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1.2 on console

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So can we be hyped for 1.2 on console on the 11th or is that hype train reserved for PC only? The trailer and the devnotes certainly didn't say PC only. There has been all this talk about how KSP on consoles is actually not a different game, which is why there is no KSP console subforum except for this one, which is regarding technical support. Well, I tried to ask about 1.2 on consoles in the "official 1.2 release" thread and then saw the official teaser, and the mods there didn't seem to think my question about 1.2 on console was worthy of any respect or consideration. @Vanamonde is acting as if this has already been answered, which it hasn't, or that it is just beneath his and others regard. Nothing new I guess. 

Flying Tiger has no presence on these forums, and Squad is all but ignoring the issue. One of two things is happening:

Either Flying Tiger has been secretly working on porting 1.2 to consoles hoping that it might help solve some of the issues, and they actually plan on releasing that soon, instead of continuing to work on an older version. 

Or, most likely, Flying Tiger hasn't even started porting 1.2 to consoles because they are still trying to fix the broken mess that they and Squad put out at release three months ago. It took them a year to port that broken version to consoles, so we should expect to see a broken release of 1.2 on consoles in about a year I guess. 

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3 hours ago, Speadge said:

lol @NuclearMikenetic: u Like vanamonde for forwarding the topic after the OP said he/she often acted otherwise, but dont give the OP some props for standing up and asking what uself care about.

will never understand ppls logic :-/

Could you make your post a little clearer? 


I liked @Vanamonde's post as I am very curious to hear an official statement from @UomoCapra.


As stated in a previous post @chimpbone is my favorite person in all of the Internet so I don't feel the need to like everything he posts (assuming your  gender here chimp.


Pretty excited for today's dev note. Maybe we will get some answers 

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5 hours ago, RW1984 said:

Sooooo we getting an official statement on this issue? I feel we deserve some info

What a joke. They just straight up ignore their console customers. This is the worst company I have had to deal with, by far. Worst gaming experience without question. I get better customer service from Comcast, who keeps getting the title of "America's worst company." 1.2 is being released today on PC before KSP 1.1.0 on consoles was even working correctly. Squad didn't even bother to tell us that we weren't going to get 1.2 today, or even when we might get it. They do not respect us or regard us with any consideration. They belittle us, treat us as if we were less deserving or less important. We paid the same price as PC players and should not let Squad walk all over us and continually ignore our legitimate grievances. 


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36 minutes ago, chimpbone said:

What a joke. They just straight up ignore their console customers. This is the worst company I have had to deal with, by far. Worst gaming experience without question. I get better customer service from Comcast, who keeps getting the title of "America's worst company." 1.2 is being released today on PC before KSP 1.1.0 on consoles was even working correctly. Squad didn't even bother to tell us that we weren't going to get 1.2 today, or even when we might get it. They do not respect us or regard us with any consideration. They belittle us, treat us as if we were less deserving or less important. We paid the same price as PC players and should not let Squad walk all over us and continually ignore our legitimate grievances. 


I totally agree,  this is a scandal,  so the xbox patch hasn't solved the save issue? Looking at the KSP Facebook page today and in the comment section of a post they told someone that they're still bringing the game to the wii u.  These guys are totally delusional if they think Nintendo will let them or flying Tiger anywhere near their console. 

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4 minutes ago, RW1984 said:

I totally agree,  this is a scandal,  so the xbox patch hasn't solved the save issue? Looking at the KSP Facebook page today and in the comment section of a post they told someone that they're still bringing the game to the wii u.  These guys are totally delusional if they think Nintendo will let them or flying Tiger anywhere near their console. 

The Xbox One patch did not solve the save issue unfortunately. Myself and others have still encountered reverted saves, or the game simply not letting us save at all or even go to the space center, forcing us to restart the game and lose progress. 

I really don't think Squad cares. They have taken the hands off approach when it comes to KSP on console. Although they said they would have to "prove" themselves to the console community after the mistakes at launch, all that they have proven is that they are incompetent at solving these issues and undeserving of our trust or praise.

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On 10/9/2016 at 6:11 PM, chimpbone said:

So can we be hyped for 1.2 on console on the 11th or is that hype train reserved for PC only?@Vanamonde


Infinitely more likely that it's just PC only. Console ports usually have to wait until the "official" version is complete and released out in the wild before they start converting everything to work on consoles.

I don't think it's going to be a very long wait, maybe 2 weeks to a month, but you won't be waiting years and years like you would with Minecraft.

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From the twitch stream: "Now everybody can download 1.2." Except for console users of course. The official trailer didn't say anything about a PC only release. Squad didn't say anything about a PC only release. Flying Tiger didn't say anything about a PC only release. The language used was that 1.2 would be available to download for KSP on the 11th, which is today. When we ask questions, they just ignore us. Ignoring is the only thing that they are good at it seems. I mean these guys can ignore problems and customer complaints like no other company can. It's amazing and deplorable at the same time. 


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So let me get this straight, they took three months to fix the save issue on xbox, and it's still broken??!!! This is horrendous. And a ps4 patch is nowhere to be seen.  I really don't think we'll ever see 1.2 in console,  EVER. Two weeks to a month? You've got to be kidding me.  Maybe they're too busy trying to unleash this mess onto another platform (wii u). I mean they wouldn't even respond to a moderator on their forum.  We need to petition to get this game off the market and a general refund offer made,  is there precedent for this?

OK so just saw there UomoCapra said at the end of the loud and clear announcement that 1.2 will come to consoles eventually. Given this company's recent history I don't believe a word of it but I'm glad I have it in writing

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A person who can complain about anything and make it out as if the fault lies with whomever a person wants lay fault upon, for whatever reason said person has convinced themselves of, is not a person whom I would hold high regard as it seems that said person just wants to repeat the same argument and cause drama ... If a person repeats something long enough, a person will start to believe it and then a person just becomes someone who 'think's they know'

In reality it is really deplorable and amazing at the same time that a person is not aware that a PC game that is ported over to consoles always lags behind in updates due to the nature of the closed systems that the game is being run on let alone the fact that, as a console user, it should be well known that this is the case

Saying the same thing over and over doesn't preclude the facts and technological limitations

"Don't raise your voice ... Improve your argument" - Unkown .... Methinks there is a lesson to learn here, n'est pas?

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Thanks for trying @Vanamonde


@UomoCapra seems to have sent us a message he is the PC community manager and does not want us to be a part of his universe.


Close your eyes and plug your ears squad! You might think this is a bad dream that will go away but the reality is you gambled our cash with FTE. Now live with your choices.

10 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

A person who can complain about anything and make it out as if the fault lies with whomever a person wants lay fault upon, for whatever reason said person has convinced themselves of, is not a person whom I would hold high regard as it seems that said person just wants to repeat the same argument and cause drama ... If a person repeats something long enough, a person will start to believe it and then a person just becomes someone who 'think's they know'

In reality it is really deplorable and amazing at the same time that a person is not aware that a PC game that is ported over to consoles always lags behind in updates due to the nature of the closed systems that the game is being run on let alone the fact that, as a console user, it should be well known that this is the case

Saying the same thing over and over doesn't preclude the facts and technological limitations

"Don't raise your voice ... Improve your argument" - Unkown .... Methinks there is a lesson to learn here, n'est 


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11 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

A person who can complain about anything and make it out as if the fault lies with whomever a person wants lay fault upon, for whatever reason said person has convinced themselves of, is not a person whom I would hold high regard as it seems that said person just wants to repeat the same argument and cause drama ... If a person repeats something long enough, a person will start to believe it and then a person just becomes someone who 'think's they know'

In reality it is really deplorable and amazing at the same time that a person is not aware that a PC game that is ported over to consoles always lags behind in updates due to the nature of the closed systems that the game is being run on let alone the fact that, as a console user, it should be well known that this is the case

Saying the same thing over and over doesn't preclude the facts and technological limitations

"Don't raise your voice ... Improve your argument" - Unkown .... Methinks there is a lesson to learn here, n'est pas?

I would tend to agree.  In my simple view, a person has a choice:  either to be "part of the problem", or "part of the solution"  

I choose the latter.

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10 minutes ago, DoctorDavinci said:

A person who can complain about anything and make it out as if the fault lies with whomever a person wants lay fault upon, for whatever reason said person has convinced themselves of, is not a person whom I would hold high regard as it seems that said person just wants to repeat the same argument and cause drama ... If a person repeats something long enough, a person will start to believe it and then a person just becomes someone who 'think's they know'

In reality it is really deplorable and amazing at the same time that a person is not aware that a PC game that is ported over to consoles always lags behind in updates due to the nature of the closed systems that the game is being run on let alone the fact that, as a console user, it should be well known that this is the case

Saying the same thing over and over doesn't preclude the facts and technological limitations

"Don't raise your voice ... Improve your argument" - Unkown .... Methinks there is a lesson to learn here, n'est pas?

Stop talking utter nonsense, I've played many many ports and I've never come across a game in this condition,  let alone the lack of fixes and updates,  you do realise it's been three months. And the xbox patch hasn't worked? This is reckless ineptitude at best, down right dishonesty at worst. Go to the subreddit and see all the people looking for refunds friend

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1 minute ago, RW1984 said:

Stop talking utter nonsense, I've played many many ports and I've never come across a game in this condition,  let alone the lack of fixes and updates,  you do realise it's been three months. And the xbox patch hasn't worked? This is reckless ineptitude at best, down right dishonesty at worst. Go to the subreddit and see all the people looking for refunds friend

When one constantly screams the same thing in someone's ear, the person having their ear screamed off tends to stop listening and relegates the screaming to background noise

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Just now, DoctorDavinci said:

When one constantly screams the same thing in someone's ear, the person having their ear screamed off tends to stop listening and relegates the screaming to background noise

So you're telling me squad and flying Tiger have been dragging their heels on the patch and releasing a broken patch because people are complaining? What planet are you on? They deserve to be shouted at,  they took our money under false pretences.  Why you think the mess hasn't been released in countries with good consumer protection laws?

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1 minute ago, NuclearMikenetic said:

Yep must be loud at your place, reading a page on a forum no one made you read.

I find it interesting that when a person has been shown that their reasoning is flawed in some way that a person will resort to personal attacks to make themselves feel superior ... Meh, it's human nature

With age comes wisdom I guess :rolleyes:

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Just now, DoctorDavinci said:

I find it interesting that when a person has been shown that their reasoning is flawed in some way that a person will resort to personal attacks to make themselves feel superior ... Meh, it's human nature

With age comes wisdom I guess :rolleyes:

You just made a personal attack. Should I assume you have lost confidence in your argument? 

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2 minutes ago, RW1984 said:

So let me get this straight, they took three months to fix the save issue on xbox, and it's still broken??!!! This is horrendous. And a ps4 patch is nowhere to be seen.  I really don't think we'll ever see 1.2 in console,  EVER. Two weeks to a month? You've got to be kidding me.  Maybe they're too busy trying to unleash this mess onto another platform (wii u). I mean they wouldn't even respond to a moderator on their forum.  We need to petition to get this game off the market and a general refund offer made,  is there precedent for this?

I don't think there is precedent for this. I guess you could compare it to the release of Payday 2 on console, but that release had tons of bad press, and has really tainted the development company Overkill and their reputation. There has been absolutely no bad press for KSP on console, and the only backlash has been here in these forums, which just gets ignored. I can think of a couple media outlets that would tear the broken mess they call KSP on console to pieces. 

I think it is pretty clear at this point that KSP on consoles was a money grab. That's the only reason they plan to release on the Wii U. That's the reason that they hired Flying Tiger instead of hiring a competent company or actually porting it themselves. They wanted to do the least amount of work possible, spend as little as possible, and get the highest profits in return. The real cost of course falls back onto us customers, and we are left stuck with a broken game with no possibility of a refund. 

A petition sound great, but I also think that this game needs to start getting some of the bad press it deserves so much. 

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5 minutes ago, RW1984 said:

So you're telling me squad and flying Tiger have been dragging their heels on the patch and releasing a broken patch because people are complaining? What planet are you on? They deserve to be shouted at,  they took our money under false pretences.  Why you think the mess hasn't been released in countries with good consumer protection laws?

I said nothing of the sort ... My statement stands

2 minutes ago, NuclearMikenetic said:

You just made a personal attack. Should I assume you have lost confidence in your argument? 

Seems to me that you're just looking for an argument and someone to direct your somewhat justified anger toward ... I'm fine with that, I got broad shoulders

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