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[WIP] [1.2.1] [2.0.4] Stock Size Real Solar System


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Hello Everyone!

Alright, after some extensive changes and new testing, the finished (and working) version of the Moon Biomes is attached below. I tested it last night and it works out great! Hopefully sometime soon I will add some new Science descriptions to the areas to add some flavor. There are 27 Biomes fro you to explore and they are listed below.

  1. Lowlands
  2. Midlands
  3. Highlands
  4. North Pole
  5. South Pole
  6. Major Craters
  7. Aitken Basin
  8. Oceanus Procellarum (Ocean of Storms, largest of the Mare)
  9. Birkhoff Crater
  10. Mendeleev Crater
  11. Hertzsprung Crater
  12. Korolev Crater
  13. Apollo Crater
  14. Poincare Crater
  15. Planck Crater
  16. Schrodinger Crater
  17. Mare Orientale (Eastern Sea)
  18. Mare Humorum (Sea of Moisture)
  19. Mare Nubium (Sea of Clouds)
  20. Mare Imbrium (Sea of Showers, Luna 17 with Lonkohod 1 rover, Apollo 15 landing)
  21. Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity, Apollo 17 Landing)
  22. Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility, Apollo 11 Landing
  23. Mare Feunditatis (Sea of Fertility, Luna 16 landed here)
  24. Mare Nectaris (Sea of Nectar
  25. Mare Frigoris (Sea of Cold
  26. Mare Crisium (Sea of Crises)
  27. Mare Australe (Southern Sea)



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The download will be down for a bit while we... ugh... Test things :blush:

Edit: Upload was almost finished but we had to fix something. Sorry aboot the wait eh

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On 4/30/2016 at 0:02 PM, sDaZe said:


- Updated SVE

- Made orbits more stock like

- Added Lunar Dust

- Overhauled all Clouds

- Overhauled all Scatterer configs

- Added Scatterer to Io, Europa, Ganymede, Enceladus and Callisto  

- Added the option to use better textures for Mars, Enceladus, Europa, GanyMede and the Moon ( 8k, 4k, 2k) 

- Added the option to have updated Earth and the Moon biomes ( Thanks pap1723 )

- Made the size of the planets more precise ( Thanks Selfish_Meme ) 

- Fixed bugs that wouldnt allow you to land or flyby and of Saturns moons

- Fixed Near science bugs

- Fixed Deimos and Phobos

- Improved the transition from low to high space ( Thanks Gregrox ) 

- Fixed random things happening on the surface of the planets

- Improved FPS on most bodies

- Fixed alot more bugs 

Enjoy! :) This is our biggest post release update yet 

New mars and moon texture pics :wink: 


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6 minutes ago, blackrack said:

It is, it's the "disable scaledSpace ambient light" option.

Ohhh okay, looks great man! 

2 minutes ago, pap1723 said:

You guys are awesome! Thanks for all your hard work!

Thanks :D We're already working on the next update.. Heres a tease 

Better venus texture



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New gas giant textures.

Saturn has a hex storm and can see individual bands much better, Uranus has better individual bands and neptune looks better overall 


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2 minutes ago, hoover2701 said:

I believe the Moon.cfg and Earth.cfg in the SSRSS/RSSKopernicus/Earth folder are still those without the new biomes... Or did I miss something?

should have it in the new update today

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1 hour ago, sDaZe said:

Saturn has a hex storm and can see individual bands much better

Looking good. Is the storm separated into separate bands? :wink:

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Great update! There seems to be a problem with the city lights though as I can't see them. In the cityLights.cfg it reads "body = Kerbin". Shouldn't it be "body = Earth".

Another question: Whenever I zoom out to further than 100.000 m the textures of the planets look fantastic (Picture 1 and 3, Moon and Mars) but if I come closer than 100.000 m it looks all blurry (Pictures 2 and 4). Is this a normal transition problem or are my Nvidia-settings not optimized?

Sorry to bother. This isn't meant as criticism, just asking.

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5 minutes ago, hoover2701 said:

Great update! There seems to be a problem with the city lights though as I can't see them. In the cityLights.cfg it reads "body = Kerbin". Shouldn't it be "body = Earth".

Another question: Whenever I zoom out to further than 100.000 m the textures of the planets look fantastic (Picture 1 and 3, Moon and Mars) but if I come closer than 100.000 m it looks all blurry (Pictures 2 and 4). Is this a normal transition problem or are my Nvidia-settings not optimized?

Sorry to bother. This isn't meant as criticism, just asking.

its normal. last version was even worse. the city lights thing ill have to ask sdaze about. he may have forgotten

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

Looking good. Is the storm separated into separate bands? :wink:

No.. Im to retarted to do those kinds of things :( 

Download will be down while i upload a new version! 

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On 4/30/2016 at 0:02 PM, sDaZe said:


- Added more texture revamps to most bodies

- Fixed City Light problems

- Updated the ReadME 

- Added Install Instructions on the second post of this thread ( Thanks AgadenReach ) 



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6 minutes ago, gamerscircle said:

I just read there was an update.. Do I basically just delete and redo the mod install or?

Probably best

Also warning if they have changed planet sizes, ground or return all your craft before updating.

And dont forget sigma dimensions. Did that once and all my sattelites were suddenly underground :wink:

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