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[1.4.3 v 1.2.3] SM_Stryker BDA 1.22


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DangIt! helped me find a bug on the elliptical wing, that is worth reporting.

I have reported earlier in this thread that some of the latest parts need some checking ... engines working and not consuming any fuel etc. Here is another, perhaps elucidative, report on that.

So I was in mid-flight with an aeroplane made of elliptical wings. All the sudden DangIt! gives me a warning: one of the batteries have failed. one of the wings was redded-out, so the fail was there.

When I checked it .... the liquid fuel container was instantly drained. Not the battery, but the fuel tank.

Is it possible that 'under the hood' there is some wire-crossing there, in the part config file? It would explain that weird relation.

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15 hours ago, Daniel Prates said:

When I checked it .... the liquid fuel container was instantly drained. Not the battery, but the fuel tank.

Sounds more like a mod interaction or another mod interfering,  it's pretty much impossible to replicate every possible combination of install, and I'd suggest that before definitively pointing any fingers, you try the mod in a clean install, just KSP Stryker and BDA, just to prevent any false logging. And see what happens.

And, no , any weird interaction is not happening due to the parts cfg, it's as simple stupid as a cfg can get, a lifting surface module , a couple of ctrl surfaces,  and the fuels tanks, left in for trimming rather than as a main fuel tank. 

All my mods are developed in a pretty stock environment, as this gives potential for the widest possible usage,  my test group tend to test in many varied types of install, non of which are as stock as mine, and this issue has never arisen. As a dangit user you're very likely to have other mods that change parts from the original spec and when you mod a mod, which is in effect whats happening, some of the onus falls on you to work out whats going on.

  I'll quite happily review logs for errors but not from games that have 10000+ patches installed or 200 installed mods, it being almost impossible ( no, it is impossible)  to track all the interactions that can occur.


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6 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

No biggy, if it does look like Stryker needs a tweak or two, to work with other things, i'll be happy to ref any patches  and input from users .

Which was my intention of course; playing and testing your mod to exaustion is way to honour it. It would be a shame if I felt I coldn't comment any perceived issues I found,  be them real or not!

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1 hour ago, Daniel Prates said:

Which was my intention of course; playing and testing your mod to exaustion is way to honour it. It would be a shame if I felt I coldn't comment any perceived issues I found,  be them real or not!

Well you'll be happy to learn i've got the engines using fuel properly rather than just looking at the tank from time to time.  Whether it's enough or right only time will tell , but it seems appropriate to me.  I'll be linking a new beta to the team shortly and would be happy to send you a copy too..


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13 minutes ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Well you'll be happy to learn i've got the engines using fuel properly rather than just looking at the tank from time to time.  Whether it's enough or right only time will tell , but it seems appropriate to me.  I'll be linking a new beta to the team shortly and would be happy to send you a copy too..


By all means do!  I'll use in in a fresh stand-alone install and give you as many notes I can. 

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SM_Stryker v 1.1.20 beta bda beta only

A complete overhaul of SM Stryker to meet the new BDA specifications.
Overhaul of file structure for easier collaborative management

##This version is for those wishing to use the latest BDA BETA versions in KSP 1.3.1 only

Do not merge or overwrite any existing folders, ALL beta updates must be clean install.


and there would have been a whole new aircraft , but technical problems have prevented inclusion at this time



ONCE again please note that this update is not suitable for normal V1 BDA, and use of SM Stryker v1.1.20   and BDA V1 is unsupported

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On 28/02/2017 at 11:39 PM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:


Do you have or have you considered making a depository for all your various craft build files? 


If i knew where to find them (ive checked kerbalx it had the omahesque and the Ck but no others that i can find)

I could compile them myself and release them as a zip for you if you like? Combining the various SM packages craft builds :)

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1 hour ago, Hs.Panda said:

Do you have or have you considered making a depository for all your various craft build files? 


If i knew where to find them (ive checked kerbalx it had the omahesque and the Ck but no others that i can find)

I could compile them myself and release them as a zip for you if you like? Combining the various SM packages craft builds :)

Hi, thanks for the offer, though it's never that simple,  not one of my craft is really in a share worthy state.

I don't have a ,do nothing, just play build of KSP , just development builds that i occasionally play in,  so my craft have all kinds of little/large module index errors etc plus running  dev copies of most things, makes it all a little risky on the share front.   

So rather than infest logs with errors i don't share craft .  Given the recent changes in mod structure both here and BDA  I'd say that the already uploaded craft , while they'd probably workish, they'd be better junked completely


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15 hours ago, Imca said:

The VAL's IVA seems to be blank to me

OOps forgot to transfer over the IVA from the dev build, BUT, the view you are showing is of the rear cockpit and that will remain bare , the fwd cockpit position being the only one viable to use for piloting will have the usual analog instrument package. I'll be updating the beta shortly

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I have a suggestions for "pre-modern" engines that deserve to be added.I've always wanted to use these engines in some of my turboprop aircraft creations. PS:I linked all the Wikipedia pages for specifications and info

1. Armstrong Siddley Double Mamba   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armstrong_Siddeley_Double_Mamba




Rolls Royce/Napier Eland https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napier_Eland




Edited by Audiobotguy03
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SM_Strykerv1.1.21 beta bda beta 11 01 18-1

Updates and fixes to IVA's

removal of surplus mesh objects from val rear cockpit
2 level IVA for JSI/RPM and stock
Includes reworked trial version of Baha's MK2 Lightning cockpit in two versions. both suitable for stock MK2 connections









On 1/5/2018 at 2:13 AM, Audiobotguy03 said:

I have a suggestions for "pre-modern" engines that deserve to be added.

Hi, I'll add them to the list, as long as they're not already in a mod. Thanks for the links too :) Wont be until after this beta has gone to full release though.  

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4 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

SM_Strykerv1.1.21 beta bda beta 11 01 18-1

Updates and fixes to IVA's

removal of surplus mesh objects from val rear cockpit
2 level IVA for JSI/RPM and stock
Includes reworked trial version of Baha's MK2 Lightning cockpit in two versions. both suitable for stock MK2 connections


  Hide contents







Hi, I'll add them to the list, as long as they're not already in a mod. Thanks for the links too :) Wont be until after this beta has gone to full release though.  

Awesome! :D

PS:From what I checked before,there aren't any KSP mods that include the engines that I requested,so you are ok to go.

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Sir,

this is an exquisite mod. I loved it back then and I love it even more after You picked it up.

However I need some help. I can't find ammo for the guns, that don't come with it already. So I can use for example both the Hispano-Suiza, but not the ST-MG 10 and 17 and others. The mod seems to be installed correctly, everything else is there. I checked this whole thread but found no info on that.

And when using your engines, i get sound only on start, after that they're completely silent.

Can somebody help, please?

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Hi, thanks.

The ammo should be supplied via the BDA universal ammo box, all the guns are cfg'd to uses stock BDA ammo  , unless i've messed something up,  and the types aren't being loaded,  I'll look into it

Re sounds There's a problem with some of the engine sounds. related to the sound module used. In order to alleviate the issues that a lot of users have i'm going to go back to using FS engine sounds module instead of the stock one.

Having horrible HD issues right now but will try and get an update done shortly.


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7 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

The ammo should be supplied via the BDA universal ammo box, all the guns are cfg'd to uses stock BDA ammo  , unless i've messed something up,  and the types aren't being loaded,  I'll look into it

Oh, so that's the problem. I have no universal ammo box in BDArmory, only 20mm, 30mm, .50 cal and cannon. And honestly I've never seen it.

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10 minutes ago, Salvator said:

However it still doesn't work even if i add a universal ammo box on the vessel.

By add, you mean placed and configured for the ammo type by the right click menu, I assume. (I hate to ask such a simple question, but it's something that could be easily missed.)

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