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[WIP] [1.2.1] [2.0.4] Stock Size Real Solar System


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On 3.6.2016 at 2:09 AM, Berlin said:

ok just tested and make it 10k in all directions... perhaps remove ALL other mods and place whatever other mods you use in one at a time until it happens again. other than that I don't know what could be causing the issue


OK so i tested with freashy downloaded kerbal, ssrss, 8k and 4k textures and both sigma developer and sigma release. Still got the issue. No mods. Can i ask if you quicksaved along the way? Cause i got tired when testing all combos and tried saving 1km out from the ship so i wouldnt have  to drive so far. Then i suddenly got out too 2,5km before falling into mars and explode. Then i tried saving every km out to 3km, then drove 1,5km witout saving and exploded at about 4,5km out from the ship. So it looks like i explode everytime im about 1,5km from the last save. Also tried with and without the biome maps, and with and without the optinal rss textures supplied. I have all my graphic settings maxed out but tried with the scatteres setting maxed out and with the scatterer setting included.

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53 minutes ago, blackrack said:

So how are you doing this?

I presume its a simulated shadow texture on an EVE layer that is set to rotate around the planet once every solar period so it aligns through the sun.

Getting the layer rotational speed correct must have been/must be an absolute pain in the backside.

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1 hour ago, Poodmund said:

I presume its a simulated shadow texture on an EVE layer that is set to rotate around the planet once every solar period so it aligns through the sun.

Getting the layer rotational speed correct must have been/must be an absolute pain in the backside.

Exactly and that's what I'm struggling with at the moment. It's way less technical than blackrack's approach I'm sure

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Here are the Final Fontier ribbons for SSRSS. Let me know of any issues! this will be includes in the next update if all works fine. Also if you guys want to suggest different color schemes for the ribbons let me know because I just threw this together.



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2 hours ago, Example said:

OK so i tested with freashy downloaded kerbal, ssrss, 8k and 4k textures and both sigma developer and sigma release. Still got the issue. No mods. Can i ask if you quicksaved along the way? Cause i got tired when testing all combos and tried saving 1km out from the ship so i wouldnt have  to drive so far. Then i suddenly got out too 2,5km before falling into mars and explode. Then i tried saving every km out to 3km, then drove 1,5km witout saving and exploded at about 4,5km out from the ship. So it looks like i explode everytime im about 1,5km from the last save. Also tried with and without the biome maps, and with and without the optinal rss textures supplied. I have all my graphic settings maxed out but tried with the scatteres setting maxed out and with the scatterer setting included.

Well it wouldn't be scatterer causing it so forget that. I don't know what could be causing it... Try opening SSRSS/RSSKopernicus/Mars/Mars.cfg and look for the PQS values and try setting the MaxLevel to 10 and the MinDetailDistance to 10 as well..save that and test and see if it works

			maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.001
			minLevel = 1
			maxLevel = 10
			minDetailDistance = 10
			deactivateAltitude = 167000
			fadeStart = 102000
			fadeEnd = 127000


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2 hours ago, Berlin said:

Here are the Final Fontier ribbons for SSRSS. Let me know of any issues! this will be includes in the next update if all works fine. Also if you guys want to suggest different color schemes for the ribbons let me know because I just through this together.



Fantastic! Thank you very much for sharing!

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Thank you that fixed it. Got out 6 km to the left before i rolled over and could only get 1,5 before, then tried another direction and got 3,4km before rolling over so it looks like it fixed it. Thanks again for your help :D 

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Let's fire up CactEye in SSRSS and see what happens

Aperture open.. Target acquired. 



And... Save imagery.. 





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On 03/06/2016 at 7:09 AM, sDaZe said:

Try going into SSRSS - RSSKopernicus - Earth and change whats in there to this

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 13000 13000 130000 2000000 35000000 35000000 35000000

So just remove one of the zeros on all of the numbers

So is that a fix that's coming or something we need to do manually everytime we update?

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2 hours ago, selfish_meme said:

So is that a fix that's coming or something we need to do manually everytime we update?

It will be fixed.  You can update it manually for now though

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8 hours ago, Berlin said:

It will be fixed.  You can update it manually for now though

Just so you know that fix is possibly wrong, I think it should be

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 13188 13188 13188 37680 65940 65940 65940

where 13188/.0942/2 gives 70000

so that gives you 5x, 10x, 100x from 70km to 200km, 1000x from 200km to 350km and everything else above 350km

Edit: no that does not work either

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1 hour ago, selfish_meme said:

Just so you know that fix is possibly wrong, I think it should be

timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 13188 13188 13188 37680 65940 65940 65940

where 13188/.0942/2 gives 70000

so that gives you 5x, 10x, 100x from 70km to 200km, 1000x from 200km to 350km and everything else above 350km

Edit: no that does not work either

Yeah it's a weird thing lol

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8 minutes ago, styckx said:

Totally bored.. This mod isn't realistic at all. Not having any fun at all.. Gonna delete it now.. :lol:

that's what I'm thinking.. Forget it.. I have standards and this mod doesn't meet them. not even close. stock is way better

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Saturns New Aurora and Venus' Polar Vortexes

Edit: saturns hex storm also spins separately now :)

Also some pics of the new cirrus cloud layer I made over the last few days.. what do you guys think?


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1 minute ago, styckx said:

Oh lawd.. Those new clouds.. Yes please... Perfect

thought you would like that.:) There are "more" clouds but they are way more subtle and pleasing to the eye. google had nothing in terms of better textures so I just made one from scratch and about 360 brushes for photoshop lol

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