with All Y'All's source, so long as they allow others to do the same.


VERY SPECIAL THANKS to linuxgurugamer, who basically took my hodgepodge of slapped together code and made it into a real project. Then, he added all the features I wanted but never could figure out how to implement.

Thanks to NathanKell, Crzyrndm, DMagic, and Aelfhe1m, wasml, Diazo, and nightingale for code snippets and all around help.

I literally have no idea what I'm doing and without the wonderful KSP modding community this mod would never have even started.


I do not need donations, but if you want to contribute, please donate to SpaceDock:







Thanks to KottabosGames for showcasing All Y'All on YouTube (why didn't I think to do that?)



And also thanks to Chrizz for his review as well, that shows All Y'All working with non-stock science parts.




Edited by 5thHorseman
Passing the torch
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After much (less) work (than it took to get started) I've completed the original functionality goals of the mod, so am releasing version 0.3. See the OP. I'll add more things as I (or others) think of them, but currently the only outstanding thing is that I'm not 100% happy with the buttons. I'd like it to be a little tighter and less bulky.

Now it works with radiators and science. It won't automatically overwrite or transfer anything, it just does what would happen if you right clicked and ran each science experiment manually. So you'll get either a bunch of "this is already full, do you REALLY want to do this?" messages or a bunch of "reset/save/transmit/lab" option boxes, or some of each depending on how things go.

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6 hours ago, monstah said:

Good job naming the mod, too!

Thanks :) I usually suck at names but I was very happy with this one. And it just popped in there, like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

4 hours ago, DocMop said:

Must have!

- Radiators on / off / deploy / retract
- Fuel Cells on / off
- Cargo Bays open / close

TIL that you can turn radiators on and off separately from deploying them. Good call on fuel cells too. I never use Cargo Bays so never thought of them as well.

It may be a bit, I'm trying to crack the UI nut before I add anything else because the UI change will have to be done to each module individually, so why give myself more work?

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6 minutes ago, vardicd said:

Is this mod for 1.0.5 or 1.1? Or does it work for both? Sorry if it says somewhere, I missed it.

It might work with 1.0.5, I haven't tried it. It shouldn't hurt to try. It was written for 1.1 though. I have no plans to offer compatibility with 1.0.5, as it's weeks (if that long) before that work would be rendered useless.

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14 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

It might work with 1.0.5, I haven't tried it. It shouldn't hurt to try. It was written for 1.1 though. I have no plans to offer compatibility with 1.0.5, as it's weeks (if that long) before that work would be rendered useless.

No prob, just didn't know if this had been made for 1.0.5 or 1.1, and was curious, thanks. :D

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Just now, vardicd said:

No prob, just didn't know if this had been made for 1.0.5 or 1.1, and was curious, thanks. :D

It's in the title, but I'll add it to the post as well. In the string of numbers it's easy to miss it or wonder if it's even referring to the KSP version or not.

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9 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

It's in the title, but I'll add it to the post as well. In the string of numbers it's easy to miss it or wonder if it's even referring to the KSP version or not.

Yep completely missed that up there.

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6 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

Why not, rather than hard-coding in each type of "all" actions, read a config file which would identify which items to do an "all" command?

Because hard coding is easier :)

It's on the "Some day maybe" list but I have no idea how to even do the stuff on the "until I can call it 1.0" list. Making the code generic enough to allow a config to apply it to other parts is WAY beyond my abilities right now.

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                                            Me modding KSP                               

Some bad news regarding this mod: All the planned updates are being put off indefinitely. I'm not going to rule any future updates out, but I will say right now that modding KSP is EXCRUCIATINGLY DIFFICULT when you don't have any practical experience in C# or Unity, and haven't seriously programmed in decades.

I threw in the towel on a prettier interface and decided to just code in the extra stuff, and wouldn't you know that each and every one was uniquely more difficult than the 3 I had chosen to put in to start.

Seeing as those 3 (solar panels, radiators, and science) are the most important to me personally I still consider the mod very useful, but I don't see the possibility of extending this to cargo bays, drills, reaction wheels, or fuel cells any time soon.

I asked for and received endless and wonderful help from many modders here and I appreciate all the effort they put in, but sadly I just don't think anything beyond what I've already done is practical to expect any time soon. :/

So, 0.3 is currently a release candidate. If I have no breakthroughs in the next couple weeks I'll wash my hands of it and be done.

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That's bad news, the mod has so much potential. Maybe you'll change your mind at some point, to pick up the mod and continue it. Learning C# can be a pain in the neck, but the more you practice it the easier it gets.

Many thanks for the mod. it makes my kerbal life so much easier.

Edited by DocMartens
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Thanks for the great mod! It seems to be having issues with solar panels "Extend/Retract All". Let me know if you need more info.


KSP: 1.1 (Win64) - Unity: 5.2.4f1 - OS: Windows 10  (10.0.0) 64bit
USI Tools - 0.7
Community Resource Pack - 0.5
Contract Configurator - 1.10.1
Contract Pack: Clever Sats -
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.1.7
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.2.1
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.4.2
DMagic Orbital Science - 1.2.1
Firespitter - 7.2
GCMonitor - 1.4.1
Interstellar Fuel Switch - 1.19
keepfit -
Kerbal Engineer Redux -
KSP-AVC Plugin - 1.1.5
Lithobrake Exploration Technologies - 0.3.3
RCS Build Aid - 0.8
RemoteTech - 1.6.11
SCANsat -
SpaceY Expanded - 1.1.6
SpaceY Lifters - 1.12
ThrottleControlledAvionics - 3.0.1
USI Core - 0.2
Asteroid Recycling Tech - 0.8
USI Exploration Pack - 0.5
Freight Transport Tech - 0.5
Karbonite - 0.7
Karbonite Plus - 0.6
Kolonization Core - 0.2
USI-LS - 0.4
USI Survivability Pack - 0.5
UKS - 0.40
Unmanned before Manned - 1.0.8
Waypoint Manager - 2.5
Wider Contracts App - 1.3

Edited by crapstar
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@crapstar That's quite a set of mods there :)

I think at least I'd need to see your log file. At the best, it'll find some sort of problem. At the worst, I can give you a version with extra logging to try. But first, if you would load up a fresh game, start a fresh save, plop 2 solar panels on a command pod and try to "extend all" on them. Then upload the log file somewhere so I can take a peek.

Information on the log file location can be found here: 


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@crapstar It is most likely if it is a mod with an interface or moving parts, it is broken due to squad expanding the methods IPartCostModifier and IPartMassModifier with the last update.

@5thHorsemanHere is a thread that explains it better and may help with updating the mod:


Edited by CraveMode
Removed wall of text-quote
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7 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

@crapstar That's quite a set of mods there :)

I think at least I'd need to see your log file. At the best, it'll find some sort of problem. At the worst, I can give you a version with extra logging to try. But first, if you would load up a fresh game, start a fresh save, plop 2 solar panels on a command pod and try to "extend all" on them. Then upload the log file somewhere so I can take a peek.

Yes, I love mods! KSP has the best modding community and I cannot wait for all the mods yet to come :)

Unfortunately my current install of KSP broke after yesterday's update. I will update you all  once I resolve my current issues. Thanks for the support guys!

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