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Atmosphere mods question


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I'm wondering something about the atmosphere mods. I've been using SVE, EVE, Scatterer, Terrain Replacer, and all combinations of them, along with using CKAN to enable them.

But I still have a problem. See here:


With all due respect to whoever made this texture, I personally think it looks weird. Especially because I can still see Eve's surface, which is dumb considering how thick its atmosphere is. Is it really suposed to look like this with SVE? I remember having Eve with the thick non-see-through atmo before with these mods awhile ago. Something is conflicting in my mods?

This is what I want it to look similar to (and what it should look like in my opinion):


I'm not that picky. I would like it if it looked one pale flat color, like in Matt Lowne videos. Can't find a pic, but you know what I'm talking about probably.


So I'm not just talking about Eve here, I also have other issues, such as not having the haze along the line between the day and night sides. Should look like this, as shown on the SVE page:


I am always able to see Kerbin's terrain as if it were lighted somewhat, even on the night side, unlike above picture shown...


I've tried the manual approach, and CKAN, and it always turns out the same as in first pic... Any suggestions?

Thank you

Edited by Jeb!
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To clarify this a little, my brother also has a computer with similar specs, and he has no problem with SVE and scatterer, same mods I have enabled. This only happens on my machine, and it's got plenty of power to run KSP.

Is EVE or Terrain Replacer affecting my graphics?

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This doesn't seem to be a broadly known issue, since nobody has responded yet.

That means:
- Asking in the individual mod threads may yield better results
- But first you should do the minimum required homework: do a one-by-one mod install. Start with a fresh download of KSP, add EVE from the SVE download, and check if it shows correctly. Then add the next part of the SVE download, and check again. Repeat until all parts of the SVE download are installed, then start adding other visual mods one by one. If it doesn't break, great, you don't have your problem anymore. If it breaks at some point, great, you just found out which mod broke it. Then you can start trying to determine why.

Edited by Streetwind
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8 hours ago, Streetwind said:

This doesn't seem to be a broadly known issue, since nobody has responded yet.

That means:
- Asking in the individual mod threads may yield better results
- But first you should do the minimum required homework: do a one-by-one mod install. Start with a fresh download of KSP, add EVE from the SVE download, and check if it shows correctly. Then add the next part of the SVE download, and check again. Repeat until all parts of the SVE download are installed, then start adding other visual mods one by one. If it doesn't break, great, you don't have your problem anymore. If it breaks at some point, great, you just found out which mod broke it. Then you can start trying to determine why.

Yes, I did try installing the mods individually, with the same result. There was no difference with or without EVE, Terrain Replacer, Scatterer, etc. I've narrowed it down to SVE as the likely culprit, since it only happens with SVE in the combination of mods. This happens on all the installs I've tried as of yet on this computer. I think I might keep trying different install orders for awhile and see if it changes anything. If I can't resolve this by more testing, I may ask in the SVE section...

2 hours ago, sarbian said:

If it works fine on your brother PC then you should copy his install on your. That way you can discard an install problem.


I don't believe I made any install mistakes, but you are right. Doing this would settle once and for all whether the problem is with my KSP mods, or my computer. I will try this, thank you! 

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