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Interplanetary Gravity Assist Tutorial

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Hey. Novice kerbonaut here.

I've been meaning to try my hand at efficient interplanetary travel for a while, and look on in awe as people continue to post their crazy trajectories to Eeloo and others.

So I'm looking to practice interplanetary gravity assists , to get a better instinctive feel for planning future missions. Can anyone post some flight paths that would enable me to learn? For example: A braking gravity assist at Duna to get to Eve OR using an Eve gravity assist to change inclination to match Dres or Jool to drop back down to Duna. A series that would acclimate me to understanding what assist I should use to get where i want. 

Right now, I have a basic idea of how gravity assists work, but know nothing about planning them for efficient transfers.

Any help is appreciated.

P.S. I know this is a tall order, and my phrasing of the question may not be entirely accurate. In which case I'd be glad to clarify what I mean.

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Word of advice: trying to do this with the planets is going to be super tedious. A mch better idea is to go to Jool and try to skip from moon to moon with the least amount of dV expenditure possible. Jool's moons are gravity assist paradise - there is no better location to practice :)

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I cant answer your question directly, but I can say that most people on the forum will tell you that you dont need gravity assists in the stock system as everything is so close and its easy to build rockets with enough dV to get you anywhere you need to go.

But what fun is it if you cant try! :wink: 

The above post will help you tremendously. I started using Eve for gravity braking coming back from other planets to slow down. That way you arent screaming back from Moho or Jool at 5000+ m/s.

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The best way to learn is from experimenting. Learn the basic rule: if you pass behind a planet (relative to the planet's orbit) you will speed up, and when you pass in front, you'll slow down. The closer your pass, the greater your effect. Then play around with maneuver nodes to set up encounters and see how moving your Pe changes your final orbit. You'll get a hang for it soon enough. You can practice in the Kerbin system, for starters you can try boosting up to Minmus by using a Mun assist for example.

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