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Yes, that ^^

Here's a rover I built to drive on an asteroid. It also has RCS to steer when detached from the surface; not sure if you'll need that for Gilly or not...


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9 hours ago, bewing said:

It's possible. You just need to continuously run an ion engine or something to hold you down.

Or else be really, really patient, and drive super-slow at 4x physics warp.  :)  Though I imagine the increased slipperiness in 1.1.x could make things a challenge.  Honestly, the ion-drive-to-hold-you-down idea sounds like your best bet, to me.

Gilly's an interesting place; the low gravity means you can do some interesting things that just don't work elsewhere.  I once built a "hopper" that got around on Gilly without any wheels or rocket power.  I built it with the idea that it would get around simply by extending landing legs to push itself away from terrain.  That turned out to be possible but a little too overpowered-- the legs worked too well, launched it on these huge leaps that took forever to settle down, and it wasn't possible to control the power of the leap.  I had better luck just leaving the legs extended, and using reaction-wheel torque to have the craft launch itself hither and yon.  Considerably better control that way.

It was fun to play around with for a little while, but I exhausted the amusement pretty soon and it simply became tedious; haven't been tempted to repeat.  Gilly gravity's just so light, I can't be bothered to do anything other than just fly around as if I were in zero gravity.  One doesn't land on Gilly, so much as dock with it...

Anyway, good luck with your challenge!

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