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My First Mun Landing, within sight of the Arch!


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Couldn\'t help myself :-)

Only been playing for a little bit, my first succesful Mun landing, and within spitting distance of the arch too! I\'m actually happy I didn\'t try to do it with any mods installed. First, to actually return to Kerbin, then to actually land with some sort of rover.

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Caswallon, was that luck or have you been playing long enough to realize how hard that is? Landing on Mun is hard, the ground around the arches is uneven which makes it harder, and it\'s a stone bitch to land safely while aiming at a certain location on top of that. And doing it on your first mission is just showing off. :D I\'m envious.

And it\'s okay if it was just luck. The first time I tried to land on the night side, it was a breeze. It was only after crashing on just about every attempt since that I realized that landing in the dark is really hard and it was just dumb luck that I did it the first time.

I\'m actually happy I didn\'t try to do it with any mods installed.
Real men don\'t use mechjeb.*

*Kidding! :D

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Grats on the landing, I still have yet to actually do an arch landing myself. Also, I find KSP is best without the heavy control mods. The ASAS is only acceptable since massive rockets are near impossible to control while it is early lagging.

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nice, done the same thing last night, first succesful landing(ONLY lost 1 leg!!!). then i went to the map to check were my debris would fall, closed the map and my lander exploded!!! it was sitting there fine for five minutes, then BAM. i nearly cried.

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Vanamonde, there were numerous disasters before this landing. And it was mostly luck that I was anywhere near the arch. As I was coming in closer to land (About 1000k), I noticed a pixel or two flickering close-ish to my landing site and attempted to aim a bit closer to it. This was a close as I was comfortable trying to land.

I even made it succesfully back! Although, the last moments were quite scary as my chute didn\'t actually open till I was 500m off the ground. :o

The only mods I\'m really interested in at this point would potentially be the rover mods, I have yet to actually go through the process of installing one yet as I want to get more of the basics down.

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my chute didn\'t actually open till I was 500m off the ground
That\'s when it always opens. I think it\'s to simulate that the forces would be too great and rip it off if it fully opened while you were going too fast. But if you watch your instruments, it actually does have a lesser decelerating effect even before it fully opens.
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