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        private void ResetExperimentGUI()
            //print("Resetting GUI...");
            if (SkinStored != null)
                SkinStored.box.normal = StyleDefault;
                SkinStored.box.normal.background = GameDatabase.Instance.GetTexture("CactEye/Icons/ExperimentGUIBackground", false);
                SkinStored.box.fixedWidth = 0f;
                SkinStored.box.fixedHeight = 0f;
                SkinStored.window.fixedWidth = 400f;
                Debug.Log("CactEye 2: Logical Error 3: SkinStored is null!");

            ScienceStyle.fixedHeight = 0f;
            ScienceStyle.fixedWidth = 0f;


Can someone tell me what's wrong here?

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Hmm. The font doesn't look so appealing- you know, too wide, spaces are huge, etc. It's like, there are serifs everywhere, and they're massive. Also, the dude who made this font should really check his stuff, it looks quite unsettling when all the periods and semicolons are in bold but the actual letters aren't.

I also don't like the spoiler slider. It looks too dull, and needs some rounded corners. As well as that, I don't get the "share this post" button, looks too much like a "hyperlink" button and should be made larger.

I'm being very helpful here, right?

... right?

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1 minute ago, DMagic said:

Is this GUI stuff? Is it being run in OnGUI?

It is GUI stuff, for the special science experiment window. Is it bad that I have no idea what OnGUI is?

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OnGUI is like Start or Update, it's one of those Unity MonoBehaviour methods. It handles all of the legacy GUI drawing. Basically, anything in the GUI classes can only be run in OnGUI.

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Is this related to the above issue?

        [KSPField(isPersistant = false)]
        public string Type = "Default Processor";

        [KSPField(isPersistant = false)]
        public float MinimumFOV = 0.1f;

        [KSPField(isPersistant = false)]
        public float maxScience = 0.25f;

        [KSPField(isPersistant = false)]
        public float consumeRate = 2f;

        [KSPField(isPersistant = false)]
        public string ExperimentID = "Default Experiment";

        [KSPField(isPersistant = true)]
        public bool Active = false;

        protected List<ScienceData> StoredData = new List<ScienceData>();

        private Vector3d OriginalSunDirection;

        private GUIStyle ScienceStyle;
        private GUIStyle ProgressStyle;
        private GUISkin SkinStored;
        private GUIStyleState StyleDefault;


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