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[WIP] [1.2.2] Justin Kerman's Tank & Engine Salvage


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Several months ago, a rising star of an engineer newly employed at Justin Kerman's Tank & Engine Salvage found it wholly unacceptable how absurdly that some cockpits were obscenely more massive than some other cockpits were when attached to air-breathing rockets not intended for space flight, that the novel notion of completely rethinking the way we dream of looking at space flight while dumpster diving scrounging for new junk, we mean parts, somehow resulted in the engineering of internal fuel tanks for old rockets in our new airplanes.  Anyway, we need your help.

We want you to test our fuel tanks and engines somewhere in the Kerbol system.


To perform the test, build a new ship, and activate any of our engines while attached to any of our fuel tanks.



I'm not sure if this is a "mod," per se.  What it is is the culmination of several months of work designing internal fuel cells that would fit within the models of the stock fuel tanks.  I added three well-known fuels to the stock tanks:  HydroLox, KeroLox, and MMH/NTO.  Jet-A1 has also been added to the Mk0, Mk1, Mk2 Fuselages, as well as the Swept Wing, the Airliner Wing, and the Airliner's stabilizer.  In keeping with what I felt was good standard, all liquid engines have had their masses reduced dramatically to bring thrust-to-weight ratios back to reasonable terms, with the Ant being the lowest at 10:1, and the Rhino being the workhorse at 100:1.  Aircraft cockpits have had their masses reduced (and also their crash tolerances) to bring their CG moments back to realistic terms.  Reaction wheels were removed, and anything Monopropellant has been converted to MMH/NTO.  A complete changelog is included in the archive.

Available on Curse:  https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/248280-justin-kermans-tank-engine-salvage

Change Log

V0.1.2  Rewritten for ModuleManager, much cleaner

V0.1.1 Fixed Mk1 lander can not appearing

V0.1.0 Initial alpha release, very messy

Edited by Verran
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That's quite the project, very cool! I don't know if it's trollish of you, considering the (local) popularity of RSS/RO(RP-0) around here. In fact, those folks might be quite interested in your work as well.

I can guess at the answer due to their haphazardness, but have you noticed any trends or patterns in the tank volumes/sizes? Are there any small adjustments that might bring sanity to the madness? (What an odd idea in this game! :wink: )


But yes, two thumbs up, neat project!

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Several additions to the album.  All the fuel tanks are done.  The engines are done (I think.)

All of this is preliminary:


1.       Aero

a.       Swept Wing

                                                               i.      Added Jet A-1 Resource

1.       475.476 Liters

                                                             ii.      Added Cost of Jet A-1 to Part Cost

1.       Part Cost:  $620

2.       Jet Fuel:  $252.00

3.       Total:  $872.00

b.      Airliner Wing

                                                               i.      Added Jet A-1 Resource

1.       7055.028 Liters

                                                             ii.      Added Cost of Jet A-1 to Part Cost

1.       Part Cost:  $2800

2.       Jet Fuel:  $3739.17

3.       Total:  $6539.17

c.       Airliner Stabilizer

                                                               i.      Added Jet A-1 Resource

1.       917.676 Liters

                                                             ii.      Added Cost of Jet A-1 to Part Cost

1.       Part Cost:  $1000

2.       Jet Fuel:  $486.37

3.       Total:  $1486.37

2.       Command

a.       Cupola

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           iv.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

b.      External Command Seat

                                                               i.      Added MechJeb Core

c.       Hitchhiker Storage Container

                                                               i.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

d.      Mk. 1-2 Command Pod

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Resource

1.       30.0 Liters

                                                           iv.      Added Cost of Hydrazine to Part Cost

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

e.      Mk. 1 Cockpit

                                                               i.      Reduced Mass to 500 kg

                                                             ii.      Reduced Crash Tolerance to 5 m/s

                                                            iii.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                           iv.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage or Repeated Subjects

f.        Mk. 1 Inline Cockpit

                                                               i.      Reduced Mass to 500 kg

                                                             ii.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                            iii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                           iv.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                             v.      Allowed Storage or Repeated Subjects

g.       Mk. 1 Lander Can

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Resource

1.       15.0 Liters

                                                           iv.      Added Cost of Hydrazine to Part Cost

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

h.      Mk. 1 Command Pod

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Resource

1.       10.0 Liters

                                                           iv.      Added Cost of Hydrazine to Part Cost

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

i.         Mk. 2 Inline Cockpit

                                                               i.      Reduced Mass to 750 kg

                                                             ii.      Crash Tolerance Reduced to 10 m/s

                                                            iii.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                           iv.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

j.        Mk. 2 Cockpit

                                                               i.      Reduced Mass to 750 kg

                                                             ii.      Crash Tolerance Reduced to 10 m/s

                                                            iii.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                           iv.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

k.       Mk. 2 Drone Core

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Added MechJeb Core

l.         Mk. 2 Lander Can

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Resource

1.       40 Liters

                                                           iv.      Added Cost of Hydrazine to Part Cost

                                                             v.      Added MechJeb core

                                                           vi.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

m.    Mk. 3 Cockpit

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Removed Monopropellant Resource

                                                            iii.      Added MechJeb Core

                                                           iv.      Allowed Storage of Repeated Subjects

n.      All Probe Cores

                                                               i.      Removed Reaction Wheels

                                                             ii.      Added MechJeb Core

3.       Control

a.       Linear RCS and RCS Blocks

                                                               i.      Thrust reduced to 111 N (AeroJet R-1E)

                                                             ii.      Now consumes MMH/NTO

                                                            iii.      Specific Impulse increased to 280

b.      Vernor Engine

                                                               i.      Thrust reduced to 3.87 kN (AeroJet R-40)

                                                             ii.      Now consumes MMH/NTO

                                                            iii.      Specific Impulse increased from 260 to 281

4.       Engines

a.       All Engines:

                                                               i.      resourceFlowMode changed to STAGE_STACK_FLOW_BALANCE

                                                             ii.      This prevents large CG fluctuations as fuel is drained from the tank above the engine.

b.      Ant/Spider

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 20.408 Kg

1.       TWR:  10.0

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min throttle set to 80%

c.       Twitch

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 81.633 Kg

1.       TWR:  20.0

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min throttle set to 80%

d.      Spark

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 88.301 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

e.      Puff

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 94.726 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes Monomethyl Hydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide

f.        Terrier

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 197.039 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes Monomethyl Hydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide

g.       Thud

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 312.779 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes Monomethyl Hydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide

h.      Dart

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 409.857 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes HydroLox

                                                            iii.      Changed ISP to 360/450

                                                           iv.      Min Throttle set to 70%

1.       Plan your burn!

i.         Swivel

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 439.681 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min Throttle set to 70%

1.       Plan your burn!

j.        Reliant

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 461.399 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min throttle set to 70%

                                                           iv.      Added 3° Thrust Vectoring Capability

k.       Poodle

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 510.204 Kg

                                                             ii.      Now consumes Monomethyl Hydrazine and Nitrogen Tetroxide

l.         Skipper

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 964.701 Kg

1.       TWR:  68.753

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min Throttle set to 70%

m.    Vector

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 1285.634 Kg

1.       TWR:  79.370

                                                             ii.      Now consumes HydroLox

                                                            iii.      Changed ISP to 363/453

                                                           iv.      Min Throttle set to 65%

n.      Mainsail

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 1684.657 Kg

1.       TWR:  90.856

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min Throttle set to 70%

o.      Rhino

                                                               i.      Mass changed to 2040.816 Kg

1.       TWR:  100

                                                             ii.      Now consumes KeroLox

                                                            iii.      Min Throttle set to 70%

p.      Flea

                                                               i.      Removed SolidFuel Fuel Requirement

                                                             ii.      Removed SolidFuel Resource

                                                            iii.      Added APCP Fuel Requirement

                                                           iv.      Added APCP Resource

1.       930.161 Liters

                                                             v.      Added price of fuel

1.       $618.58

                                                           vi.      Added Gimbal Module

1.       1.25°

q.      Hammer

                                                               i.      Removed SolidFuel Fuel Requirement

                                                             ii.      Removed SolidFuel Resource

                                                            iii.      Added APCP Fuel Requirement

                                                           iv.      Added APCP Resource

1.       1869.622 Liters

                                                             v.      Added Cost of APCP to Part Cost

1.       $1241.33

                                                           vi.      Added Gimbal Module

1.       1.25°

r.        Thumper

                                                               i.      Removed SolidFuel Fuel Requirement

                                                             ii.      Removed SolidFuel Resource

                                                            iii.      Added APCP Fuel Requirement

                                                           iv.      Added APCP Resource

1.       5420.342 Liters

                                                             v.      Added Cost of APCP to Part Cost

1.       $3289.16

                                                           vi.      Added Gimbal Module

1.       2.5°

s.       Kickback

                                                               i.      Removed SolidFuel Fuel Requirement

                                                             ii.      Removed SolidFuel Resource

                                                            iii.      Added APCP Fuel Requirement

                                                           iv.      Added APCP Resource

1.       11043.099 Liters

                                                             v.      Added Cost of APCP to Part Cost

1.       $7669.40

                                                           vi.      Added Gimbal Module

1.       5.0

5.       Fuel Tanks

a.       FLT-100

                                                               i.      Added KeroLox Variant

1.       248.270 Liters RP-1:  $86.89

2.       96.980 Liters LO2:  $24.25

3.       Part:  $50.00

4.       Total:  $230.55

                                                             ii.      Added HydroLox Variant

1.       289.532 Liters LH2:  $101.34

2.       71.338 Liters LO2:  $17.83

3.       Part:  $50.00

4.       $193.89

                                                            iii.      Added Monomethyl Hydrazine Variant

1.       239.057 Liters MMH:  $325.12

2.       110.678 Liters NTO:  $87.44

3.       Part:  $50.00

4.       $487.27

b.      FLT-200

                                                               i.      Added KeroLox Variant

1.       506.756 Liters RP-1:  $268.58

2.       197.953 Liters LO2:  $49.49

3.       Part:  $100.00

4.       Total:  $423.51

                                                             ii.      Added HydroLox Variant

1.       582.046 Liters LH2:  $203.72

2.       143.410 Liters LO2:  $35.85

3.       Part:  $100.00

4.       Total:  $345.01

                                                            iii.      Added Monomethyl Hydrazine Variant

1.       491.837 Liters MMH:  $688.90

2.       227.713 Liters NTO:  $179.89

3.       Part:  $100.00

4.       $954.23

c.       FLT-400

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       1082.397 Liters LH2:  $378.84

2.       266.700 Liters LO2:  $66.68

3.       Part:  $200.00

4.       Total:  $623.89

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       948.964 Liters RP-1:  $502.95

2.       370.692 Liters LO2:  $92.67

3.       Part:  $200.00

4.       Total:  $774.00

                                                            iii.      Added Monomethyl Hydrazine Tank

1.       924.333 Liters MMH:  $1257.09

2.       427.915 Liters NTO:  $338.05

3.       Part:  $200.00

4.       Total:  $1795.15

d.      FLT-800

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       2616.448 Liters LH2:  $915.76

2.       644.678 Liters LO2:  161.17

3.       Part:  $400.00

4.       Total:  $1476.93

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       2345.05 Liters RP-1:  $1242.88

2.       915.986 Liters LO2:  $229.00

3.       Part:  $400.00

4.       Total:  $1871.87

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       2229.064 Liters MMH:  $3031.53

2.       1031.954 Liters NTO:  $815.24

3.       Part:  $400.00

4.       Total:  $4246.77

e.      1.25m to 2.50m Adapters

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tanks

1.       1564.863 Liters LH2:  $547.70

2.       385.594 Liters LO2:  $96.40

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $944.10

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tanks

1.       1299.231 Liters RP-1:  $688.59

2.       507.517 Liters LO2:  $126.88

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $1115.47

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tanks

1.       1207.869 Liters MMH:  $1642.70

2.       559.221 Liters NTO:  $441.78

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $2384.49

f.        X200-8

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       2096.039 Liters LH2:  $733.61

2.       516.430 Liters LO2:  $129.11

3.       Part:  $400.00

4.       Total:  $1262.72

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       1781.97 Liters RP-1:  $944.44

2.       696.069 Liters LO2:  $174.02

3.       Part:  $400.00

4.       Total:  $1518.46

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       1706.265 Liters MMH:  $2320.52

2.       789.962 Liters NTO:  $624.07

3.       Part:  $400

4.       Total:  $3344.59

g.       X200-16

                                                               i.      Added Hydrolox Tank

1.       4720.946 Liters LH2:  $1652.33

2.       1163.201 Liters LO2:  $290.80

3.       Part:  $800

4.       Total:  $2743.13

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       4104.330 Liters RP-1:  $2175.29

2.       1603.241 Liters LO2:  $400.81

3.       Part:  $800

4.       Total:  $3376.11

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       3974.825 Liters MMH:  $5405.76

2.       1840.249 Liters NTO:  $1453.80

3.       Part:  $800

4.       Total:  $7659.56

h.      X200-32

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       10021.482 Liters LH2:  $3506.52

2.       2469.226 Liters LO2:  $617.31

3.       Part:  $1600

4.       Total:  $5724.83

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       8794.055 Liters RP-1:  $4660.85

2.       3434.077 Liters LO2:  $858.52

3.       Part:  $1600

4.       Total:  $7119.37

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       8556.182 Liters MMH:  $11636.41

2.       3961.122 Liters NTO:  $3129.29

3.       Part:  $1600

4.       Total:  $16365.69

i.         X200-64

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       23681.453 Liters LH2:  $8288.51

2.       5835.274 Liters LO2:  $1458.82

3.       Part:  $3200

4.       Total:  $12947.33

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       21225.561 Liters RP-1:  $11249.55

2.       8290.764 Liters LO2:  $2072.69

3.       Part:  $3200

4.       Total:  $16522.24

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       20175.679 Liters MMH:  $27438.92

2.       9340.014 Liters NTO:  $7378.61

3.       Part:  $3200

4.       Total:  $38017.53

j.        S3-3600

                                                               i.      Added Hydrolox Tank

1.       9177.602 Liters LH2:  $3212.16

2.       2261.269 Liters LO2:  $565.32

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $5277.48

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       7861.908 Liters RP-1:  $4166.81

2.       3071.049 Liters LO2:  $767.76

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $6434.57

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       7557.482 Liters MMH:  $10278.18

2.       3498.877 Liters NTO  $2764.11

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $14542.29

k.       S3-7200

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       21798.859 Liters LH2:  $7629.60

2.       5371.09 Liters LO2:  $1342.77

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $11972.37

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       19027.466 Liters RP-1:  $10084.56

2.       7432.768 Liters LO2:  $1858.19

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $14942.75

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       18465.937 Liters MMH:  $25113.67

2.       8548.897 Liters NTO:  $6753.63

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $34867.30

l.         S3-14400

                                                               i.      Extended visual model and collider model by 0.1443 meters to accommodate the “advanced” tank configuration.

                                                             ii.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       50587.655 Liters LH2:  $17705.68

2.       12465.229 Liters LO2:  $3116.31

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $26821.99

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       45342.662 Liters RP-1:  $24031.61

2.       17710.523 Liters LO2:  $4427.63

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $34459.24

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       43099.395 Liters MMH:  $58615.18

2.       19952.284 Liters NTO:  $15762.30

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $80377.48

m.    Mk0 Fuselage

                                                               i.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       167.706 Liters Jet-A:  $88.88

2.       Part:  $25

3.       Total:  $113.88

4.       Empty by Default

n.      Mk1 Fuselage

                                                               i.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       1615.424 Liters Jet-A:  $856.17

2.       Part:  $100

3.       Total:  $956.17

4.       Empty by Default

o.      Mk1 – Mk2 Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       1082.397 Liters LH2:  $378.84

2.       266.700 Liters LO2:  $66.68

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $745.51

                                                             ii.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       1615.424 Liters Jet-A:  $856.17

2.       Part:  $300

3.       Total:  $1156.17

4.       Empty by Default

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       948.964 Liters RP-1:  $502.95

2.       370.692 Liters LO2:  $92.67

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $895.62

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       924.333 Liters MMH:  $1257.09

2.       427.915 Liters NTO:  $338.05

3.       Part:  $300

4.       Total:  $1895.15

p.      Mk1 – Mk2 Long Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       2616.448 Liters LH2:  $915.76

2.       644.678 Liters LO2:  $161.17

3.       Part:  $750

4.       Total:  $1826.93

                                                             ii.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       3478.902 Liters Jet-A:  $1843.82

2.       Part:  $750

3.       Total:  $2593.82

4.       Empty by Default

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       2345.050 Liters RP-1:  $1242.88

2.       915.986 Liters LO2:  $229.00

3.       Part:  $750

4.       Total:  $2221.87

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       2229.064 Liters MMH:  $3031.53

2.       1031.954 Liters NTO:  $815.24

3.       Part:  $750

4.       Total:  $4596.77

q.      Mk2 Short Fuel Tank

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       2258.562 Liters LH2:  $790.50

2.       556.509 Liters LO2:  $139.13

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $1429.62

                                                             ii.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       2258.568 Liters Jet-A:  $1197.04

2.       Part:  $500

3.       Total:  $1697.04

4.       Empty by Default

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       1737.898 Liters RP-1:  $921.09

2.       678.811 Liters LO2:  $169.70

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $1590.79

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       1610.035 Liters MMH:  $2189.65

2.       745.366 Liters NTO:  $588.84

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $3278.49

r.        Mk2 Long Fuel Tank

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       5042.329 Liters LH2:  $1764.82

2.       1242.413 Liters LO2:  $310.60

3.       Part:  $1000

4.       Total:  $3075.42

                                                             ii.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       5042.329 Liters Jet-A:  $2672.43

2.       Part:  $1000

3.       Total:  $3672.43

4.       Empty by Default

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       3838.109 Liters RP-1:  $2034.20

2.       1499.271 Liters LO2:  $374.82

3.       Part:  $1000

4.       Total:  $3409.02

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       3545.991 Liters MMH:  $4822.55

2.       1641.654 Liters NTO:  $1296.91

3.       Part:  $1000

4.       Total:  $7119.45

s.       Mk2 Bicoupler

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       507.363 Liters LH2:  $177.58

2.       125.012 Liters LO2:  $31.25

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $708.83

                                                             ii.      Added Jet-A Tank

1.       653.047 Liters Jet-A:  $346.11

2.       Part:  $500

3.       Total:  $846.11

4.       Empty by Default

                                                            iii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       440.739 Liters RP-1:  $233.59

2.       172.166 Liters LO2:  $43.04

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $776.63

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       427.338 Liters MMH:  $581.18

2.       197.839 Liters NTO:  $156.29

3.       Part:  $500

4.       Total:  $1237.47

t.        Mk2 – 2.50m Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       4903.136 Liters LH2:  $1716.10

2.       1208.089 Liters LO2:  $302.02

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $3518.12

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       3733.128 Liters RP-1:  $1978.56

2.       1458.225 Liters LO2:  $364.56

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $3843.11

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       3449.223 Liters MMH:  $4690.94

2.       1596.858 Liters NTO:  $1261.52

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $7452.46

u.      Mk2 – Mk3 Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       11489.297 Liters LH2:  $4021.25

2.       2830.875 Liters LO2:  $707.72

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $6728.97

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       8177.851 Liters RP-1:  $4334.26

2.       3194.429 Liters LO2:  $798.61

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $7132.87

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       8177.851 Liters MMH:  $11121.88

2.       3786.072 Liters NTO:  $2991.00

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $16112.87

v.       Mk3 – 2.50m Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       9177.176 Liters LH2:  $3212.01

2.       2261.155 Liters LO2:  $565.29

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $5777.30

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       8046.856 Liters LH2:  $4264.83

2.       3143.328 Liters LO2:  $785.83

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $7050.67

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       7825.940 Liters MMH:  $10643.28

2.       3623.258 Liters NTO:  $2862.37

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $15505.65

w.     Mk3 – 3.75m Adapter

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       6471.527 Liters LH2:  $2265.03

2.       1594.548 Liters LO2:  $398.64

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $4663.67

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       5560.938 Liters RP-1:  $2947.30

2.       2172.210 Liters LO2:  $543.05

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $5490.35

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       5353.987 Liters MMH:  $7281.42

2.       2478.670 Liters NTO:  $1958.15

3.       Part:  $2000

4.       Total:  $11239.57

x.       Mk3 Short Fuselage

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       10603.281 Liters LH2:  $3711.15

2.       2612.564 Liters LO2:  $653.14

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $5864.29

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       9215.914 Liters RP-1:  $4884.43

2.       3600.100 Liters LO2:  $900.03

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $7284.46

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       8924.651 Liters MMH:  $12137.53

2.       4131.750 Liters NTO:  $3264.08

3.       Part:  $1500

4.       Total:  $16901.61

y.       Mk3 Medium Fuselage

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       22828.277 Liters LH2:  $7989.90

2.       5624.605 Liters LO2:  $1406.15

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $12396.05

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       20030.920 Liters RP-1:  $10616.39

2.       7824.728 Liters LO2:  $1956.18

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $15572.57

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       19489.98 Liters MMH:  $26506.37

2.       9022.991 Liters NTO:  $7128.16

3.       Part:  $3000

4.       Total:  $36634.54

z.       Mk3 Long Fuselage

                                                               i.      Added HydroLox Tank

1.       54344.827 Liters LH2:  $19020.69

2.       13390.732 Liters LO2:  $3347.68

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $28368.37

                                                             ii.      Added KeroLox Tank

1.       48709.294 Liters RP-1:  $25815.93

2.       19025.962 Liters LO2:  $4756.49

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $36572.42

                                                            iii.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       46299.954 Liters MMH:  $62967.94

2.       21434.797 Liters NTO:  $16933.49

3.       Part:  $6000

4.       Total:  $85901.43

5.       If you really need this much Hydrazine…

aa.   Stratus-V Radial Tank

                                                               i.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       65.425 Liters MMH:  $88.98

2.       Part  $25

3.       Total:  $113.98

                                                             ii.      Added Nitrogen Tetroxide Tank

1.       65.425 Liters NTO:  $51.69

2.       Part:  $25

3.       Total:  $76.69

bb.  Stratus-V Long Radial Tank

                                                               i.      Added Hydrazine Tank

1.       251.767 Liters MMH:  $342.40

2.       Part:  $50

3.       Total:  $392.40

                                                             ii.      Added Nitrogen Tetroxide Tank

1.       251.767 Liters NTO:  $198.90

2.       Part:  $50

3.       Total:  $248.90

cc.    Round-8 Toroidal Tank

                                                               i.      Volume:  133.719 Liters

                                                             ii.      Part:  $150

                                                            iii.      Added Kerosene Tank ($70.87,)

                                                           iv.      Added Hydrogen Tank ($46.80,)

                                                             v.      Added Oxygen Tank (33.43,)

                                                           vi.      Added MMH Tank ($181.86,) and

                                                          vii.      Added NTO Tank ($105.64.)

dd.  Oscar B Tank

                                                               i.      Nope.  By popular demand only.

6.       Resources

a.       Small Resource Tank

                                                               i.      Capacity increased to 1533.761 Liters

b.      Large Resource Tank

                                                               i.      Capacity increased to 5914.695 Liters

c.       Radial Resource Tank

                                                               i.      Capacity increased to 171.447 Liters

That didn't paste very well from Word...

I should probably start thinking about a name for this pack.  Any ideas?

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On 27/07/2016 at 6:36 PM, Verran said:

Did you guys even know you needed this part?  The Mk.3 Wing Box.


Actually, I might shove a fuel tank in there, too.   O_o

Yeah, looks like something I tried with B9 HL years ago & didn't really like in the end ( spaceplanes do like having mid wings ). Hopefully yours will be more use than mine was! ( I also stumbled over the source to this recently too https://imgur.com/a/tRfEf ).

@OP - you may want to check out AJE at least, it's not RF dependent.

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Actually, I'm having a spot of trouble with it.  I got it into Unity, and I exported the textured .mu, but KSP doesn't like it; and of course it's not telling me why.  All of the tutorials and guides are outdated; what are some common culprits?

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Sorry, I realize how vague that was.  It shows up in the database, but not the game itself.  I was hoping for a Log entry, but there's no mention of it.

Does KSP require an "inflatable balloon" mesh?

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Something's wrong with the model, but neither 3Ds, Unity, KSP, or Blender will tell me what.  KSP makes no mention of the model in its log file.  Very disappointing.

Edit:  Nevermind, it's in.  It didn't like me reusing the Mk3 fuselage textures.

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Kind of stuck between a rock and a hard spot here.  I'm having to choose between effects working properly, or having minimum thrust settings on the newer engines.  The way the effects are written on the Vector and the Rhino cut all sound and visuals when the throttle is set at 0%, even if the engines are activated and running at their minimum thrust levels.  Has to do with the effects tables.  Attempted to adjust these so that 0.0 throttle would run the effects at 65%, but then the running sound plays even when the engine's off, and the visuals don't cue anyway.

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I've updated this for ModuleManager.

I'm beginning work on an integrated tech tree tweak that will put aviation tech ahead of rockets.  Below is my current thought process.  I'm beginning to populate the nodes with parts.  Thoughts?


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