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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network); v1.28.0 - Dyson


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13 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

Thanks, but that's not what I was asking. To review:

  1. You double click ckan.exe
  2. That window pops up if you have multiple instances and no default instance
  3. You click on one of the instances
  4. You click "Launch KSP"
  5. The "Select KSP Install" popup is open in CKAN. KSP is about to start. Do we:
    1. Keep that popup open?
    2. Open the mod list for the instance you selected?
    3. Decide that CKAN's work is done and close it, since you're going to be playing the game instead of installing mods?

And then similarly:

  1. Suppose you already have CKAN open
  2. You click File -> Select KSP Install...
  3. The same popup appears
  4. You select an instance
  5. You click "Launch KSP"
  6. The same popup is as before, but now CKAN's mod list is open behind it. Do we:
    1. Keep the popup open?
    2. Close the popup and leave CKAN running?
    3. Exit?

I'm just trying to flesh out how this button would fit into the rest of the application.

my 2 cents
i start by running KSP and then do an update check (i need 10-20 minutes to get KSP to start)

so my suggestion is
run KSP in the background, enter the MOD list for the one im running and do an update check

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5 hours ago, danielboro said:

my 2 cents
i start by running KSP and then do an update check (i need 10-20 minutes to get KSP to start)

so my suggestion is
run KSP in the background, enter the MOD list for the one im running and do an update check

That's interesting; we do have two potentially long-running tasks at that point, loading KSP and downloading updates. It would be nice to do them in parallel. Then we could prompt to install updates after you exit, if we can figure out how to determine that. Thanks for the suggestion.

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hello i am quite new to KSP,

today i installed CKAN. After installing only one mod (Astronomers visual pack) i try to run game, and it freezes on the start. Only black screen with in-game mouse button appears. Nothing happens then.

I installaed CKAN to avoid any Mod instability, crashing, collisioning. So i am surprised. So far i handeled all the mods manually, with pretty good (not best) results. But i wanted to go better with CKAN

Is it me doing something wrong?


i am running KSP_x64 version on windows 10

thanks if you can make helpful reply

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31 minutes ago, papuchalk said:

today i installed CKAN. After installing only one mod (Astronomers visual pack) i try to run game, and it freezes on the start. Only black screen with in-game mouse button appears. Nothing happens then.

How long did you wait? AstronomersVisualPack depends on Kopernicus, which has a long delay the first time you load it, which is often mistaken for freezing.

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2 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

How long did you wait? AstronomersVisualPack depends on Kopernicus, which has a long delay the first time you load it, which is often mistaken for freezing.

thanks good idea. but my game installation looked corrupted. i performed clean install and it worked well.

however astronomers visual pack was way too slowing my PC. I installed combination of EVE and SVT. man thats awesome!


big thanks to all who make this game much much better with creating mods. It is actually so realistic and enjoayble experience of space travelling. my childhood dream came true (grew up on 8 bit computers in late 80s when none of this seemed ever to become real)  

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18 hours ago, papuchalk said:

(grew up on 8 bit computers in late 80s when none of this seemed ever to become real)

Reminds me how much computer games have elvolved since Elite was published for the first time in 80's.

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I think I found a bug.

I'm still new to CKAN, and there's probably an easy solution that I'm to stupid to find. I have my install of KSP on steam, and I have it selected for CKAN (d:/steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program). From what have gathered, in order to install a mod, you need to find the mod on CKAN, check the box next to it, hit apply changes and it should work. The problem is, when I check the box next to the mod name, the 'Apply Changes' button doesn't light up and I can't click it. When I first installed CKAN, this didn't happen. This has happened several times after that, and when it happened for USI Kolonization Systems, I decided to write this. Is there a fix for this?

And one more question, with some mods where the 'Installed' checkbox should be, is it says AD (Like with Kerbal Inventory System). What does that mean?

(I use windows 7)

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1 hour ago, Lizardman383 said:

I think I found a bug.

I'm still new to CKAN, and there's probably an easy solution that I'm to stupid to find. I have my install of KSP on steam, and I have it selected for CKAN (d:/steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program). From what have gathered, in order to install a mod, you need to find the mod on CKAN, check the box next to it, hit apply changes and it should work. The problem is, when I check the box next to the mod name, the 'Apply Changes' button doesn't light up and I can't click it. When I first installed CKAN, this didn't happen. This has happened several times after that, and when it happened for USI Kolonization Systems, I decided to write this. Is there a fix for this?

And one more question, with some mods where the 'Installed' checkbox should be, is it says AD (Like with Kerbal Inventory System). What does that mean?

(I use windows 7)

I've seen that sort of behavior when the update couldn't be loaded--doesn't match your KSP version or a dependency doesn't match.  Note that by default CKAN is sensitive to even the smallest of version changes, even when the mods are still compatible.  In the menus there's an option for what KSP versions to accept as compatible.

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1 hour ago, Lizardman383 said:

And one more question, with some mods where the 'Installed' checkbox should be, is it says AD (Like with Kerbal Inventory System). What does that mean?

"AD" means "AutoDetected." It's what CKAN labels mods that it didn't install. Usually this is because you installed it manually; there are reports of it happening for mods that CKAN did install, but we have not been able to confirm this. For best results, start a fresh copy of KSP when first starting to use CKAN so it can manage everything.

1 hour ago, Lizardman383 said:

The problem is, when I check the box next to the mod name, the 'Apply Changes' button doesn't light up and I can't click it. When I first installed CKAN, this didn't happen. This has happened several times after that, and when it happened for USI Kolonization Systems, I decided to write this.

CKAN only enables the Apply Changes button if it can find a way to install the current selections alongside the already installed mods with no conflicts. If you already have a set of mods installed that conflict with one another, or if one of your installed mods conflicts with one of the mods you are trying to install, the button will remain disabled. There is an effort under way to show an error message when this happens to make it more clear.

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Have a problem in the CKAN files.

Specifically, the file:  NetKAN/CritterCrawler.netkan

was committed one time with the following:


  "spec_version": "v1.4",
  "install": [
      "install_to": "GameData",
      "find": "BahaSP"
  "depends": [
      "name": "KSPWheel",
      "name": "BDAnimationModules"
  "$vref": "#/ckan/ksp-avc",
  "$kref": "#/ckan/spacedock/1641",
  "x_via": "Automated Linuxgurugamer CKAN script",
  "identifier": "CritterCrawler",
  "license": "CC-BY-SA"


The problem is that in the CKAN-Meta file, the KSPWheel dependency isn't there:


    "spec_version": "v1.4",
    "identifier": "CritterCrawler",
    "name": "Retracting/vectoring engines, Critter Crawler",
    "abstract": "Some cool parts",
    "author": "linuxgurugamer",
    "license": "CC-BY-SA",
    "resources": {
        "homepage": "https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169354-131-bdynamics-retractingvectoring-engines-critter-crawler/",
        "spacedock": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1641/Retracting/vectoring%20engines,%20Critter%20Crawler",
        "repository": "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CritterCrawlerRetractingVectoringEngines"
    "version": "",
    "ksp_version": "1.3.1",
    "depends": [
            "name": "BDAnimationModules"
    "install": [
            "install_to": "GameData",
            "find": "BahaSP"
    "download": "https://spacedock.info/mod/1641/Retracting/vectoring%20engines%2C%20Critter%20Crawler/download/",
    "download_size": 4076866,
    "download_hash": {
        "sha1": "112FE6EA71DC21D573691F6C7B4BB1F57ECD7C1F",
        "sha256": "3E8BD32E94683FA7AB43723F3A5A7B12C49E69A8774DB3F633E523183120270A"
    "download_content_type": "application/zip",
    "x_via": "Automated Linuxgurugamer CKAN script",
    "x_generated_by": "netkan"



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54 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:


Have a problem in the CKAN files.

Specifically, the file:  NetKAN/CritterCrawler.netkan

was committed one time with the following:

  Hide contents

  "depends": [
      "name": "KSPWheel",
      "name": "BDAnimationModules"


The problem is that in the CKAN-Meta file, the KSPWheel dependency isn't there:

JSON syntax problem, some curly braces are missing. See https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/NetKAN/pull/6255.

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On 1/29/2018 at 1:04 PM, CobaltWolf said:

Future update, releasing some time this week. Our new LEM IVA needed the props, and they factor into our future IVA plans as well so we figured we'd just get the dependency set up. :)

FYI, today I learned that you can put release-specific metadata such as dependencies inside of a mod's download file. New wiki section:

It's an old feature, but I was not aware of it. I've seen this as a common dilemma for mod authors ("How can I change metadata for a new version smoothly without breaking the old version?"), so hopefully someone finds this useful.

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CKAN cannot download Module Manager 3.0.4 which is required by many mods. Such as, Docking Port Alignment Indicator. When you try to add it it says: 

About to install...

 * Docking Port Alignment Indicator 6.7.0(cached)
 * Module Manager 3.0.4

Downloading "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/138/artifact/ModuleManager-3.0.4.zip"

Then errors out that it cannot find the server. Indeed I cannot navigate to this URL either.

Not sure if this is the place to post this kind of notification or not.

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1 hour ago, KrashKermin said:

Hi, I was wondering if Galileo's Planet Pack is supposed to be missing from CKAN (I know for a fact it was previously present on CKAN)? Or am I the only one getting this behavior?

I see GPP in my CKAN.

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10 hours ago, scooterfitz said:

Downloading "https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/138/artifact/ModuleManager-3.0.4.zip"

Then errors out that it cannot find the server. Indeed I cannot navigate to this URL either.

Not sure if this is the place to post this kind of notification or not.

Sarbian's server was having some issues. It looks fine now.

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