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[1.10.x] SDHI Strobe-O-Matic Warning Rotator Lights (V1.0.1 / 29 August 2018)


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Oh... yes. 

KSP 1.11 + BG

When I assemble the ship, the green strobe is spinning continuously but without light, and the rest is not. None of them respond, in the VAB, to the orders to turn off and on the lights.

Then, already in the launcher, none responds or turns on, except the green one that continues to rotate but without light.

As a commentary, the MK1 and MK2 lights also seem affected, I don't know if it's related or what.

How else can I help?


In the VAB


Pre Launch -Light Off ( grrrr MK1/MK2 )


Pre Launch - Light On



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  • 6 months later...
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  • 3 months later...

I have some observations from some testing and fiddling. Maybe something I found will be of use to someone. Here goes:

This is 1.12.3. The green light is an outlier in that its animation works, although it never turns off. None of the other animations work. None of the lights produce any light in the VAB or in flight.

I know next to nothing about modding but I looked at the cfgs and noticed that the lightName param has two values. I have the luxury of having hundreds of other mods installed across multiple installs, so I grepped to see if any other parts did this too, and none do. So I edited one of the lights to have just one value for lightName, and using either PointLight or Spotlight changed the VAB behavior, though it's still not as designed I'm sure. Using only PointLight gets you a small internal light turning on/off, and using only Spotlight gets you a light that does rotate and does illuminate the environment, but I don't think it's quite right ... not sure what's it's supposed to look like. When I did get light to appear with using only Spotlight, it was white.

Anyway, so it seems there's a difference between the green model and the others, and there's something up when declaring multiple transforms for lightName that causes no light to appear at all.

Very nice models btw!


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  • 6 months later...
  • 5 months later...
6 hours ago, Rakete said:

Since KSP has received it's last update, a repaired version of this mod would be great. @sumghai

As much as I'd like that, the final update fundamentally changed how emissives and animations works, which basically broke the core functionality of this mod.

It's the exact same problem that's plaguing the docking lights and docking hatch window emissives from the SDHI Service Module System mod.

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1 hour ago, sumghai said:

As much as I'd like that, the final update fundamentally changed how emissives and animations works, which basically broke the core functionality of this mod.

So there will be no fixed version for 1.12.x ? That's sad, but fully understandable... I guess it would be too much  work, to fully reconstruct the mechanism. Thanks anyway for that great mod in the past.

Edited by Rakete
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On 12/26/2021 at 1:32 PM, OrbitalManeuvers said:

This is 1.12.3. The green light is an outlier in that its animation works, although it never turns off. None of the other animations work. None of the lights produce any light in the VAB or in flight.

 So I edited one of the lights to have just one value for lightName, and using either PointLight or Spotlight changed the VAB behavior, though it's still not as designed I'm sure. Using only PointLight gets you a small internal light turning on/off, and using only Spotlight gets you a light that does rotate and does illuminate the environment, but I don't think it's quite right ... not sure what's it's supposed to look like. When I did get light to appear with using only Spotlight, it was white.

Anyway, so it seems there's a difference between the green model and the others, and there's something up when declaring multiple transforms for lightName that causes no light to appear at all.

I've poked this mod, too.
So, I'm guessing with the green light, Sumghai probably checked the "Play Automatically" box in Unity, for that one... at least the always-on rotation (animation), seems to bear that out.

I found the same with defining multiple light names in the cfg key. I found out, you can fix that, simply by naming *both* light game objects, the *same* name, *in the model, before export*. ;) Works just like naming seperate animation tracks, the *same* name, to get them *all* to play as a single animation ;)

I'm close to having these fixed, except for one small, but major problem: They work like they are supposed to, *except*, they only rotate once, then turn off.
The problem is, i cant seem to get the animation to keep looping while activated. :(

Edited by Stone Blue
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16 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I've poked this mod, too.
So, I'm guessing with the green light, Sumghai probably checked the "Play Automatically" box in Unity, for that one... at least the always-on rotation (animation), seems to bear that out.

I found the same with defining multiple light names in the cfg key. I found out, you can fix that, simply by naming *both* light game objects, the *same* name, *in the model, before export*. ;) Works just like naming seperate animation tracks, the *same* name, to get them *all* to play as a single animation ;)

I'm close to having these fixed, except for one small, but major problem: They work like they are supposed to, *except*, they only rotate once, then turn off.
The problem is, i cant seem to get the animation to keep looping while activated. :(

Yeah, this was essentially the problem I had - they rotate once, then stop.

And getting multiple light objects with the same name to play nice is also an issue that has plagued the SDHI SMS mod as well - I've struggled to get the docking port lights and emissives working properly again.

In any case, if you do manage to figure this out, drop me a PM, and I'll fold your fixes into an official release.

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  • 2 months later...

I found this on a quick search, and I wonder if it helps any?


I would like to add my name to the list of players who would be eternally grateful for a working release in 1.12.x

One last edit, since it's late and I really should be in bed lol...

Would it be simpler to code a stationary light (with all the standard brightness/beam angles adjustments) and then have a rotating "occluder" to give the strobing effect?
It seems that the standard lighting is pretty well established: Omnilights, navigation etc
The only trick is a looping, shadow casting, shroud.

Edited by Jup
last minute thoughts...
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On 3/14/2023 at 6:16 AM, Jup said:

I found this on a quick search, and I wonder if it helps any?

While those are all good ideas/leads, and yeah, relevant, I explored all that pretty extensively.

I think it needs to go one step further.

I poked that a little bit, but by that point I was pretty exhausted/frustrated, and while I skimmed the info there and tried it once or twice, I didnt *really* tae the time to fully comprehend it, and i dont think I implemented the right settings.

I believe that the ModuleAnimationGroup module that the stock Orbital Scanner part (which i used as an axample, since it does *exactly* what we want),
I *think*, has the `deployAnimationName' on layer 3, `activeAnimationName` & `deactivateAnimationName` on layer 4, but now we get into the code, and I know *just* enuff about coding to be very dangerous :P

Anyway, I tried just about *every* combination of the three modules I've included below. I'm including it, not in a working/close to working state (you would have to mess around completely commenting out combinations of whole modules, as well as individual lines).  IIRC, I used *either* ModuleLight or ModuleAnimateGeneric with ModuleAnimationGroup, not *both at the same time*, to get close to solving this.

Hopefully someone can solve the last piece of this puzzle. If so, I think it could *widely* be used to fix/enhance *many* other parts, in *many* other mods. :P

My example, with extensive comments: (take my statements as a grain of salt, tho. use moar as a starting point to experiment with)


//	{
//		name = ModuleLight
//		lightName = SDHI_Point
//		lightMeshRendererName = led
//		disableColorPicker = true							//default is false
//		moduleID = ModuleAnimationGroup						//default moduleID = "lightModule"
//		useAnimationDim = true
//		lightBrightenSpeed = 0.1
//		lightDimSpeed = 0.1
//		resourceAmount = 0.01
//		animationName = SDHI_WRL
//		useResources = true
//		isOn = true
//		uiWriteLock = false	//true
//		guiActive = false									//unknown
//		castLight = false									//true			doesnt work
//		showStatus = false									//doesnt work
//		flareRendererName = rotator_loop					//doesnt work
//		axisMode = KSPAxisMode.Incremental
//		incrementalSpeed = 30
//		rotationAngle = 360
//	}

//	{
//		name = ModuleAnimationGroup
//		activeAnimationName = dummy		//CompiledAnimation	//keep this blank, it works. Also works if this is the same as deployAnim
//		deactivateAnimationName = CompiledAnimation			//with dummy anim here, part works, but light goes off after the the anim
//		deployAnimationName = CompiledAnimation				//keep this, and it plays but stops. using dummy anim, it toggles & "Moving" status.. does nothing & stops

//		deployActionName = SDHI On 							//default #autoLOC_6001485 = Activate
//		retractActionName = SDHI Off 						//default is #autoLOC_6001957 = Deactivate

//		alwaysActive = true									//default is false Doesnt seem to make a difference, unless it keeps the "hidden" animation always active?
//		autoDeploy = true									//default is false	Set to True will suppressActionsEvents to true (so there are no PAW actions or events shown)
																//Will set isDeployed to true on startup. Another module must manage the deployment.
//		displayActions = false								//default is true	If set to False all Actions will be suppressed from the UI. 
//		moduleType = #autoLOC_7001229 						//default is #autoLOC_7001229 = Scanner
//		stopActiveAnimIfDisabled = true						//default is false	No visible effect yet..retest when/if continuos anim is working
//		suppressActionsEvents = true						//default is false  Set to True will suppress all Actions and Events from the PAW and UI. Does NOT set
																//isDeployed to true on startup. Another module must manage the deployment.
//		toggleActionName = SDHI On/Off 						//default is #autoLOC_6002389 = Toggle <<1>>
//		deployActionName = SDHI On 1 						//default is #autoLOC_6002387 = Deploy <<1>>
//		retractActionName = SDHI Off 1 						//default is #autoLOC_6002388 = Retract <<1>>
//	====Below inherited from PartModule =======================================================
//		isEnabled = false									//default is true
//		moduleIsEnabled = false								//default is true
//		moduleName = ModuleLight							//ModuleAnimateGeneric,
//	}

		name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
//		actionAvailable = false								//default is true
		actionGUIName = Lights							    //default is "#autoLOC_6001354"
//		allowAnimationWhileShielded = false					//default is true
//		allowDeployLimit = true								//default is false
//		allowManualControl = false							//default is true
//		animationIsDisabled = true							//default is false
		animationName = CompiledAnimation
		animSpeed = 0.2									    //default is 1f
//		animSwitch = false									//default is true
//		animTime = 											//default is 0f
//		aniState = FIXED									//default is animationStates.LOCKED	;"MOVING" sets the anim active always, also anim speed now works
//		CrewCapacity = 0									//default is 0	Dynamic crew capacity when animation is fully played.
		defaultActionGroup = Light						    //default is KSPActionGroup.None
//		deployPercent = 									//default is 100f
//		disableAfterPlaying = true							//default is false
		endEventGUIName = Light Off						    //default is "#autoLOC_6001354"
//		evaDistance = 5										//default is 5f
//		eventAvailableEditor = false						//default is true
//		eventAvailableEVA = false							//default is true
//		eventAvailableFlight = false						//default is true
		instantAnimInEditor = false						    //default is true
//		isOneShot = true									//default is false
//		layer = 4											//default is 1	changing seems to have no effect
//		moduleID = 											//default is "genericAnim"
//		restrictedNode = 									//default is ""
//		revClampDirection = true							//default is false
//		revClampPercent = true								//default is false
//		revClampSpeed = true								//default is false
		showStatus = true									//default is true
		startEventGUIName = Light On						//default is "#autoLOC_6001354"
//		status = Fixed										//default is Localizer.Format("#autoLOC_215362")
//		useMultipleDragCubes = false						//default is true	Determines whether this module will use multiple drag
                                                                 cubes. Set to false for cosmetic-only animations, eg: Lights 
//	====Below inherited from PartModule =======================================================
//		isEnabled = false									//default is true
//		moduleIsEnabled = false								//default is true
//		moduleName
//		overrideStagingIconIfBlank = false					//default is true
//		resHandler =										//default is  new ModuleResourceHandler()
//		showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true						//default is false
//		stagingDisableText = 								//default is ""
//		stagingEnabled = false								//default is true
//		stagingEnableText = 								//default is ""
//		stagingToggleEnabledEditor = true					//default is false
//		stagingToggleEnabledFlight = true					//default is false
//		upgradesApply = false								//default is true
//		upgradesAsk = false									//default is true

//		status =Locked & aniState = LOCKED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied
//		status =Locked & aniState = MOVING	 no PAW button, light & anim plays automatically; no way to turn off; animSpeed is applied
//		status =Locked & aniState = CLAMPED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied
//		status =Locked & aniState = FIXED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied
//		status =Fixed  & aniState = LOCKED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied
//		status =Fixed  & aniState = MOVING	 no PAW button, light & anim plays automatically; no way to turn off; animSpeed is applied
//		status =Fixed  & aniState = CLAMPED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied
//		status =Fixed  & aniState = FIXED	"On" PAW button, light on-no anim; actiavte plays anim, no way to turn off;  animSpeed is NOT applied


Actuallly... WTH... Here, i just pushed my work to Github, incase anyone wants to try to pic up where i left off... i dont know if I'll come back to it, after spending almost 2 weeks trying to figure it out :P

Just *remember*, yeas, there are other mods/plugins that could most likely be used to fix these, but in the spirit of the original, and I believe by Sumghai's intent:
*The idea is to get this all accomplished using ONLY stock modules, with no extra code/.dll, or 3rd party plugin dependencies*


@sumghai just FYI so you know my attempts are on a repo incase *you* ever wanna poke this mod again ;)

I modified/optimized an original model, named `SDHI_WRL.mu`.  I think all the different parts/models/materials, could be accomplished using just *one* model, with the stock part variant system. I was also gonna do a an optional B9PartSwitch patch, to combine everything to just one part in the editor, as I *know* that would work.... not sure if the stock variant system would be able to get it done.

Edited by Stone Blue
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