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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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37 minutes ago, tater said:

I have a trash compactor. Due to bears, I only take the trash outside on Monday. It's generally heavy, but I strong arm it. Today I added some frozen stuff I cleared out of the freezer, so it was extra heavy. It brushed my knee...

Broken bottle in trash tore a 1.5 cm hole in my knee (only a couple mm deep or so). I managed to get it to stop bleeding, but stopped by urgent care, anyway. Got a tetanus shot, and they put a nicer bandage on it, guess I closed it well enough (I was worried about it popping open due to location, otherwise I'd have ignored it).

Dude, I hear you're sleeping with a surgeon, why would you go to urgent care?

My wife is a Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm) for work. So whenever I have something bigger than a boo-boo that may require additional attention, I track her down and say, "Hey, I need to speak to my Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm)." That gets an eye roll every time.

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22 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

My wife is a Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm) for work. So whenever I have something bigger than a boo-boo that may require additional attention, I track her down and say, "Hey, I need to speak to my Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm)." That gets an eye roll every time.

That sounds handy.

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2 hours ago, TheSaint said:

Dude, I hear you're sleeping with a surgeon, why would you go to urgent care?

My wife is a Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm) for work. So whenever I have something bigger than a boo-boo that may require additional attention, I track her down and say, "Hey, I need to speak to my Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm)." That gets an eye roll every time.

She was in the OR already. Early morning block time.

Normally I just glue stuff shut. I did a good enough job the nurse didn't mess with it, and I hadn't had a tetanus shot in 18 years, lol.

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4 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

My doc double-checks my tetanus booster every time I see her. Because, well, let's just say there's a history there. :D

I was about due for mine, and my GP retired... I have yet to pick a new one. Oops.

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4 hours ago, tater said:

Normally I just glue stuff shut.

Now you're talking my language! Duct tape can work in a pinch also (butterfly). Because you never know what you're going to run into out in the field.

I'm a bit of a wound care specialist also, out of circumstance and necessity, although not certified. I deal a lot with pressure sores, especially with post-op stage 3 & 4. Not pretty stuff.


7 hours ago, TheSaint said:

My wife is a Certified Wound Care Specialist (tm) for work.


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Yeah, superglue works wonders. I laid my hand open at a Halloween party a couple years ago. Stemless wine glass slipped, and I tried to catch it against my chest---which would have worked fine, but I was wearing real chainmail, and it shot out like a pumpkin seed. It happily landed in the sink, and I reached in to clean it up out of (bad, and sor of impaired) instinct. That cut was worse than the one today, honestly, but I was able to wash it out, and superglue it together (party was across the street), and head back to the fun.

We just got new insurance (wife is now employed by the same place our plan is with, and it's platinum level, lol), so what the heck.

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Today in the sense of about 1am at night - still playing NMS and avoiding bedtime ...

A meteor flying in from northwest (presumably, perspective and all) over Bonn, Germany. My roof window above my PC goes practically straight east, so I dont think it was the Irish fireball?

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4 hours ago, Kernel Kraken said:

English translation?

If you're really that curious, you can Google 'stage 4 pressure ulcer' and read about it and view some image samples. I'll warn you however, the images are very graphic (open deep tissue wounds) and disturbing to some people.


A pressure ulcer (also known as a pressure sore or bed sore) occurs when an area of skin sustains constant pressure for an extended period of time; The pressure robs the skin of needed blood circulation, which in time causes the skin and underlying tissues to die - to become necrotic. For example, a patient laying in bed for days or weeks at a time in the same relative position, like on their back or just one side; This could create pressure ulcers (typically) on the skin covering bony areas, like the hips, sacrum, heels, or even elbows.

Post-op = post-operative = after being operated on.

A post-op pressure ulcer is where the dead necrotic tissue has been surgically removed, cut away to expose healthy tissue, in a process known as debriding... just like what is done with 3rd-degree burn victims. The necrotic (dead) tissue must be removed before healing can begin, as leaving it in place can cause serious infection (bone and blood infections) and contribute additional damage to surrounding tissues due to the action of infection toxins contributing to necrotic tunneling (separation of tissue layers)... which can be difficult to get a handle on and resolve.


This is probably TMI... but there you have it.

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9 hours ago, CatastrophicFailure said:

Disgusting and fascinating, I love it!  :D I’ll forgo googling the images just the same...


Pronounced de-BRIDE-ing or de-BREED-ing? 


I heard someone use it once in a past tense as 'de-bread'. I'd have to look that one up though to see if it's correct.



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Nothing interesting has happened yet, but something interesting is bound to happen in 15 hours or so.

My college has decided to give me a shot to be their technical assistant/part time slave. And for that they want to see how well I can teach ANSYS FLUENT( a simulation/analysis software) to a class of 30 rowdy brats. Three members of the faculty will be observing the way I teach, handle the class and clear student's doubts. There will be student feedback too, of course. If I pass, I will get a job, and about 450 dollars a month, in addition to the 175 dollars a month I get as monthly stipend..(It may not sound like much, but where I am from, its a decent salary)

And knowing the examiners and the brats, things are bound to be difficult.

Anyone got any tips to help a poor guy out on his first time teaching?

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Yesterday I was driving out of a stora plaza parking lot and on the exit there is a divider dividing exiting traffic from entering into the plaza. Anyways I was driving out from the side of the entering traffic and had to turn right and then make a uturn to get to the exiting side. So the entering land had two lanes divided by white lines and at the time there were no cars,  I didn't notice that I was supposed to turn right and turned left. standing on the stop light waiting for the light to turn green until I realize that there's cars to the right of me and I'd have to cut across all of them, I had to backup all the way back and drive out on the correct side. It was Funny. All of this probably doesn't make any sense cuz its hard to explain, but see for yourself in the images.

Edited by max17
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Last night I was trying to see Vesta and comet 21P something-something the mag 8.5 one near Cassiopeia right now, but the sky was extremely hazy, it was uncomfortably hot and humid, but not for the mosquitoes, and I decided it wasn't worth my time. The smoke from huge wildfires in the west is obscuring anything dim. I think I could smell it at one point...smelled like a different kind of wood than local.

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On 8/7/2018 at 10:09 PM, LordFerret said:

If you're really that curious, you can Google 'stage 4 pressure ulcer' and read about it and view some image samples. I'll warn you however, the images are very graphic (open deep tissue wounds) and disturbing to some people.

Don't worry, I played Sniper Elite III :rolleyes:

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