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I've been playing Crossout, a game where you make mad max-like cars, but instead of only old vehicles and millitary trucks you have... construction equipment, airplane parts, lunar / Martian rover parts, mechanical legs, hovers, tracks and well also old cars and millitary trucks, and etc.


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2 hours ago, funnelton said:

I've been playing Crossout, a game where you make mad max-like cars, but instead of only old vehicles and millitary trucks you have... construction equipment, airplane parts, lunar / Martian rover parts, mechanical legs, hovers, tracks and well also old cars and millitary trucks, and etc.

I have that too! I haven't been playing it much recently because it requires internet to play, and mine is too slow right now. I haven't been doing much else besides KSP, but pretty soon I will get back to my Lego stop motion videos.

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1 minute ago, Ben J. Kerman said:

I have that too! I haven't been playing it much recently because it requires internet to play, and mine is too slow right now. I haven't been doing much else besides KSP, but pretty soon I will get back to my Lego stop motion videos.

rad :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently I have been playing a lot of war thunder but when I feel like it I’ll do some CGI renders. I have been wanting to play MFS2020 but there have been so many bugs and glitches that popped up during world update V. Might go back to XP11 especially since there working on a new one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Generation Zero - robots take over Sweden in 1989.  Might be the most beautiful game I've ever played.  It makes me want to go visit Sweden:



Moonrise (or set, can't remember) over the Swedish country side.  Sometimes this game makes me stop to take in the sights


Scouting a ruined town


Hiding underneath a tractor from a robot on patrol



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im actually playing ksp right now, lol. taking a break from mwo and minecraft, my other 2 games. 

i dont really play a lot of games. i had this habbit of spending money on games, playing for an hour, and then going back to the old stalwarts. 

6 hours ago, Cavscout74 said:

Generation Zero - robots take over Sweden in 1989.  Might be the most beautiful game I've ever played.  It makes me want to go visit Sweden:


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Moonrise (or set, can't remember) over the Swedish country side.  Sometimes this game makes me stop to take in the sights


Scouting a ruined town


Hiding underneath a tractor from a robot on patrol



sweeden also has an excellent death metal scene.

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Cities: Skylines. Realized my main rail track runs next to the highway, and I don't want to weave it throught (most likely, over) at least two SPUIs.


Back to the drawing board with new, elevated SPUIs, which require longer ramps for arterial roadsleading into residential, but will have the rail running under them uninterrupted.

It's unrealistic that rail is unlocked this late in the game, grumble grumble...

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I've been wrapping up DOOM: Eternal (ancient gods dlc) on PS5, and Empyrion Galactic Survival. Other games include Just Cause 3, Hitman 2, G-mod, and my second playthrough of Black Mesa+Half Life 2. Speaking of which....



Xen is breath taking!! 

And a lil thingy I found


That warning label on the sign appears to be identical to the same type of label from some LEGO sets!

(it's sandwiched between the minifigure by the green tool box and the car with a drill)


Is it a reference or just a really common label? (or maybe some lazy devs lol. I take that back, the devs for BM did an outstanding job, and the game is truly a joy to play)

As long as we are talking about legos/Hitman...I just learned that David Bateson voiced all of the old lego commercials! I went back and watched a couple...and yes, it was indeed Agent 47. Kinda neat, eh?

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On 8/27/2021 at 5:12 AM, DDE said:

Back to the drawing board with new, elevated SPUIs, which require longer ramps for arterial roadsleading into residential, but will have the rail running under them uninterrupted.

It's unrealistic that rail is unlocked this late in the game, grumble grumble...

One of the reasons I use mods... :p Especially in that game. Right now, I am taking a break form Cities: Skylines. I had a map I was working on for the past year and the city crashed. Could not reload it, could not salvage it... so... yeah. :mad:

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8 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

One of the reasons I use mods... :p Especially in that game. Right now, I am taking a break form Cities: Skylines. I had a map I was working on for the past year and the city crashed. Could not reload it, could not salvage it... so... yeah. :mad:

Oh, I've been able to fit everything into my prior build. I just took a week off playing that mysterious Ironman game called Outdoors.

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On 9/5/2021 at 8:07 AM, TheKosanianMethod said:

Sprocket. It's kinda like KSP but for tanks. Wonderful little game, currently in pre-release so things are very simple and a bit weird and janky, but very fun to mess with.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I've just opened the Store Page and it's Children of a Dead Earth but for tanks!!!1!

Why are there only 24 hours in a day?

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