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[WIN] Engineers Handbook 1.0 02/05/16

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severedsolo's KSP Engineers Handbook

I am currently teaching myself C#, and so as a little test project I made this.

At the moment, all it does is take your intended flightplan and spit out the amount of Delta-V you need to get there.

At a later date I plan to add things like Life Support (ie, how much of each resource you need), plus whatever else comes to me.

Requires Net Framework 3.5 (will probably work on Mono too, but I haven't tested it).

  • All flightplans are assumed to be from the pad/KSC.
  • "Kerbol" isn't recognised. Use Sun instead (as this is the official name in game)
  • Figures are taken from @Kowgan's Delta-v map here
  • I've assumed maximum inclination change. That means that the figures may be a bit conservative (ie get a good launch window and you'll use less)
  • It will crash if you give it letters and it's expecting a number (ie "what's the plan?")
  • Return trips assume that you will be aerobraking at Kerbin. Other than that, it doesn't take aerobraking into consideration (yet)
  • As this is literally the first thing I've ever written in C# it's likely there will be issues I haven't anticipated.

Download Link: https://github.com/severedsolo/EngineersHandbook/releases

Source: https://github.com/severedsolo/EngineersHandbook

License: MIT

I know, no pics no clicks:



@Kowgan for the Delta-V map that the calculations are based on.

@nightingale - Contract Configurators expression system helped me get my head round the syntax of C# and so this wouldn't have been possible without Contract Configurator.

Edited by severedsolo
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